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  • EU Referendum – are you in or out?
  • tjagain
    Full Member

    here you go THM – a nice explanation of the major and irreconcilable differences in the 11 brexit cabinet members

    <span style=”font-size: 12.8px;”></span&gt;

    Why you keep on saying I agree with you or that my quotes showing that you are totally wrong vindicate you I don’t know.  You do know we are all laughing at your detachment from reality don’t you?

    Hammond and Davies are totally irreconcilable in their views of what is needed. and do not agree on a Canada type deal.  Hammond knows and has stated publicly that is damaging.  Davies keeps going on about some mythical Canada plus plus plus which includes finacial services which is impossible as yes – you guessed it – the 4 freedoms are indivisible.  Don’t want free movement of people as Davies has stated is his position then you don’t get free movement of capital

    Free Member

    Odd that you quoted something very different yesterday? It’s difficuly to follow your changes of mind. You seem even more Tory by the day.

    Feel free to laugh instead of learn. Shame given that you started to make some progress yesterday in answering your own question. You teach a man to fish and then he can’t be bothered to cast the line. Tant pis.

    Free Member

    Of course what you should be saying is that they both reject existing deals for very good reasons. None of them suit our stated goals.

    Full Member

    More “Germany minus minus minus” than “Canada plus plus plus”… not that either term means anything.

    Full Member

    There are stated goals?

    Oh yeah…

    1) Have cake

    2) Eat it

    Full Member

    go on then THM – what are those stated goals?  cos no one but you knows what they are – or are you going to spout meaningless phrases again or state something that is impossible / has been ruled out?

    Full Member

    can you two not hurry up and properly throw your toys out of your respective prams?
    the constant sniping at each other is beyond boring. 🙄

    Full Member

    TJ is trying to nail jelly to a plate…

    Free Member

    cos no one but you knows what they are – or are you going to spout meaningless phrases again or state something that is impossible / has been ruled out?

    Can we just assume that he doesn’t know, and move on?

    Full Member

    Del  / ransos- OK – I think I have made my point probably 20 times over. 😉

    Kelving – thats easy compared to trying to get THM to answer a question or to explain his special knowledge that no one else has.

    Full Member

    If you succeed, you can have a go at one of May’s rare interviews… the best can’t pin her down…

    Full Member

    Can we just assume that he doesn’t know, and move on?

    To be fair, I think pretty much everyone has accepted this.

    Full Member

    I was going to say ” empty vessels make the most noise” then in a moment of self realization I thought – “but I am probably the noisiest recently”

    Free Member

    Blimey genuine “chapeau” there TJ

    only having a giggle at the end of the day 😉

    Free Member

    There is a difference in that TJ is admitting that he doesn’t have a scooby what the govt position is. Which is hardly surprising as they haven’t agreed it yet, beyond meaningless platitudes like

    brexit means brexit

    best possible brexit

    red white and blue brexit

    bespoke deal

    and the rest of their childish drivel.

    Full Member

    Here is the full regional breakdown of the economic impact assessments that MPs have now been able to see


    Free Member

    Traitor! You’ve shown our hand!

    Full Member

    <span style=”background-color: #eeeeee; color: #444444; font-size: 12px;”>Davies keeps going on about some mythical Canada plus plus plus which includes finacial services which is impossible</span>

    This isn’t actually true…as Andrew Bailey (FCA) pointed out in his speech a couple of days ago…a chapter on financial services was included in EU TTIP negotiations

    Full Member

    How’s that going?

    Full Member

    Quoting works well in Opera, I see

    Full Member

    I find flat earthers’ arguments more convincing than THMs

    Free Member

    Is thm building his own rocket?

    It’s a tough gig fighting the good fight for the poor and impoverished tories. I guess he is doing it for free hence the quality.

    Full Member

    London – No Deal: +3.5%

    suddenly it all makes sense!!

    Free Member

    Bad luck bob

    2dogs +1

    the fragmentation of EU wholesale finance markets is the last thing the EU needs

    Plus both sides are recognising the financial stability implications. Forget punting bitcoin, bet on a deal in financial services – sure fire winner

    Free Member

    Forget punting bitcoin, bet on a deal in financial services – sure fire winner

    How do you define a deal? Anything more than nothing counts?

