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  • F1 2017 (Bound to contain spoilers!)
  • shermer75
    Free Member

    Yep, Hamo has said that while he’s tempted by Ferrari he has no interest in being partnered with Vettel. I agree about Ricciardo to Mercedes, but it’d be mighty intetesting if he went to Ferrari, considering how comprehensively he beat Vettel in 2014!! 🙂


    Free Member

    Another possibility is that Sainz (whose contract with Red Bull/Toro Rosso does not finish until the end of 2019, and is technically on a loan to Renault for 2018) might replace Ricciardo if he leaves..

    Free Member

    Oooh, Ricky trouncing the finger pointer once again could be very entertaining. I’ve been disappointed at just how uninterested Kimi has been when he could have had a real go at winding Seb up.

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    bamboo – Member
    JB didn’t really have a lot to lose at Monaco, he may as well give it a go instead of driving around at the back.

    I dont know, he made a pretty good career out of doing just that.

    Free Member

    I wonder what Hamilton would think about Riccardo at merc. I think Hamilton would consider him a bit feisty (talented) to fit into the team.

    Free Member

    I’m struggling to find out whether Ocon will be available, this article reckons he will but everything else I’ve read has said that Force India will only describe it as a ‘multi year deal’ which, considering he joined for 2017, could be a yes or a no. With Perez Force India have another top level driver, of course, and he doesn’t have a contract for 2017 never mind 2018!

    Free Member

    I wonder what Hamilton would think about Riccardo at merc. I think Hamilton would consider him a bit feisty (talented) to fit into the team

    This is a good point! I’m guessing it may mean we see Ocon or possibly Perez (or even Wehrlein!) there instead. I guess it depends on how much say Hamilton has- I’m thinking it’s probably quite a lot!

    Free Member

    I dont know, he made a pretty good career out of doing just that

    I’m always a little surprised when people have a pop at Button’s driving ability considering he matched up so favourably against two all time great drivers as team mates and won a world championship

    Free Member

    I’m always a little surprised when people have a pop at Button’s driving ability considering he matched up so favourably against two all time great drivers as team mates and won a world championship

    Quite. Is he of the Schumacher / Senna level? Probably not. But he was still one hell of a lot better than many of his peers.

    I too have no idea of where this notion that he caused lots of accidents came from.

    Full Member

    Chrismac have you actually got anything to contribute or would you like me to post up JB’s contact details so you can sort your beef directly and spare us the tedium?

    Free Member

    Well apart from 2009, Canada 2011, Hungary 2006, etc.

    You really are quite a bitter man – please do tell us who you’re a fan of?

    Button bashing seems to just be a chrismac thing. Button himself knows he isn’t a Senna, but on his day when everything clicked he was unbeatable, even by world class teammates.

    Free Member

    Button bashing seems to just be a chrismac thing. Button himself knows he isn’t a Senna, but on his day when everything clicked he was unbeatable, even by world class teammates.

    Probably worth saying that Button also managed to string enough of those days together to beat Hamilton over a whole season in 2011 and then did the same to Alonso in 2015

    Full Member

    NSFW: Have we done the pterodactyl flying over the track yet?

    No? Sweet…


    Free Member

    Think they had one of those wire suspended cameras with a bird costume on. Was a wtf moment while wAtching tho.

    Free Member

    @tomhoward I remember seeing that at the time!! There can be only one explanation:

    Full Member

    Button is a good driver, but like Seb, can’t wrestle a bad car to victory. Hamilton can, so can Alonso, so can Ricciardo, So (it appears) might Sainz.

    Free Member

    Yeah I’m a bit of a the Sainz fan also. Massively talented and comes across as a really sound guy too…

    Full Member

    On the other hand Daffy, in a decent car in dodgy conditions, particularly a drying track with wet bits and dry bits and damp bits, he was superb.

