Come you lot! The BBC says sunny for Sunday in Stockport and that's the direction we'll be heading for.
Is Cut Gate any different from any other part of the peat areas of the Peak District? There'll be loads of people riding Rushup Edge which has it's own section of soft stuff as does Mam Nick to Hollins Cross, Whinstone Lee Tor ect.
It's a few miles to ride over but easy enough on road from where I am. Marple to Glossop, left at the lights instead of straight on over the A57 and only a short section of Woodhead and you're there. No rush enjoy the spin. Planing on coming back via Cutgate, Lockerbrook, Edale Cross, Jaggers, Hollins Cross, Rushup Edge, Hayfield and then Stockport. Do more or less road sections depending on how it's going. Very steady pace, just enjoying the day.