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  • Donald! Trump!
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    He does and always has had a stammer.  He’s worked very hard to overcome it, but it’s still there.  Most people know this, but in US politics, it’s just lost in the noise of his age.

    Free Member

    The last election had the largest turnout ever. Biden had the largest number of voters ever and Trump had the largest number of voters ever for a losing candidate. Biden won because millions of centrist voters did not like Trump

    Trump is going to be next President again isn’t he?

    I can bet that many will vote for the “lesser” evil due to the wars in Israel-Palestine and Ukraine-Russia. All Trump needs to do is to say he is going to stop their efforts in those wars, and he will instantly gain votes.

    You see the “left” is eager to fight Russia but yet support Palestine. Two inconsistencies that will cause dilemma to those campaigning for presidential votes.

    The question is whether Biden’s administration is desperate enough to want to stay in power they are willing escalate their commitments in the war effort in those regions before the election, to drum up “patriotism” by using the bogeyman.

    Also, many of the witch hunters will be sweating from their backside this time as it will be the turn of the witch hunters to be hunted. The hunter becomes the hunted, if Trump is the next President. Hence, Biden’s admin knows that they need to try all the tricks in the book to prevent that. Escalating the wars is the best approach if they are desperate.

    Full Member

    many of the witch hunters will be sweating from their backside this time as it will be the turn of the witch hunters to be hunted.

    Free Member

    LOL @ gif posted by thols2.

    LOL, you know those Democrats (witch hunters) will be sweating from the backside, a bit like wet fart.

    Full Member

    Are these metaphorical witches or has Christine O’Donnell switched parties?

    Full Member

    The hunter becomes the hunted, if Trump is the next President.

    I think we’ve already hurtling towards a certain inevitability that Trump WILL be the next president. Everything that should, in theory, damage him just seems to boost his appeal with Bubba the tooled-up, six-toed squirrel-eater in Shitsville, Iowa.

    It’ll probably be even worse than the worst predictions

    He’s so petty, thin-skinned and vindictive that I can see his furious vengeance taking priority over anything resembling governing the country or bothering about stuff like Ukraine or Palestine

    Its going to make the McCarthy era look like a picnic. Can you imagine Trump, drunk on second term power, in full on South American Dictator mode, getting the chance to put his foes on trial for Un-American Activities. Sister-marrying Bubba in Iowa will absolutely lap all that shit up too and Trump knows it!

    Full Member

    It’s even worse than a second term though, isn’t it?  IF he gets a second term, his hold on the Republican party will be absolute.  His influence and legacy will be a drag on the US politics and the world for a number of decades after 2028.

    Free Member

    Wait for the next few months to see if Biden’s admin will escalate the war effort. If so, the world will be in for a very rough ride for sometime to come.

    Full Member

    Wait for the next few months to see if Biden’s admin will escalate the war effort.

    Against the witches?

    Free Member

    Against the witches?

    Probably against everyone blocking their path to power i.e. against the witches/hunters, Russia (bogeyman) and Palestine (keep a blind eye on Israel).

    Poweerrr! Rule the world!

    Full Member

    So are you on the side of the witches or against? Are they the Witches of the East or the Witches of the West?

    Free Member

    So are you on the side of the witches or against? Are they the Witches of the East or the Witches of the West?

    I am not on the side of “world policeman” put it this way.

    Full Member

    So are the witches on the policemen’s side or are they defund the police witches?

    Free Member

    So are the witches on the policemen’s side or are they defund the police witches?

    If they are the world policeman then, yes, the witches are their side. It’s all about Power.

    Regardless of who they are east, west, north or south, if they want to be world policeman (or use power to dominate others) then they are the witches. No exception.

    (log off now back in few hours LOL)

    Full Member

    Ok, so if I run into one of these bad witches down at the shop or the library or somewhere, how do I recognize them?. How do they recognize each other? Do they wear costumes or something? Secret handshakes?

    Full Member

    I am not on the side of “world policeman” put it this way.

    The US are the least worse… until Trump gets elected.

    Full Member

    Do they wear costumes or something?

    Pointy black hats and generally have a cat or two.

    Full Member

    Trump had the largest number of voters ever for a losing candidate.

    He also had the lowest share of the vote of any winning candidate ever when he won. He won with a 46% share of the vote vs Clinton’s 48%. 2.8m fewer votes and still won.