    Free Member

    In most sectors deals are most likely to be struck on the basis of (regulatory and other) equivalence

    we get access, they avoid regulatory (and other) arbitrage. Win: win. Done.

    ok as 2D will jump in, it’s a tad more complicated in fun services due to technicalities around different effects of activities covered by MiFid or CRD but thats not for a bike chat

    Not as good as now but a mile away from the doomsday scenarios of the scaremongers

    Free Member

    So you have no idea what any deal will look like other than it being between 2 wide points

    Free Member

    are their “jokes” more convincing too bob?

    Free Member

    No pretty clear thanks. And already prepped for the worst  and hoping for the best. Last month has seen a swing in +direction

    the more diverting noise Barnier makes the better. Very encouraged by his misleading comments in the past week – as amusing as a well crafted times crossword clue.  5 across (8 letters)

    Full Member

    Try thinking about what this constant kicking the can down the road means for those outside FS.

    Free Member

    No pretty clear thanks

    Just cant articulate it then?

    You have admitted its between best and worst its a wide gap not a position

    Full Member

    An interesting legalchallenge going on in the Netherlands right now – a bunch of uk ex pats have won the right to make a case before the ECJ that they cannot lose rights they have now.  If they win that then it also applies to UK citizens including ECJ jurisdiction in future.

    Free Member

    Done kelvin. The parallels with EBA and EMA for examples are obvious, hence comment above

    Mike you really think a bike forum is the place to go through the  details of how passporting verses equivalence impacts different aspects of finance?? Sorry to disappoint my old fruit

    plus it would stop the more amusing scare stories – much more fun

    Full Member

    financial services.  Passporting ruled out by May with her redlines – basically you cannot get passporting without obeying EU rules in their entirity.  Equivalence means staying very close to EU rules – again ruled out even tho the solution offered for NI means no regulatory divergence

    So a deal on financial services that would allow the city to carry on in a similar way to now is extremely unlikely as to get a deal  means UK would have to follow EU rules very closely.  Something that Johnson, Gove, Davis will not allow and categorically ruled out by May

    So Free movement of capital cannot be divorced from the other 3 freedoms,  May has ruled out allowing free movement of people and also ruled out regulatory convergance.  so no deal on financial services.

    remember there is zero incentive for the EU to compromise on this.  No deal means all financial services that involve the EU move out of london and that is to the EUs advantage – and the scam to open shell companies / subsidiaries has also been categorically ruled out as computer systems, senior staff and processes all must come under EU law.

    Full Member

    Oh – and having firmly established THM has no clue what he is talking about just bluster and snide the killfile is back on – so don’t waster your electrons with more snide THM.  I won’t see it.

    Snide – fake metals BTW – counterfeit coins are made of snide

    Full Member

    Much as i hate to support THM, financial services is one area where the EU really do need us at least as much as we need them, and therefore, I believe compromise on that will be reached (and cos of my job I do have some knowledge)

    As for the rest of the shitstorm….doesn’t matter what we agree on financial services if the fundamentals aren’t sorted

    Free Member

    So amidst all that, did the flat earther provide us with a single shred of evidence that he knows anything about what deal will be reached?

    Free Member

    no reason to doubt, no reason to believe.

    Thread on Twitter, Nissan sunderland are paying off some managers on NDAs as they prepare for a plant closure in the not to distant future.

    Free Member

    Ah thm andahisan fine look over there, all we ask is you link to what your on about that you tell us is obvious nothing more. You assure us a bespoke deal will be done of course it will, it’s like sayisa Hugh heff would marry a young lass, inevitavle but not informative

    Full Member

    Twodogs – problem is from what I see is that a deal on financial services means regulatory convergence at the very lest – ruled out by May this week but preferably membership of the single market – remember the 4 freedoms are indivisible.

    Why would the companies ( as they are planning to do) not simply move their operations into the EU?

    When I suggested a while ago we should tax bankers fairly I was told they would all move to frankfurt in that case.  I really do not see why they won’t to follow the business.  Trading in eurobond etc ( correct  terms??) needs to be under the supervision of the european central bank with senior roles, it systems etc all subject to EU law so the EU bods have stated and I cannot see them backing down on that

    Only going on what I have read in the press but I can see no reason why the jobs won’t move, advantages to the EU in doing so.

    Can you explain why this is wrong?  ( genuine query)

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