The 3 drops are a bit funny aren;t they? This section was one of the first to be built by a contractor (to Chase Trails plans) and there was a bit of experimentation. The same contractor is now working through Phase 2 of our work and as part of the briefing for this new trail those 3 jumps were reviewed and we discussed what we did and didn’t like about them. It’s all part of our learning, we may at some point in the future revise bits like this by hand but have our work cut out right now.
For the time being I roll them and make a bit of an effort on the last one.
As far as the log ride goes that’s just the way it is. A couple of years ago a storm took done a load of trees which closed the trail, as the debris was cleared one tree had fallen parallel to the trail and seemed ideal as an extra little feature so we used it, the lie of it means that it does have a very slight incline but hey, that just adds to the technical nature of it.