    In recent history John MaCain, John Kerry and Al Gore all lost with a bigger vote share than Trump won with.

    Full Member

    He won with a 46% share of the vote vs Clinton’s 48%.

    Which adds up to 94%. So, who did those other 6% of voters vote for?

    Full Member

    Which adds up to 94%. So, who did those other 6% of voters vote for?

    Faith Spotted Eagle, John Kaishe, Bernie Sanders, Colin Powell and Ron Paul – by what mechanism they received votes I’m not sure. Perhaps as ‘write-in’ candidates. Some spoiled votes and hanging chads maybe.

    (actually not Faith Spotted Eagle – she didn’t receive any votes in the ballot but had a vote cast for her by a ‘faithless elector’ who should have cast his vote for Clinton.)

    Full Member

    Pointy black hats and generally have a cat or two.

    Makes witch hunting sound a bit like shooting fish in a barrel. Surely it would be much more sporting to let them ditch the hats and give them a good head start before you unleash the hounds. Leave the cats out of it too, probably just wrong place, wrong time thing. Just curled up on the wrong lap and next thing they know, they’re being burned at the stake.

    Full Member

    Makes witch hunting sound a bit like shooting fish in a barrel.

    Yeah but that if the gun, or the fish, or the barrel are cursed?

    Full Member

    Bizarre that in the 50s the Republicans via McCarthy were seeing Reds everywhere and today they’re fans of Pootin!

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    Full Member

    And just when you think he can’t get any worse……

    Kinda proves the problem perfectly… I post it, but at this point “Trump says he’d encourage Russia to invade NATO allies” barely even gets noticed, so you post it 6 hours later, same again. It ought to be an absolute killer blow to his campaign but we’re in a place now where it just doesn’t even register even as story of the day, “Where is Nikki Haley’s husband” and “He got Gaetz The Sex Trafficker’s name wrong” is geting more attention most places.

    Full Member

    If this is Biden’s last term in office, I think he should shoot Trump in the face.

    Full Member

    Ok, so if I run into one of these bad witches down at the shop or the library or somewhere, how do I recognize them?. How do they recognize each other? Do they wear costumes or something? Secret handshakes?

    Full Member

    I’m interpreting Trump’s NATO comment along the lines of treaties mean nothing. If Putin attacks a NATO partner, Trump would not use US forces to respond to someone else’s harm.

    Full Member

    NATO states need to be ready to operate without the USA if Trump wins. We knew that already, and should have been preparing for it for years. Europe is already supporting Ukraine without the USA (well, almost) and Europe standing firm alone against Putin, at least for a while, is a likely reality, not an unthinkable fantasy nightmare scenario.

    Full Member

     you know those Democrats (witch hunters) will be sweating from the backside, a bit like wet fart.

    Are you on drugs?

    Free Member

    NATO states need to be ready to operate without the USA if Trump wins.

    Completely agree with this. I’m currently reading “the end of the world is only the beginning” by Peter Zeihan. One of the key messages is that the USA really could turn it’s back on the world. It is easily self sufficient for food, self sufficient for oil, and doesn’t have the demographic problems of Europe. Trump being elected would be a terrible thing for world peace, stability and prosperity, but giving up it’s role as leader of the free world would not be all that bad at all for the economic prosperity of the USA, while every other major economy would have a disaster.

    It’s pretty terrifying here in the UK where we are utterly dependent on the global order being maintained.

    Free Member

    If NATO is led by a forgetful old man, a clown (now replaced by a billionaire) and a comedian you are heading for a disaster.

    Why do I sense some comedians always harbour the ambition to dominate the world?

    If Putin attacks a NATO partner, Trump would not use US forces to respond to someone else’s harm.

    Did Putin attack a NATO partner?

    Do you think Russia will fall?

    Assuming Russia is going to fall, do you think those central Asian Islamic states will let Russia fall? Do you think central Asian Islamic states will let the West dictate their lifestyle?

    Full Member

    One of the key messages is that the USA really could turn it’s back on the world.

    Haha. And lose the business opportunity that is ~7.7 billion people outside the US versus “only” ~ 340 million people inside the US….?

    It’s not gonna happen. They’d soon run out of shit to sell to each other.

    Full Member

    It’s not gonna happen. They’d soon run out of shit to sell to each other.

    You know that. We all know that. Trump and his headbanging supporters….I’m not sure they know a single thing.

