Decided I was in need of a fitness compensator after not riding much over the last couple of years so I’ve ordered an Orbea Rise M10.
I’ve been looking at ebike insurance cover and after getting over the initial shock at how much it will be (having never spent much over £2k on a bike before) it looks like for basic theft cover most insurers are asking £300-£350 a year. Any recommendations for a decent insurer? I’m more interested in a good claims experience (hopefully never needed) rather than cheapest premium, though obviously don’t want to pay more than I need to.
I also want to buy a decent cable lock to keep in my camelbak so I can hopefully avoid opportunistic theft when popping into a cafe, toilets etc. Can anyone suggest a lock that is light and tough (if such a thing exists?).
Be aware that that's probably on a sliding scale as well. As in you'll pay 350 per year forever, but if it's nicked in year five you'll get 200 back. I looked recently after having a bike stolen and concluded that I'm better off without providing I only suffer one bike theft every six years. The bit that really hurt was that the bike was covered on my home contents insurance, but when I went to claim they clarified that yes, it was covered for theft, but only theft from the house. Bastards.
Stand-alone policies are generally really expensive, what can your home contents insurer offer?
Specific bike insurance is really expensive, most quotes I have had are more expensive than our house and contents policies combined! I have found that using the house contents insurance is best. We have 4 named bikes on our policy, all worth (new) in excess of £2k each. It was only when I added the fourth bike that the policy had a significant increase, but I am talking tens of pounds not hundreds. Had two claims back in the 90's and both were fully honoured new for old, fortunately since then I have not had to claim against the policy.
re the @misteralz comments - If including on the house contents policy make sure you read all the small print and ensure that you are covered away from your home. Most policies require you to take "reasonable" precautions when out, i.e. using a good lock.
House contents insurance for the win. I've had my bikes on them for decades, only made one claim, I snapped a bike on a drop-off in Bike Park Wales. Bike was insured for accidental damage, new for old. I received the new RRP within a week straight to my bank account!
Ok, so I had planned to get a quote from my house contents insurer but got waylaid looking into standalone cover.
Just phoned my house insurer - £88pa extra to cover the bike at home and when out, stipulation being that the bike must be locked with a D lock when away from home. Needless to say I went for it. 😁
I've never taken a lock with me out MTB'ing. I don't fancy landing on it in my backpack, I use natures toilet (a tree), and either take what I need with me, or stop at places with an outdoor serving hatch.
yeah - forget standalone bike insurance - its rarely worth it. Get it added to your home policy.
stipulation being that the bike must be locked with a D lock when away from home. Needless to say I went for it
Always the downside. I carry a small cafe lock a a visual deterrent and accept that if the bike gets nicked I'm replacing it myself.
House contents - I had one of my bikes drop off cover after the insurers changed an addition's policy, so took out 'bike only' cover with Barclay's home insurance for just less than £10 per month. Since then my home insurance has upped the cover, but it still doesn't cover the best bike (custom built road bike from 30 years ago - top level everything).