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  • Donald! Trump!
  • cornholio98
    Free Member

    I would not be a surprise if the “bung” is a potential contract for arms or oilfield equipment…

    still a signed contract from a government is not a Purchase Order…

    Free Member

    So do you think they thought very carefully before selecting the coppers to accompany the white supremacists march?


    <p class=”css-1i0edl6 e2kc3sl0″>WASHINGTON — A year after the race-fueled violence in Charlottesville, Va., a small group of white nationalists marched through downtown Washington on Sunday on their way to a rally in front of the White House.</p>
    <p class=”css-1i0edl6 e2kc3sl0″>It was over almost as soon as it began.</p>
    <p class=”css-1i0edl6 e2kc3sl0″>The white supremacists were met along their march route and at the rally site by thousands of counterdemonstrators denouncing racism and white supremacy. The white nationalists, who numbered about two dozen, stayed in Lafayette Square, a park just north of the White House, for a short time and left before 6 p.m.</p>
    <p class=”css-1i0edl6 e2kc3sl0″>They had been scheduled to hold a two-hour rally in the square beginning at 5:30. A spokesman for the National Park Service confirmed that the white nationalists had ended their event by that time.</p>

    Full Member

    So do you think they thought very carefully before selecting the coppers to accompany the white supremacists march?

    I think it sends the right message.

    Free Member

    So eh can I take my flag pole down there?

    Free Member

    As I understand it, ex-security chiefs in the USA retain access to restricted material so that they can be called upon to advise, from their experience and deep knowledge base, whoever is currently in any of those positions…

    I guess if you wanted to deliberately start crippling your own country’s security arrangements (perhaps on behalf of a foreign power) by barring these “elders” from access, that would be as good a place to start as any.

    Full Member

    Turns out that many American kids cereals have 100s x more than the WHO safe level of potentially carcinogenic pesticides, but the EPA are so understaffed (deliberate Trump policy) that they cant really do anything about it.


    Full Member

    Its a very strange expression of patriotism isn’t it – one that tramples the land, the environment and the health and well-being of the population underfoot in order to…. erm…. tax cuts.

    Full Member

    And isn’t it weird that he keeps having rallies.

    Free Member

    Yes. It’s the only part he enjoys, all that adulation feeds his ego.

    Free Member

    And isn’t it weird that he keeps having rallies.

    Fascists love a good rally

    Free Member

    And isn’t it weird that he keeps having rallies.

    I think the phrase you intended to use is ‘hand shandy’.

    Full Member

    There’s nothing weird about that is there?

    Free Member

    And isn’t it weird that he keeps having rallies.

    There are continuous elections and revenue raising events in the USA. Very little time for government…

    what is more interesting is the funding for the rallies. If they are federally funded then they cannot restrict entry. I believe that they are currently funded by the Republican Party so they can vet all entrants and employ actors to bulk the crowds…

    Free Member

    And isn’t it weird that he keeps having rallies

    Nope he launched is campaign so he can fund raise and funnel that how he likes. $$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Full Member

    Is it really worth destroying the planet just so ninfan and pals can laugh at “lefties”?


    Full Member

    So, essentially, ‘You can only do science if it tells us what we want to hear’.

    Stupid experts…

    Full Member

    So, essentially, ‘You can only do science if it tells us what we want to hear’.

    That’s the essence of the Trump/GOP echo chamber in a nutshell.

    Full Member

    Came across these retro-style political posters from wokegiant.com the other day, I rather like them:

    Free Member

    Even more Orwellian 1984 double speak from Rudy Giuliani.


    Full Member

    Loving that Giuliano interview

    ‘Truth isn’t Truth’.  Kinda sums up the entirety of Trump.

    Meanwhile Cohen looks to be charged with Fraud & campaign finance law breaches for paying off Trump’s porn stars,

    while Manafort is looking at a maximum of 305 years….

    Awaits today’s Twitter rantathon from the orange one 😁

    Free Member

    Lock him up

    Lock him up

    Lock him up

    Full Member

    Free Member

    I swear to to tell the thing that I made up and called the truth, the whole thing I made up and called the truth and nothing but something I made up and called the truth

    Full Member

    As predicted , the fucknugget in chief has spent all morning tweeitng rants about conspiracy theories.