    Free Member

    It sounds like he’s incredibly happy where he is, and whilst there is the romance and history of Ferrari, I reckon it would also take Mercedes to stop being competitive for him to consider leaving right now. It seems most likely he’ll finish his career there now.


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    the-muffin-man – Member
    The end for Kyvat (in F1 for Red Bull at least)…


    Feel a bit sad for him, felt like he was promoted before he was ready and though he was reasonably quick, he never got his head in the right place.

    None of tr’s cast offs seem to get a seat so guess we won’t be seeing him again (unless he can gather a sackful of Rubles !)

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    Free Member

    In other news, bear caught shitting in the woods and Pope revealed to have a secret penchant for Catholicism.

    I’m tempted to think he’s been treated a bit harshly, but ultimately RB are looking for drivers of at least the calibre of Webber* to drive for them, and Kvyat clearly wasn’t quite that good. He’s probably not the worst driver in F1 though so might pick up a drive somewhere (arguably he might still be better than Gasly and Hartley, but unlike them he’s tried and failed to step up).

    *not sure if I’m being harsh on Webber, was trying to think of the worst long term RB driver

    Free Member

    To be fair, Kvyat is probably a rather better driver than any of the other TR cast offs (who weren’t ever good enough to get a try in a RB).

    Free Member

    That’s the culture at Red Bull/Toro Rosso. They’re not afraid to apply pressure within the teams upon drivers and jettison those who would probably do okay in a more supportive environment.

    I feel a bit sorry for Kvyat, but he’s been a marked man since he was demoted from RB last year.

    Full Member

    not sure if I’m being harsh on Webber, was trying to think of the worst long term RB driver

    He gave Vettel more than a run for his money so yes, probably a bit harsh to use him as a yardstick of crappiness. But there have only been four RB drivers to do two full seasons so depending on your definition of “long term” you have limited options 😉

    Full Member

    RB drivers – 5 I think did one or more seasons.

    DC just did the set up season as I recall.

    Free Member

    aracer – Member

    To be fair, Kvyat is probably a rather better driver than any of the other TR cast offs (who weren’t ever good enough to get a try in a RB).

    I think he was there or thereabouts with Vergne. Certainly not a stand out talent like Sainz or Verstappen. But anyway I don’t think there are many openings left in the lower teams for next year are there?

    Full Member

    Verstappen? Hasn’t even done one full season at RB yet…

    Free Member

    That was kind of my point – those drivers are the calibre they’re looking for. Could be an interesting debate to be had about who was the worst – my ranking is:
    Ricciardo > Vettel > DC > Webber 😈

    DC did 4 seasons with them!

    Full Member

    You are correct. For some reason I thought the first 3 were as Jaguar.

    Free Member

    Pffft everyone knows that a stack of watermelons, two guys carrying a huge pane of glass and a pile of crates containing chickens is the answer

    Free Member

    london_lad_liam – Member
    Mexico gp – speed bumps


    Vastly preferable to referring things to the stewards all the time.

    Free Member

    I’ve just put a fiver on Daniel Ricciardo to win lol #highroller

    Free Member

    Vastly preferable to referring things to the stewards all the time.

    Most definitely, Although ocons already moaning about them….
    Saying “I think if someone hits that they will have to make a chassis change.”

    Dont hit them then and or make sure you do your over taking before it.

    i mean how much run off do these guys want may as well be an airfield


    Full Member

    Stay on the track then^^^

    Full Member

    Ocon must hate Monaco

    Full Member

    It sounds as though the issue is not kerbs but speed bumps designed to make you take a slow route to rejoin. That sounds like a sticking plaster solution. There needs to be a way of making it undesirable for drivers to leave the track limits. Like barriers or a harbour perhaps?

    Free Member

    Surely making it definitively significantly slower makes it undesirable to leave track limits? For example what they’ve done with the run off at the first chicane at Monza, or even just the runoff at Copse corner at Silverstone – was it last year when a lot of drivers went wide there in the wet, but lost time doing so?

    Of course land mines might increase the motivation to stay on track 😈

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