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  • Donald! Trump!
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    Free Member

    Seem to be narcissists, sociopaths or psychopaths in a lot of cases. A normal person would be a refreshing **** change of pace!

    Unless you’re half of American it seems…..

    Full Member

    You can’t decide someone’s punishment for a crime depending if there’ll be some upset people,  it just doesn’t work that way

    Of course it can work that way, it’s more that often it shouldn’t. Including in this case.

    Full Member

    BBC are reporting the classified documents trial has been “delayed indefinitely” by Trump-appointed Judge Cannon. Well, that’s a surprise…

    Full Member

    At their son’s graduation. Any body language experts here?


    Full Member

    She is thinking through the last parts of her escape plan,while the manchild is begging her to hold his hand.

    😆 🤣 😂

    Free Member

    Justice Samuel Alito (SCOTUS) is in the midst of an impartiality row

    Flying the US flag upside down outside your home is a symbol of protest by Trump supporters and he’s drawn fire from Senator Dick Durbin, amongst others, and should recuse himself from associated cases,

    “Flying an upside-down American flag—a symbol of the so-called ‘Stop the Steal’ movement—clearly creates the appearance of bias. Justice Alito should recuse himself immediately from cases related to the 2020 election and the January 6th insurrection, including the question of the former President’s immunity in U.S. v. Donald Trump, which the Supreme Court is currently considering.”

    Full Member

    Clarance Thomas somehow manages not to recuse himself even though his wife, Ginny ‘release the kraken’ Thomas is a prominent Stop the Steal campaigner who directly lobbied the Whitehouse to overturn the election results.

    Won’t happen in either case as the code of conduct that federal judges are bound by in terms of having to step back from any case they have personal involvement or interest …. doesn’t apply to members of Supreme Court. Pretty much non of the safeguards or duties accociated with holding public office apply to them. They don’t have to recuse themselves from anything, they don’t have to declare financial interests and donations, non of the measures apply to them as they are all irrelevant –  because they can’t be sacked.

    What you can be sure of though – if Trump is elected…. the the second he’s elected, Alito and Thomas will retire for no reason other than to allow the Heritage Foundation to install the youngest two maga-patsies they possibly can. Until then they’ll drop heavy hints about retiring – Thomas in particular – becuase every time he talks about how hard being a Judge is and how horrible life in politics is more of his mortgages magically pay themselves, and another relative gets their education paid for and another massive free motorhome turns up at his front door. He will of course be just as well looked after for throwing the towel in next year.

    Full Member

    As one trial reaches its conclusion the next starts to warm up…..  Turns out even more classified documents were found in his bedroom at Mar-a-largo, discovered by his  lawyers 4 months after the FBI bathroom raid and Trump staff had been scanning them and keeping copies on their own laptops. Mar a Largo staff had been instructed by Trump to avoid security cameras when moving the boxes of documents around the resort

    The Trump campaign is currently trying to fundraise off the Documents case and has seized upon a bit of small print in the original search warrant that states the FBI are authorised to use ‘deadly force in appropriate circumstances’. It standard text in any warrant but trump is spinning it as specific to him and  as Biden having hired the FBI to assassinate Trump.

    It does however explain why Trump smells bad and has been unable to keep his eyes open in court – he’s been dead since August 2022. Because in his email to donors he states ‘They were authorised to shoot me. I nearly escaped death

    The last two years of his campaign has been one long Weekend at Bernie’s

    Free Member

    Nikki Haley has announced that she’ll be voting for Donald Trump.

    She’s stopped short of exhorting her supporters to vote that way too and says that “Trump would be smart to reach out to the millions of people who voted for me and continue to support me, and not assume that they’re just going to be with him.”

    It isn’t over yet…

    Full Member

    The nut jobs in Congress are proper lining up behind this FBI Mar Lago  assassination thing. Soooo dangerous.

    Free Member

    Same wording used on the warrant to search Bidons premises 🤷‍♂️ It won’t matter to the Magadonians though 🤦🏻‍♂️

    Full Member

    I’m assuming that when he’s found guilty next Friday he’ll just appeal so won’t actually be jailed immediately?

