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  • Donald! Trump!
  • thols2
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    Full Member

    Not sure if this will really happen or if its just hype.

    It might bring things to a head though, which could go either way. Show he was out to undermine Ametican democracy, or show he’s the victim of a system that already has.

    BBC News – Capitol riot: Committee to seek charges for Trump – reports

    Full Member

    It might bring things to a head though, which could go either way. Show he was out to undermine Ametican democracy, or show he’s the victim of a system that already has.

    The Trumpists have already decided that he’s a victim and no amount of evidence will change their minds. What this does is keeps Trump and the insurrection in the news so that normal people are constantly reminded of it. As the recent midterm elections showed, Trump and the MAGA nuttery is a big turnoff to centrist voters, so keeping him in the news hurts his cause rather than helping him.

    Free Member

    oops looks like they nicked all the pictures

    Full Member

    If your NFT is generated primarily using copyrighted assets, do you even own it?

    Full Member

    I’m liking the idea that the whole NFT thing is just a way to launder some foreign cash.  It’s the only thing that has made any sense with this so far but it’s not a huge amount of money so I still don’t really get it

    Full Member

    He’s shitting himself, he knows that sooner or later he’s going to be charged and arrested.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    It’s great news but sadly the Committee’s recommendation is just that – a recommendation. It’s like the difference between must and should in the Highway Code.

    Also the last paragraph of the linked article:

    The committee’s mandate runs out at the end of the year, and in 2023, the Republican House majority is almost certain not to continue its work.

    It should be welcomed however as it exposes in detail the criminality of Trump and his supporters, and the frankly staggering hypocrisy of organisations such as the misnamed “Oath Keepers”.

    It certainly won’t enhanced Trump’s standing among the more normal thinking population.

    Full Member


    ….Tax returns….

    Hahaha hahaha hahaha

    Full Member

    If this guy wasn’t a hard-core Trumpist, I would have thought it was a pretty good parody.

    Full Member

    If this guy wasn’t a hard-core Trumpist, I would have thought it was a pretty good parody.

    What is that guy on?

    If ever there was a need for some sort of mental capacity test to serve in office….

    Full Member

    That tweet my Lord how thick can you really be.

    Full Member

    Any other sources for these numbers?

    Video here

    Full Member

    If my thermostat makes me vote Tory I’ll be fuming!

    Full Member

    Any lawyers on here? Is it a good sign when the judge warns you that your lawsuit is vexatious and frivolous?

    Full Member

    ‘vexatious and frivolous’ pretty much sums up his business empire, political career, his love life and relationship with his hairdresser.

    Its also his pet names for his testicles

    Full Member

    Rep Scott Perry – W.T.A.F! 😳

    There is no way on God’s green earth that a ****wit like that should be allowed to run a coconut shy, let alone be allowed anywhere near a government office.

    Full Member

    I can’t help but feel that, even in current day USA, there’s no way anyone that idiotic could actually get elected so maybe his Twitter account was hacked.
    Or am I being to generous?

    Full Member

    I can’t help but feel that, even in current day USA, there’s no way anyone that idiotic could actually get elected so maybe his Twitter account was hacked.
    Or am I being to generous?

    GOP Congresswoman Blamed Wildfires on Secret Jewish Space Laser

    Full Member

    Its also his pet names for his testicles


    Full Member

    I can’t help but feel that, even in current day USA, there’s no way anyone that idiotic could actually get elected so maybe his Twitter account was hacked.
    Or am I being to generous?

    It depends if he says it because he believes it, or if he is just manipulating the qnanon\election steal\maga nutters to ger and remain elected.

    Full Member

    It depends if he says it because he believes it, or if he is just manipulating the qnanon\election steal\maga nutters to ger and remain elected.

    That’s the thing. Most or all of the MAGA/Tea Party people in Congress know the conspiracy theory stuff is utter bollox, they just keep repeating it because it gets the attention of Republican voters. It’s all just a big joke to them.

    Full Member

    Maybe his Chinese made phone is changing his sane messages.

    Full Member

    There is no way on God’s green earth that a ****wit like that should be allowed to run a coconut shy, let alone be allowed anywhere near a government office.

    Tory MP criticised for complaining about Priests literally “doing their job”

    Full Member

    That MP got owned by tbe Archbishop of Canterbury, think its on the Braverman thread.

    Full Member

    Hopefully he’ll just fade into irrelevance.

    Full Member

    Wow! Finally some lying that even Fox news finds too much to bear.

    Full Member

    That new York magazine/intelligencer article was good reading – thank you

    The genius of Trump, Nigerian scammers, & bitcoin peddlers comes from realizing that there is a large untapped niche of dumb people, so dumb that the dumber your argument, the more they will fall for you.