    He’s looking more desperate than ever. 😁😁


    Full Member

    Rather than block him from Twitter, can’t we just block everyone from seeing his rants and ravings? a sort of ultimate ‘if we ignore him, he’ll just tire himself out/get bored and have a nap?’

    Free Member

    Ignoring him from the start would have been the best approach, unfortunately nobody seems to be able to ignore him

    Free Member

    unfortunately nobody seems to be able to ignore him

    yeah until he is out of the office and we are watching him in the dock it’s better to keep an eye on him.

    Full Member

    Much the same as ignoring a dog poo, if you’re not paying attention you’ll get it all over your shoe.

    Free Member

    <p style=”text-align: right;”>https://me.me/i/29-5-yeans-republican-28-years-democrat-trump-obama-8-21037708</p>
    I can’t post the pic but if the information in the graphic is correct corruption and criminality in us government seems to be the norm rather than an aberration

    Free Member

     corruption and criminality in us government seems to be the norm rather than an aberration

    Republican Governments….

    Full Member

    Just seen an article on the BBC,


    This bit caught my eye…

    Mr Trump also asserted that he could, if he wanted to, intervene in the investigation, but added that he had chosen not to do so for now.

    “I’ve decided to stay out. Now I don’t have to stay out. I can go in, and I could do whatever – I could run it if I want. But I decided to stay out,” he said.

    “I’m totally allowed to be involved if I wanted to be. So far, I haven’t chosen to be involved. I’ll stay out.”

    That’s pretty much all bollocks isn’t it? if he can (i suspect he actually can’t, but his followers aren’t gonna check), why wouldn’t he? Too many strippers to pay off at the moment, too many rounds of golf to play?

    And the whole I’m not gonna testify because you’ll do me for perjury. Only if you lie, or have lied, Donald. Only if you tell lies.

    Free Member

    That’s pretty much all bollocks isn’t it? if he can (i suspect he actually can’t, but his followers aren’t gonna check), why wouldn’t he? Too many strippers to pay off at the moment, too many rounds of golf to play?

    I think that would be cast iron obstruction.

    Full Member

    I think that would be cast iron obstruction.

    Yeah, but then wouldn’t there have to be another investigation (and endless twitter tirades) to prove it, all of which take time? not to mention give Don a chance to recruit more true believers against the Damn Gubmint?

    Full Member

    “I’ve decided to stay out. Now I don’t have to stay out. I can go in, and I could do whatever – I could run it if I want. But I decided to stay out,” he said.

    If Americans let this one carry on past November, then they have no-one to blame for the final lurch to autocracy. Everything else is falling into place, from military style policing, the lack of politically independent judiciary, and a congress and senate which, failing to hold the executive to account, is there simply for decoration and self-enrichment.

    Free Member

    Yeah, but then wouldn’t there have to be another investigation

    That one would probably go straight to congress/senate as an emergency issue – like Nixon firing AG’s

    He would also need to fire either Sessions or Rosenstein first which would start to get a lot of attention and push back

    Full Member

    His rants are getting ever more bonkers.

    The whole idea of a perjury ‘trap’ only works because he’s a compulsive liar !

    Wonder what the mannafort verdict will be? If it’s not guilty Trump is going to go into overdrive claiming it as a vindication, almost want that to happen just to see how bonkers he’ll go! Mannaforts facing at least 1 more trial already, so justice will catch up with him eventually.

    But if manaforts guilty then Trump will go into another tweet rant frenzy.

    The office of POTUS has become a circus

    Free Member

    Cohen plea deal entered

    I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it:

    Michael Cohen ‘strikes plea deal’ – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-45265546

    But as every good mobster will tell you accidents can happen….

    Full Member

    phew – I was worried this thread might lose momentum 🙂

    Full Member

    Also attempts by Russian Oligarcrchs to discredit Steele Dossier quashed by US judge


    And Mannafort jury have said there’s one out of 18 charges they haven’t reached a unanimous verdict on…..

    Bad day for Trumpy!

    Full Member

    Cohen is in court, about to make his plea

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