    Full Member

    I think you are correct and i don’t think there is the tiniest chance he will ever be jailed.  I’m guessing that the timing of all of this is just to keep him tied down in court cases and to fill the news with negative info. about him.  Remember it is never about convincing the people who have already decided, it’s about moving the swing voters.

    Free Member

    Trump only has himself to blame for the timing of the trial, he’s used many delaying tactics and that’s why we’re finally having the trial now.

    Full Member

    So 34? Charges he’s going to be found guilty on a at least some of them

    He will cry witch hunt & appeal & claim that he’s exonerated

    Will it change much though?

    Full Member

    Will it change much though?

    Nope, dickheads will still support and vote for him, same as our dickheads in this country will continue to support and vote for Sunak/starmer

    Full Member

    Indeed he will stand in front of the press and claim unfair and illegal trial.

    Those who he aims this for will lap it up…

    Full Member

    What’s going on with that massive fine he couldn’t pay a few months ago? I know the amount of bond got reduced, but was still pretty spicy.  Did he raise it?

    Full Member

    Not heard anything else so I’m guessing he paid it from his own float as it was manageable…plus his last attempt at getting a bond prove disastrous so suspect he is too ashamed to go with begging hand round them all again.
    No real idea, just my naïve thinking…

    Full Member

    How much is this farce costing? Everyone knows he’s never going to prison and his fanbase is too delusional to think he could ever be guilty of anything. The very best outcome is that he drops dead from the stress of it all.

    Full Member

    The very best outcome is that he drops dead from the stress of it all.

    What’s your point caller?

    There is a chance he could get a spell in prison – there’ll be appeals and it won’t sway his core voters, but it is a real chance if convicted.

    And if he carries on ignoring court orders someone will get bored of fining him

    Full Member

    The very best outcome is that he drops dead from the stress of it all.

    I think he’s correct. No outcome where he walks away free, capable of being elected or incarcerated and becomes a martyr  is a good outcome for democracy and a world sanity. Basically he needs to do an Elvis – only hopefully with even more humiliation to discredit his legacy.

    The man has done more than enough to be an irrelevance if the voting public could be trusted to vote with any decency and intelligence. Too many have proved they are incapable of doing that so sadly, so Trump needs to leave this mortal coil under his own steam.

    Full Member

    There is a chance he could get a spell in prison – there’ll be appeals and it won’t sway his core voters, but it is a real chance if convicted.

    And if he carries on ignoring court orders someone will get bored of fining him

    I would love to be wrong but I’m 99.9% sure I’m not. He’s not going to prison. If he drops dead it stops the entire clown show and no more publicity for Teflon Don. People have been saying he’ll go to prison for a crime, contempt of court, failure to stick to the terms of gag orders or for nonpayment of fines for a large portion of this very thread and what’s happened? Absolutely **** all! The man incited an insurrection and got away with it. Spends the majority of his waking life talking absolute shite and nothing of any real consequence ever happens to him. Other than being elected President and having a chance of that happening again.

    Free Member

    He 100% won’t be doing chokey

    Best you can hope for is a care home

    Full Member

    Old man, no previous convictions and a logistical nightmare if is is locked up (no prisoner governor will want him).

    No chance at all he is being sent to prison. A fine and home detention order at best.

    Full Member

    Verdict coming at 10pm ish.

    Full Member


    I is excited!

    Full Member

    Is a short verdict time good or bad for him?

    Full Member

    I really wish there was a live feed to the court

    Full Member

    Guilty on the first count at least!

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Count 1 – guilty

    Full Member

    All 34

    Full Member

    All 34 counts….GUILTY.

    Full Member

    Guilty on all counts!

    Full Member

    Guilty on all counts!

    Full Member

    Guilty on all counts. It’s going to get messy.

    Full Member

    Guilty on 34 out of 34.

    Donald, you’ve been a very very naughty boy; no pudding for you tonight.

    Titter – as in laugh.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Good, does that mean he’s led away with the black hood over his head to await his judgement under god on death row?, he’s bigly buds with the big guy upstairs so that may go his way

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