M8 of mine bought an e-bike cause he could a while back, and he loves it.. I've tried it and have to admit, hills and mud are a complete laugh on it, though downhill is just ok. Another friend of his joined us, and being a complete novice cyclist, with friends in the trade he bought an e-bike too. So this weekend they bring out another friend, who after trying their e-bike's is basically going to buy one too. So now I'm leading/guiding a group of three e-bikes, on a 'dumb' one (as they call it), and am obviously struggling to stay in touch with them on hills.
What do you do? Buy an e-bike, or wait for them to get bored and abandon me...
TBH they're not going to abandon me and I'm not quite ready for an e-bike, as
I don't find their handling inspiring but also love how my current bike rides when the trails point down.. & I do pull away from them, once you get past that 15/16mph limit. BUT the important part here is that if you read reviews, they all say, on a regular 2/3hr route they knock an hour off that route... an hour, that a lot of time that we could use to ride further afield
...the likes of the rather lovely Mondraker eCrafty RR+ does turn my head and make my wallet hide in the corner