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  • Energy gels and best before dates
  • vinnyeh
    Full Member

    I've just found two thirds of a box of hi5 energy gels with a best before date of june 09- why have they got a best before date? Do all foodstuffs require them? Is there an ingredient that's likely to break down? Or is it just the usual bs?

    Free Member

    It's the usual BS.
    If there's any potential problem with them, they'll have a 'use by' date rather than 'best before'.

    Free Member

    I've used energy gels that have been 3 years past their sell by date.

    Still alive.

    Do all foodstuffs require them? Or is it just the usual bs?


    Full Member

    think all food needs them.

    June 09 – good to go for a long while yet.

    Free Member

    I've got some High5 gels here with Aug 06 on them
    Should be good for a while yet

    Free Member

    I eat stuff beyond the use by date unless it kills me 😉 No I think the margin is very wide for processed sterilized stuff like that!

    Full Member

    Use by is different to best before, you shouldn't eat stuff past it's use by date, there is some margin for error but if the item hasn't been stored properly (i.e. your fridge isn't cold enough) then you could have problems.

    Free Member

    Its personal choice but they are about to review sell by, use by and best before dates I have heard – I think if my yoghurt is moldy then dont eat it – if its unopened smells fine and tastes fine I'll eat it rather than waste food and money. But thats my personal opinion and thats what I do.

    Full Member

    Obviously not a very informed opinion.

    Just because it looks, smells and tastes fine doesn't mean it is.

    Use By = Food Safety
    Best Before = Food quality

    Totally agree about not wanting to waste money and food though, plenty of completely edible food is binned just because it's a few days past it's best before date because people don't understand what it means.

    But, you need to understand what 'Use By' means too!

    Free Member

    Obviously not a very informed opinion.

    Bit of a sweeping comment without knowledge yourself Nick.

    I am from the medical profession Nick and whilst I am not an expert in food safety I have got common sense – I also play in the mud on my bike and have been exposed to many pathogens during my job. I am still healthy and have never had any serious infections. Do you realise how many bacteria llive on your hands and up ya bum etc. Sterilising your environmenst and food seems these say to leads to many more allergies etc.. I agree moldy food should not be eaten as it can contain hepatotoxins etc…

    BTW I am not stupid and realise what each term means and why they are different – I choose to eat items this way and was "my opinion". 😀

    Full Member

    I think you are making a leap of faith between 'I touch my bum then eat my sandwiches and I've not been ill yet' and 'so what if the use by was a couple of days ago, I have the stomach of a goat'!!!

    Do you realise how many bacteria llive on your hands and up ya bum etc. Sterilising your environmenst and food seems these say to leads to many more allergies etc.. I agree moldy food should not be eaten as it can contain hepatotoxins etc…

    And most computer keyboards harbour more germs and the average festival portapotty toilet seat, the point being they are not exactly the best environments for bacteria to live in (they require moisture), whereas your fridge is a fantastic place, all that moisture, but the cold slows them down…

    I also play in the mud on my bike and have been exposed to many pathogens during my job

    Too true, I've had one confirmed case of Campylobactor that I'm pretty sure came from shit flicked up on a particularly wet ride on the Long Mynd.

    I'm married to someone who has worked in diary and chilled food development for years, I have a book called 'The Prevention of Food Poisoning' on the desk in front of me 🙂

    Free Member

    I am from the medical profession Nick and whilst I am not an expert in food safety I have got common sense

    Brilliant, so STW. I have a friend from India therefore I am not racist

    I'm married to someone who has worked in diary and chilled food development for years, I have a book called 'The Prevention of Food Poisoning' on the desk in front of me

    Honestly you can't win – you'll always be trumped on STW.

    Full Member

    Nicely put Daiboy

    I am from the medical profession

    aka I am a vet

    I have a book called 'The Prevention of Food Poisoning' on the desk in front of me

    but work in IT

    Free Member

    I deal in pathogenic diseases actually – No I am not a sanitiser in a hospital. I have never had knowingly an intestinal infection but my point was that There is a lot of hype IMHO about eating stuff beyond their use by date. Surely these are tests which are performed on set times after manufacture etc. Do these supliers do tests way beyond these dates. Would this cost more money? Maybe I am wrong but I do think we live in a world where companies don't want to get sued.

    Free Member

    You only ever hear from those who survived when eating suspect food….

    Free Member

    I've been unconvinced by using gels past their best for date.

    They're probably fine, but it seems like they'd be the ideal breeding ground for all sorts of crap if they managed to get at all contaminated.

    Free Member

    I deal in pathogenic diseases actually

    Is there much profit in those?

    Free Member

    I have studied bacteriology, virology and parasitology (human and animal) during my degree.

    This isn't a show off post or mean't to come across as snotty or snooty just staing my case 😉

    Terrorists can probably deal in pathogenic agents as well as governments to be controversial 😉 But yes there is money to be made in pathogens 😉

    If this is a BB date then does it have a use by date? If not I don't know as pointed out above. If its dried and doesn't have a useby date I personally would be fine with it!

    Full Member

    Right then experts, how about this Hi5 powder that was on the front of MBR in 1998. It says Best Before March 2000. Will I be OK? What's to go off in a vacuum wrap of sugar?

    Free Member

    Obviously I am not qualified to answer your question as I am not an expert in food safety so I shall keep quiet 😉

    Full Member

    but work in IT

    Indeed, why else would I be so bored I would want to argue on the internet (although to be fair I met my wife in a food co where I was implementing a stock management system that I designed to minimise waste though ingredients going out of date)

    Labs test the products and see how long they will remain safe to eat, the date on the pack is two days earlier than the last day it was tested safe to eat.

    Ok so these days factory procedures are pretty good and they are checked regularly (especially by their supermarket customers) but what if it sat in your car for a couple of hours?

    Also, scrapping/ignoring use by date might be fine for people who are 100% with it, but what about old people or those who live on their own but in sheltered accomodation, ?

    The answer to not wasting food is to not buy it in the first place and then if you do, eat it within date, simple.

    Free Member

    Also, scrapping/ignoring use by date might be fine for people who are 100% with it, but what about old people or those who live on their own but in sheltered accomodation, ?

    Agree Nick – Hadn't thought of that – I am 100% with my own personal system and that was my point – I wasn't advising other people just giving my opinion 🙂

    Free Member

    In my time, I have occasionally dabbled with munching on the odd beaver that was welll past it's best before date. You get the odd one or two that leave a slight fishy taste in your mouth but I have never come away with anything more than a slight rash.
    I would, however, strongly advise against trying beaver before it has fully matured as it is illeagal in several states.

    Free Member

    Right then experts, how about this Hi5 powder that was on the front of MBR in 1998. It says Best Before March 2000. Will I be OK? What's to go off in a vacuum wrap of sugar?

    I've still got that. I'm saving mine for when i ride a dry Sits

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