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  • F1 Grid Girls under review
  • aracer
    Free Member

    😆 – I don’t usually mention this, but guess what sort of school I went to and guess where I went to uni? Don’t get the idea I’m jealous of a privilege I haven’t had. Yes, I know it’s possible to break through the barriers, but I also have very direct experience that it’s not equal – like your sister I was lucky enough to have teachers prepared to put extra in to help, not everybody gets that. Meanwhile even with those teachers some of my mates at school weren’t quite so good at exams as me – yet I still reckon they were brighter than some of those I met at uni who had been to private schools.

    Do you really think society is equal because some kids from non-privileged backgrounds get to go to Oxbridge?

    Free Member

    Have you forgotten all the evolutionary reasons you cited – you are now in the novel position of not agreeing with yourself……I assume their is an evolutionary reason for this as well ?

    No. I’ve never denied the existence of the outliers. Susie Wolff, like others, has admitted she’s ‘not normal’ to want to pursue it as a career.

    Free Member


    FFS your argument is all over the place and I see no logic at work here at all.
    So evolution is the reason women cannot do it except for when women do it.. is that right
    WOW 😯

    Free Member

    Spot on – and the ratios of those competing in karting can’t be explained by evolutionary reasons, it’s beyond doubt that there’s societal influences there as well.

    Free Member

    Even if 20% of kids karting participation was female, I don’t think you would see any more make it to top flight F1.
    The biological clock starts ticking post puberty. Doing risky things becomes genetically unappealing. There is no pay off for women in dangerous sports evolutionary speaking whereas there is for men.

    Junkyard- I haven’t contradicted myself. I’ve said that there is no innate imperative for women to take risks in sport. Not that they shouldn’t or can’t- just that they are less likely for the reasons I’ve explained.

    Malvern Rider
    Free Member

    So evolution is the reason women cannot do it

    Yep same with football. The 50 year FA ban on women in football (and the ban on women in motorsports) was also ‘evolution’ at work. Everything is ‘evolution’. Even the Biblical stuff about men and women. They coincide, right? Evolution!

    Same reason you don’t see so many ‘black’ people in pro cycling or motorsports. They are more evolutionarily equipped for running and hurdles. Don’t believe me? Ask anyone who only partly-understands evolution.

    Everything is ‘natural’ unless it’s ‘unnatural’ 😉

    ‘Societal influences’? That’ll be evolution*

    *Unless the wrong type of society.

    Free Member

    Yeah, hence why there are no women taking part in rock climbing, let alone competing at the top level.

    Free Member

    Actually, despite the increase in women’s football, only 10% of women who support it class themselves as being ‘passionate’ about football. Men and women consume and participate in sport in different ways and the genetic aspect is a very strong part of that.

    Race is not the same because it’s not based on tangible genetic differences. The type of sport chosen by males in a given society is where the cultural differences come in. Some people chase plastic sacks of air, others dismembered calf heads on horseback.

    Free Member

    Yeah, hence why there are no women taking part in rock climbing, let alone competing at the top level.

    So you keep alleging.
    Besides it is a little different than the examples I’ve used as it’s a solo rather than a team sport.

    Free Member

    Same reason you don’t see so many ‘black’ people in pro cycling or motorsports. They are more evolutionarily equipped for running and hurdles. Don’t believe me? Ask anyone who only partly-understands evolution.

    Might need to clarify if that’s Poe’s law or serious.

    Same reason the British were so under represented and rubbish. Are we just evolutionarily not cut out for cycling? Nothing to do with the lack of exposure and opportunity until Lottery money came through and we built a load of Velodromes.

    Pretty sure if you took the 200m sprint lineup and put them on bikes, you’d have a kick-ass set of track sprinters within a season.

    And bring that around to the point of the thread. We can find enough women to fill a track team prepared to risk injuries. So I’m not buying this codswollop spouted up there that women in general aren’t competitive.

