Been following his latest outbursts on the campaign trail for nomination.
I've got a sneaking feeling that he'd be an excellent choice, if only for the comedy value.
Imagine President Trump meeting Philthegreek for the first time, for instance...
He's an utter bellend. I think he'll fit right in.
Given that they elected George W twice I wouldn't put anything past our cousins but seriously!?
Douche! Bag!
Some the stuff he's spouting is either going to attract or repel the rednecks in equal measure.
Personally I thinks he's a pretty offensive human being, but lucky for him I cant vote for him!
He really does boil my wee! 👿
Banging on about immigrants in his country yet he saw fit to turf folk off their land to build a friggin golf course in ours. He is the worlds biggest bell end!
Given that they elected George W twice I wouldn't put anything past our cousins but seriously!?
Elected twice, but only [i]voted[/i] in once
swavis is right for reasons too numerous to mention.
turbines far off coast spoiling the view of a man made golf course with hotels, houses and lord knows what. GRRRRR.
I walked past him near Trump Tower, he was with 3 heavy looking blokes and he looked completely insignificant with his ridiculous comb-over.
the hairpiece is the intelligence in the equation.
he was a lowly sewerage worker,when the alien hairpiece found him,and now look what has happened.
his hairpiece will kill i warn you (when he sleeps/as he's just the host to it).
just when you least expect it,out it will jump from the air conditioner and choke you to death 😯
Yup, total buffoon of the highest order, terrifying that following all the laughing when he announced he was running he's promptly ended up 2nd in polls.
The a**hole vote seems as strong as ever.
I still have some hope that the Mexican drug lord will take exception to what Trump said about him and teach his mouth a lesson.
So it's not entirely in-conceivable that Trump could be in power in the US whilst Boris is in power in the UK. God help us.
We watch The Apprentice USA from time to time, he's like a big, stupid kid. Very little in the way of redeeming features.
Not that I think McCain would make q particuarly good president, but I think Trumps comment was really below the belt considering what McCain went through, and has probably ended any chance Trump had.
This puts his comment on McCain into a historic perspective...
Not that I think McCain would make q particuarly good president, but I think Trumps comment was really below the belt considering what McCain went through, and has probably ended any chance Trump had.
Yeah, Right!
Poll: Trump surges to big lead in GOP presidential race
If in doubt, play the immigration card...
A horrible horrible man.....
Been watching from afar. Seems to be the product of not being stood up to for a very long time. If all you ever hear is yes, of course, how right you are Mr trump sir perspective is gone. Imagine how long his speech writer's last.
On the up side he is ballsing up the right enough that whoever gets past him to nomination will be skint tired and have had every sordid little detail of their life shown in 4k I max 3d for all to see so my money is on Clinton.
Aye Kit,and a wee award from the [url= ]Teuchters[/url]
RGU chancellor Sir Ian Wood CBE told Mr Trump at the ceremony: "We are very pleased to honour you today in recognition of the significant contribution the Scottish Trump International golf resort will make to diversify the economy of the north east of Scotland."
They must be very proud.
I don't have a problem wit Trump, I have a problem with the entourage that surrounds/informs/manipulates him. He's just the front of a very odd organisation.
he looked completely insignificant with his ridiculous comb-over.
And yet...
And yet that ridiculous comb-over has managed to fool everyone into believing that he's not going bald ?
Novelty value only, he has no chance of being elected. @bikebouy he hired the entourage and pays their wages so why wouldn't they give the boss exactly what he's asking for ?
Cock Womble totally apt and well played @slow 🙂
He only has to beat Clinton, which I don't think would be very hard.
I had the great misfortune of being introduced to Donald Trump once. A friend said would you like to meet my friend to which the Donald replied, depends on how many millions he has and walked off without saying a word.
Very nice bloke.
But he did say a few words LHS, enough to make sure everyone usderstood what sort of individual he is
I remember thinking 'Ronald Reagan could never get himself voted into the top job'.
Novelty value only, he has no chance of being elected
I remember people saying something similar about Dubya during the primaries.
Trouble is that in the American heartlands his bluff 'straight talking' persona plays well and there is an intense dislike of a (largely imagined by Fox News)) elite of effete, metropolitan liberals.
As a result, the gleeful mocking of Trump by various comedians and the twitterati actually plays very well for him amongst the conservative base who love anyone that leaves the 'Liberal Elite' fizzing with incredulous outrage.
That said, John Stewart nails it, as per usual.
Seems to be the product of not being stood up to for a very long time. If all you ever hear is yes, of course, how right you are Mr trump sir perspective is gone.
This is completely misplaced. Donald Trump has been the subject of dismissals and criticisms in the strongest possible terms for decades. He has endured dismal failures and been taken to the cleaners by numerous banks. Trump has heard very many nos in his life. He does not believe that he would be a good president - but that's okay, because the point of this exercise is to build his personal brand, not to win.
All words verbatim:
7 months ago I posted here he couldn't win. Sadly he's starting to look unstoppable for the Repiblican nomination,we'll know for sure i just 10 days. Bush who I thought would be the nominee has now withdrawn.
[url= ]BBC News[/url]
So looking like Trump vs Clinton then, last hope for sanity.
He appeals to a lot of Americans, they have similar views. TBH add that and charisma together and its a winning formula.
I'm surprised you couldn't see that from the outset..
I'm expecting a very very close margin to the Whitehouse..
It really could come down to one last TV appearance..
He got 33% of the vote in a republican primary so what would that mean in votes an actual General election ? Would be interesting if the republican race was only 2 candidates like the democrats , where would trump be ie 77% of people didn't vote for him
Charisma? Well I suppose some might call it that.
If you think about the people he appeals too, it's not hard to understand the charisma he has and the fact they think like he does.
It'll be a tough one.
I might just stick my neck out and say he gets in.
[quote=moonsaballoon ]He got 33% of the vote in a republican primary so what would that mean in votes an actual General election ? Would be interesting if the republican race was only 2 candidates like the democrats , where would trump be ie 77% of people didn't vote for him
VIew i like Corbyn being massively popular with labour voters and able to win their leadership but much less popular with the General electorate
Like Corbyn [ though even more so] a large swathe of the party detest him and he wont even win all the Republican party votes
He may be popular within the party he is not with the electorate
He has very little chance of winning the actual race to the white house as he appeal to a narrow band of the party rather than the electorate as a whole
American politics strikes me as being massively partisan amongst the electorate but much less so when it comes to the horse trading inside congress. (That's just an impression - I'm sure the reality is more nuanced.)
As I understand it, there are lots of reasonable republicans, for whom Teump would be an embarrassment. Is there any polling on how these republicans would vote if it was Trump v A.N. Other (Dem)?
Would they vote a monkey from the GOP rather than a democrat? Would they just stay at home? Would some of them actually vote Dem to keep Trump out?
Many members of the GOP detest him so it seems reasonable to suggest that many of their core voters will abstain
He is many things but he wont be winning over the middle ground moderate and surely anyone, whatever their actual politics, can see that this man would be a ****ing disaster in any important role requiring compromise, diplomacy and a modicum of not being an utter utter ****
In a country of bizarre political races...I thought Palin was pushing the boundaries of credibility... 😯
I also sense a large part of the republican vote would abstain. Then again, they've had (or will have had) eight years without one of their own at the White never know.
However its a bit like we only had one right wing party and they vote frage- plenty of right leaning ofok would not be supporting him even in a two horse race - well they might if Corbyn was the alternative but you get the point
I think we just have to remember that the party members are considerably more right wing than the electorate as Palin and Trump show
I pray that Bush was the extent of the US dalliances with a moron but time will tell.