    Full Member

    Haha. And lose the business opportunity that is ~7.7 billion people outside the US versus “only” ~ 340 million people inside the US….?

    It’s not gonna happen. They’d soon run out of shit to sell to each other.

    While you were sleeping Brexit happened :-)

    Full Member

    America is hugely reliant on the far eastern economies/ industry just like we are. Silicon valley might well develop lots of tech but it’s all made in China, Taiwan etc etc.

    America doesn’t have bases all around the world for altruistic reasons. It’s protecting it’s foreign commerce and trading partners just like we did in the Victorian era.

    Like it out not, there’s no going back on globalism. The most that could/ will happen is a decoupling of the West from China and it’s allies which will have both good and bad ramifications for both sides.

    Trump says a lot but actually does very little but yes, Europe/NATO can no longer rely on the USA to bail it out militarily. Particularly with a pro Russian President in the US.

    Full Member

    Wrapping up responses to a few recent posts…

    If US stops funding/supporting Ukraine, Europe (EU plus others) will be unable – and, probably, unwilling to attempt – to fully plug the huge gap; in fact, they couldn’t fill 50%.

    EU countries, in general, don’t have armed forces by any meaningful measure – and that can’t be resolved in the short (or even medium) term.

    Historically, other NATO members have been very happy to ride on the US coat-tails; not a long-term sustainable behaviour.

    The US is miles away from being totally self-sufficient; in reality, they never will be.

    Outsourcing and off-shoring can only be partially reversed; in doing so, costs will increase.

    The western world has ceded economic power to China – and done so, apparently, with full knowledge of the consequences. Reap what you sow and all that.

    Even a cursory glance at US will show that the ‘magnificent seven’ – go look it up but it’s the tech giants – are driving wealth generation; take them out and – what’s left?

    Not a lot.

    As for trump – here’s hoping there is a successful assassination attempt.

    Cognitive abilities – hmmm; read transcripts of recent speeches by Biden and trump. After that it will be clear that trump has by far the biggest problem but…logic and analysis does not form part of the US political discourse.

    Did Vlad remind donny about golden showers kompromat to ‘encourage’ the odious orange one’s latest comments?

    Finally, chewkw, can you please translate your latest post into plain English; as it stands, it’s gibberish.

    Free Member

    The most that could/ will happen is a decoupling of the West from China and it’s allies which will have both good and bad ramifications for both sides.

    Definitely inflation coz nobody is going to work for peanuts. Home made in large quantity? It will be expensive and reliability might come into question.

    As for trump – here’s hoping there is a successful assassination attempt.

    That’s not a surprise.

    Finally, chewkw, can you please translate your latest post into plain English; as it stands, it’s gibberish.

    Russia is not only Ruassia. There are many former USSR states that are in central Asia. They are all Islamic nations with strong link to Russia. Russia do not intervene in their politics and they like that. If Russia falls, they will be next and they will not allow that. They will support Russia to maintain their lifestyle or political stance. Therefore, if the West think they can defeat Russia or Turkey can drive a wedge into the Central Asia nations and Russia, then they have no idea what Islam means. That’s even without China or North Korea involvement.

    Free Member

    One of the key messages is that the USA really could turn it’s back on the world

    They could, safe in the knowledge that they’re the only country to have invoked article 5 of the NATO treaty. Ever

    Donald Trump gave NATO nations a wake-up call in 2016. The fact that the UK couldn’t put either of its aircraft carriers to sea at the weekend for a pre-planned NATO exercise, the largest ever and meant to make Russia think, is beyond a joke

    Full Member

    The fact that the UK can’t put either of its aircraft carriers to sea this weekend for a pre-planned NATO exercise, the largest ever and meant to make Russia think, is beyond a joke

    Yeah, it’s a little embarrassing isn’t it! Even Putin’s carrier that has sails on standby usually smokes it way around the oceans with the occasional help of a subservient tugboat.

    I believe The Mail think it’s due to the military being woke. We have snowflake, lefty, Greenpeace loving carriers basically.

    Full Member

    As for trump – here’s hoping there is a successful assassination attempt.

    I think he’s the least likely president in history to be assassinated. The kind of nutters building bombs in the attic for elected officials all have Trump posters on their minivan. They’re the sort of people most republican politicians – right up to the former vice president fear being assassinated by though.

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