    Free Member

    Go and check if you like – though maybe the group I climb with and the climbing walls I go to are anomolies, and there’s no such person as Shauna Coxsey (the interesting thing there is that if you asked me to name a competition rock climber of either gender she’d be the first and possibly only name I’d come up with).

    Besides it is a little different than the examples I’ve used as it’s a solo rather than a team sport.

    Ah, like motorsport – oh hang on…

    …though it seems you don’t know any more about climbing than you do about casual sexism in society.

    So now it’s about team sports? Do they have to have moving goalposts these team sports to be things only men do?

    Free Member

    I thought the last sentence clarified the Poe’s law position.

    Malvern Rider
    Free Member

    Men and women consume and participate in sport in different ways and the genetic aspect is a very strong part of that.

    I’d tend to agree with that AFAIK. ‘Mating lek’ – (ritualised gatherings) of males does play a large part in many spectator sports. Especially in strongly patriarchal cultures.

    (Yes I was Poeing on the last post 😉 )

    Free Member

    Predictably we have now reached that point where, as in every stw thread, certain posters dismiss every other counter argument as a ‘straw man’..a sure sign to step away..

    Free Member

    I thought the last sentence clarified the Poe’s law position

    My poor snowflake brain is so overwhelmed by others testosterone that I just can’t tell anymore.

    Free Member

    Though to be fair it was like that from the start. If you don’t want to be accused of making straw man arguments, don’t make straw man arguments (I’ve provided a handy list of such arguments for you to avoid).

    Or have we reached the point of the thread where pointing out other people’s straw man arguments is now dismissed as fake news?

    Free Member

    apart form the hurdle where their only role in the sport is to be the scantily clad girl.

    I wouldn’t usually bother replying to a topic once it gets to this stage of the same old tiresome arguing going on that seems to happen about anything remotely controversial.

    But as others have pointed out that comment is utter rubbish 😯 Do you honestly believe that? There are loads of women doing all sorts of varied roles in motorsport, I doubt there’s many people in the sport these days that see a female race engineer and say “oh look a woman, how quaint” they’re just accepted in the way a man would be.

    Maybe somebody should tell the person opening the door in this picture that she should be stood infront the car holding a board and wearing lycra as she obviously dosen’t know her place 😉

    The picture could also be a nice interruption for us knuckle draggers before having to endure another 10 pages of tiresome arguing 😆

    Free Member

    Ah, like motorsport – oh hang on…

    Yes exactly. Try turning up at a circuit with just an F1 car and getting it out of the lorry 😆

    Free Member

    If that makes it a team sport, then every sport at the top level is a team sport.

    Though I reckon you could probably turn up at a karting circuit on your own go for a drive around and go home without anybody to help you.

    OTOH try turning up at a climbing wall or a crag on your own and getting to the top.

    What exactly is the point you’re making here? Oh look, there’s a squirrel…

    Free Member

    it is a little different than the examples I’ve used as it’s a solo rather than a team sport.

    Ah the well known team sport of running you were using in your earlier citation 😆
    Shall I quote you back to yourself?
    I am loving the way you do this – arguing against what you said and denying it
    It might just be time to reconsider your argument or you just start to look somewhat silly as you keep digging

    Free Member

    If you’d actually read the stuff I’d linked to then you would have quite clearly read the logic behind what I’m saying and how team sports relate to Lekking behaviour as mentioned by Malvern.

    Still doesn’t change anything. ‘Casual sexism’ in motorsport is a construction of the perennially offended. Women are treated ethically regardless of their role in the entire charade!

    As Chantel is happy to testify


    Free Member

    I wouldn’t usually bother replying to a topic once it gets to this stage of the same old tiresome arguing going on that seems to happen about anything remotely controversial.

    Yup. Continually prolonged by the same old people who’ve said the same thing 100 times but just can’t be seen to back down or not have the last word 🙁
    The only opinion I have on grid girls is that if some women want to do it, and are happy to do so, well good luck to them.

    Free Member

    a sure sign to step away..