    Normal & rational people have too many inhibitions to play that game.

    This misses the point entirely imv. It’s all about ‘teaching the garden to weed itself’. the shysters are deliberate in their language, their misuse of grammar and their failure to spell and punctuate even close to correctly. In the same way trump deliberately contradicts himself in his speeches. The target of these communications is those who are easily taken in. If you’re given to look at things critically you’re of no use and in fact a drag on resource. Respond and engage only if you’re uncritical – then you’re worth investing in for what can be taken from you. Your money, your vote, or in trump’s case both

    Free Member

    Wow! Finally some lying that even Fox news finds too much to bear.

    That was great to watch! She was a ran for the Democratic nomination for President in 2019, it would have been interesting to see what she could have been like if she was successful

    Free Member
    Full Member

    Something funky going on in congress right now with the speaker vote not going to script with Jordan and some of the Trumpite republicans holding out for more compromises. The canker of nastiness that clung around Trump is still festering away. A quick biog of Jordan makes rather unpleasant reading.

    Full Member

    BBC has a live blog of the vote for the new speaker.

    First time in 100 years that the Speaker has needed more than one vote. Wonder if they’re going for the record?

    Full Member

    Wonder if they’re going for the record?

    The current record to beat is 133!

    Full Member

    Yeah, can’t figure out where this is going. AIUI, there must be at least 218 (?) votes for one candidate and the Democrats can’t muster that number of votes, so yet again, the US is being held hostage by extreme right nutters.

    Unless sense prevails, and sufficient moderate Republicans (does such a thing exist anymore?) decide to vote for a Democrat speaker…

    Full Member

    Unless sense prevails, and sufficient moderate Republicans (does such a thing exist anymore?) decide to vote for a Democrat speaker…

    More likely that Democrats will vote for a moderate Republican on the understanding that the MAGA agenda get ignored.

    I pick the lettuce too.

    Full Member

    Trump seems pretty toxic, especially as his peers are now very aware of how fragile his business model is.

    I can’t see the repubicans giving him any favours.

    He’s basicaly a non-entity at best, but more likley a total liability, but the larger issue at hand, is that a more astute right wing republican will take his place.

    Full Member

    He’s basicaly a non-entity at best, but more likley a total liability, but the larger issue at hand, is that a more astute right wing republican will take his place.

    The problem is that he still has very strong support among Republican base voters.

    About 30% of voters are registered Republicans (maybe a bit higher, but below 40%, I believe).

    To run for Congress, a Republican first has to win nomination by their party. They need 50% + 1 votes in a Republican primary. Even though only 20% of voters are hard-core MAGA voters, that’s a majority of Republicans in red states. Those red state seats are safe Republican seats, therefore, MAGA candidates dominate the Republican caucus.

    Mainstream Republicans like Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney (who are staunchly conservative, but fundamentally honest) know that the MAGA nuttery drives moderate voters away, but the MAGA core of the Republican voters don’t care – they aren’t interested in assembling a governing coalition and crafting a pragmatic policy portfolio that will generate enough mainstream support to be enacted, they are only interested in performative stunts to demonstrate their distain for anyone who disagrees with them.

    So, basically, the Republican party is dominated by nutters who aren’t interested in actually governing. They know that Trump is toxic and drives away moderates, but they think that owning the libs is the purpose of getting elected so they back Trump because he drives away moderates, not in spite of it.

    Full Member

    Free Member

    Yeah, can’t figure out where this is going. AIUI, there must be at least 218 (?) votes for one candidate and the Democrats can’t muster that number of votes, so yet again, the US is being held hostage by extreme right nutters

    It seems like a system that works perfectly as long as people are more or less reasonable and public-minded. Lol. Now we have one or two headbangers- and the people who matter will know exactly who they are- who can hold out for their three wishes. The only balance to that is that if they want anything too extreme, he might lose some votes from the More Reasonable Caucus, but the way US politics is now it’d be a huge step for a republican to step away from Mcarthy and towards a Democrat. And there’s not really a more reasonable Republican candidate, and if there were they’d face the exact same problem. And on the other hand Mccarthy is so fundamentally untrustworthy and spineless and the overall process so broken that there’s no point in him even making a pitch to democrats because they know any deal is worthless. With the exception of the dino Manchin, who himself basically occupies the headbanger territory in his own party, but he’d have been the first door they knocked on.

    The only winners are the biggest headbangers. They’re also the only republicans that can make capital out of refusing to support Mccarthy. It’s in their interests just to drag it through a couple more rounds of voting so their headbanger voters can approve of their headbangerness.

    It’s a bit like when Theresa May couldn’t form a government so the DUP were able to extort literal bribes of a billion quid of public money for their support

    Full Member

    Where’s that picture of the tardigrade violinist when you need it?

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