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  • Fighting on the Frontline
  • FuzzyWuzzy
    Full Member

    So did anyone else watch it? There’s been a load of these short ‘soldiers perspective’ type documentary series on recently but this one seemed to push things a bit further and in some ways was a bit of an own goal IMO for the military. Troops cheering over killcams is something I think everyone knows happens but not sure it portrays them in the best light. The 30mm bullet comment was pretty witty in a grim kind of way though…

    I have to say though the thing that amazed me the most was they seemed to routinely be using hellfires to take out single target enemy (on foot). I mean wth, surely that’s not just massive overkill but a waste of money. A burst of 30mm rounds would have the same effect, I guess range is the main reason to use a guided missile but there’s not a lot of threats to an Apache at 30mm gun range out there.

    Free Member

    A burst of 30mm rounds would have the same effect, I guess range is the main reason to use a guided missile but there’s not a lot of threats to an Apache at 30mm gun range out there.

    Still have to get close enough for the target to realise its being tracked, making it harder to get a clean kill i suppose.

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