    That was about 6 pages ago. You can either see and accept the implications that it has or you can ignore them with 100’s of spurious unrelated things..

    Free Member

    If you’d actually read the stuff I’d linked to

    You do remember my reply to your first citation where i quoted from the article 🙄 It would have been a far more powerful an argument if you could have rebutted the fact that it was about running, proved you did not quote it or proved its a team sport. AH well dont let these litte failings in your argument stop you from insisting you are still correct
    It is possible that shooting the messenger might just allow you to save face and pretend you are right to yourself [in the rational world , where facts rule supreme, We are laughing at you]

    Free Member

    5) Nobody is suggesting that the grid girls are poorly treated or that they’re not happy to do it.

    Free Member

    Meanwhile “perennially offended” (just like “virtue signalling”) is an ad hom, hence a sure fire way of telling that somebody is incapable of arguing their point on the facts.

    Free Member

    Yes but you would say that snowflake 😉

    Continually prolonged by the same old people who’ve said the same thing 100 times but just can’t be seen to back down or not have the last word

    Dont forget those who turn up each thread about this time to insult those debating .
    I never read a rugby thread or a skiing thread as I am better than that and therefore you 😉

    Free Member

    Don’t be silly Junky, everybody knows running is a team sport as runnerists need somebody to tie their shoelaces for them and help them on with their vest. That’s the definition of team sport right, something where other people help you get ready before you go out and compete on your own?

    Free Member

    Hang on, I’ve got it, do the drivers tow around the goalposts for the footballerists, is that where the team sport thing comes in?

    Free Member

    So come on then, what would evidence satisfy you that your casual sexism claims are wrong?

    Free Member

    Anyone winning this yet?

    Free Member

    So come on then, what would evidence satisfy you that your casual sexism claims are wrong?

    You’d have to convince me that all the women who I’ve talked to about this were all wrong. That they were all making up their life stories and experiences. You’d have to convince me that I had imagined the things that my kids have told me and the conversations we’d had. You’d have to convince me my wife was inventing stories for some reason.

    This isn’t just a theory, you know. This is what many many women experience. I’ve spoken to many women about this, and read a lot of words written by women. To be honest when I was younger I dismissed feminists just like you do, because I thought the battle had been won. But I now realise that whilst legally we’re far better off than we were, socially we still have some way to go.

    If you’d never seen a black swan, you’d swear they didn’t exist. If I have seen one, I’d swear they did exist. You’d never be able to convince me they didn’t exist because I’d seen one. It’s like that.

    Free Member

    If none of those ladies are actually put girls then your argument is invalid. How many pit girls have you discussed this with ?

    Free Member

    Definitely what people like you say on Burka threads

    I assume you have no view on female circumcision either then and women who object can be ignored as they have never had it done.

    Its such an obviously poor argument i cannot believe someone wrote it down for others to read.

    Free Member

    I assume you have no view on female circumcision either then and women who object can be ignored as they have never had it done.

    When the uk rules pit girls unlawful …….

    Malvern Rider
    Free Member


    Free Member

    I was just using your “logic” against you ; the side step allows me to know you accept its poor and wont admit it, we both know this however much you wish to try and deflect.

    PS the govt cannot ban them remember only those who have been pit girls are allowed opinions so it did not even support your argument.

    Free Member

    You were not using my logic. How can you compare body mutilation to being a pit girl. That just shows how little of an argument you have. Other than fgm being illegal, woman don’t do it of their own free will. That’s completely different from what a pit girl does.

    I don’t care if there are pit girls or not. However I have chatted to quite a few unlike probably most other people in this thread thatbwant to see them stopped

    Free Member

    I assume you have no view on female circumcision either then and women who object can be ignored as they have never had it done.

    When you use female circumcision in an argument about pit girls you loose all credibility Junkyard. If you can’t see that your a bit lost mate 🙁

    Free Member

    I assume you have no view on female circumcision either then and women who object can be ignored as they have never had it done.

    Is there not a picture missing here about a strawman or something.

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