Blue sky’s in Brum. Breezy, and all the cars are now grubby(er).
Was doomsday this morning in West Wales but now it is disappointingly just a bit windy
A bit windy out, nearly got blown into a hedge in Essex.
I thought un-natural orange was a standard look in Essex*
*been waiting for ages to get that joke in.
Terrydactyl - MemberIn the Christian tradition, it is said that the end of the world will be marked by a terrifying and all-encompassing darkness. Across the gospels, Christ advises his followers of the signs of the end days, warning that the sun will darken, the moon will fail to give light, and the stars will fall from heaven. These prophecies are echoed in Revelation, the final book of the Bible, in which the opening of the sixth seal on doomsday prompts a great earthquake and leads to the sun becoming ‘black as sackcloth’ (Revelation 6. 12)
Please tell me it's not the end of the world!! I filled the car up yesterday! I'd have only stuck a tenner in, if I'd have known.
Any advice for camera WB settings for when the sun is as black as sackcloth? I guess I'll need to set shutter speed to 'bulb' for starters??
stumpy01 - Member
A very orange sky here in Cambs.
I can confirm this is not a lie....and also that it seems to have confused the wildlife as a pheasant tried to roost on my* wing mirror as I barrelled along at near speed limit velocity
*obviously today was the day I borrowed Mrs R's car and have redecorated the side of it with equal measures of gamebird, glass sprinkles and shattered plastic
Dark here in west London, deep brown/yellow sky. The air is gritty, and its actually a little uncomfortable to breath.
In the Christian tradition, it is said that the end of the world will be marked by a terrifying and all-encompassing darkness
I thought it was going to be heralded by Trump/Pence?
Back in London now, it does smell a little sandy!
Love the pie chart! Glorious blue sky and that ball of fire is well and truly back outside the window. Just had a wander across site and it's windy as **** with various bits of building paraphernalia blowing about though. Neighbours of the site will no doubt be whining in the morning.
Double post
Orange/brown sky this morning, then grey with a red sun, then it got dark now sunny with blue sky. Getting breezy.
I think we've found the culprit
[url= ]Guilty[/url]
In Brighton it went from a normal dull day to so dark all the street lights and solar garden lights came on in the space of 15 mins at about 3pm... I went to see bladerunner at imax last night and thought I'd been transported to that opening scene I even had the ominous soundtrack playing in my head actually got a little panicky the sun had died or something!
[url= g" target="_blank"> g"/> [/img][/url][url= ]Red Sun[/url] by [url= ]SGMTB[/url], on Flickr
Aberdeen most of today
Completely normal then
There was an apocalyptic red sun here.
I assumed this was the norm in Swindon.
That photo up there of Aberdeen very similar to Dundee (not a great surprise).
Was a bit odd going out for lunch in what may as well have been night time.
If I was Renton's car door, I'd be bricking it.
Very strange sky this morning down at Royal Portbury Dock, with the deep red sun so high in the sky, when it’s usually on the horizon looking like that. It wasn’t until around 3pm up in Wolverhampton that the sky cleared and the sun came out in a nice blue sky.
Bloody windy back down at Avonmouth an hour or so later, though, and it’s still blowing loudly around the chimney.
Wrightyson - my lad has a theory that the setting red sun is God taking the piss out the Forest fans..... 8)
If I was Renton's car door, I'd be bricking it.
I want to, but do not get this
I want to, but do not get this
It’s an metaphor for Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory.
MoreCashThanDash - MemberWrightyson - my lad has a theory that the setting red sun is God taking the piss out the Forest fans.....
Swansea first thing with a weird grey red dawn and a warm wind (19 degrees at 7.15)which would have been ok but I watched The Road last night.......
My 7 y.o. grandson and I have a little chant:
Red sky at night -shepherd's pie.
Red sky in the morning - lasagne!
I think it was fish & chips today.
man the sky was flipping awesome where i was (cycling devizes/trowbridge/melksham in wiltshire).
it was like something out of a sci fi film 8)
blood red sun and an orange glow in the sky,i was expecting either machinery to start going on a killing spree,or people suddenly turning into zombies/crazy folk.
a bit worrying though as salisbuy plain isn't far away (james herbet the fog
edit this was my first bike ride of any distance for over a year due to a certain ailment that makes sitting on a saddle a bad idea shall we say. so i am over the moon that i can finally ride my bike again
Today was a real shitty day for me, my depression was the worst it's been in a long while. Today felt like the first day of winter.