Donald! Trump!

Donald! Trump!

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Posted : 24/09/2020 1:47 pm
Full Member

If the direct voting figures are in his favour then he will argue that the mail-ins should be discarded as “fraud”. His supporters will take any Democrat boost from mail-ins as evidence that it has been tampered with.

This scenario is pretty likely.

In the key swing states like Pennsylvania and Florida, the margin between the Trump and Biden is probably only 2% (with Biden slightly favoured in both). But if more Republican supporters vote on the day rather than mail in, as has been suggested by many, then Trump absolutely will be ahead in these key swings states before the mail-in votes are counted.

If the direct voting figures are in his favour then he will argue that the mail-ins should be discarded as “fraud”. His supporters will take any Democrat boost from mail-ins as evidence that it has been tampered with.

I think an Enter the Gungeon mod is being coded as we speak

Posted : 24/09/2020 1:47 pm
Free Member

This time they are going straight for the ultra batshit candidate, because they don’t need anyone’s permission to install her.

The track record on supreme court justicies of Trump doesn't show this. However we will see.
In addition, stacking courts is not a new thing:

Posted : 24/09/2020 1:57 pm
Full Member

CNN did have an article on what would happen if Trump refuses to leave. The presidency is for 4 years only unless re-elected for one additional term, after 4 years they become normal citizen. Refusing to leave could be looked upon as an act of treason and even worse for Trump, power would go to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi till its sorted, let's just say their not best of buddies 🙂

Posted : 24/09/2020 2:12 pm
Full Member

Actually you’d have to get past Eric in the rose garden as an entry level, Ivanka and Melania would be in the later levels, and with mad Kill Bill skillz, and then Donald jr is the final henchman: odd job to his father’s Goldfinger

Remake of that Whitehouse is Fallen, Olympus went Doink films only no one actually gave a shit and came to rescue the Prez.

Posted : 24/09/2020 2:40 pm
Full Member

CNN did have an article on what would happen if Trump refuses to leave. The presidency is for 4 years only unless re-elected for one additional term, after 4 years they become normal citizen. Refusing to leave could be looked upon as an act of treason and even worse for Trump, power would go to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi till its sorted,

This, and the fact that the military have consistently said their job is to protect the country and the constitution, not the President.

I wouldn't be surprised if there's violence and unrest at some level, but if he thinks calling in the army will save his second term - well, I'd pay to have a ringside seat for that conversation.

Posted : 24/09/2020 3:08 pm
Free Member

Itd be Qanon militia, secret service goons that are shagging Melania, various right wing nut jobs who fancy a ruck, mark Francois and Donald junior with a swag bag full of coke


US navy seals, special forces, airborne divisions, drones etc. We already know where the white house bunker is cos he went there to hide from some protestors

It's whether the Russians or even North Korea get stuck in

Posted : 24/09/2020 3:33 pm
Full Member

He appears to be saying he would win if there was no mail-in ballots then

Yes, he's busy laying the groundwork for his "I only lost because of fraudulent mail-in voting" excuse, I'm sure he'll drag it through the courts first (assuming he does lose) but if that goes against him I wonder if he's desperate enough to try an incite his right-wing base/militias. I can't see that actually working in reality though, assuming the military support the constitution rather than Trump but I'm sure there will be localised rioting and violence from the militias.

Posted : 24/09/2020 4:16 pm
Full Member

I'm taking this as a positive sign - not sure if Republicans want another term if this chaos

BBC News - US election: McConnell promises an 'orderly' transition of power

Posted : 24/09/2020 6:14 pm
Free Member

If republicans get their pick into the SC then they're probably happier if Biden gets in anyway. In fact, I'm sure they would be. Another trump term would be so catastrophic, for everyone, the GOP would be sunk

Posted : 24/09/2020 6:20 pm
Full Member

I think I said earlier in the thread, but I think militias were a lot more worrying before coronavirus. All the preppers etc seemed pretty scary til it turned out they all had nervous breakdowns after 2 weeks without a haircut.

Posted : 24/09/2020 6:49 pm
Full Member

Posted : 24/09/2020 9:13 pm
Full Member

Why would you do that?

Posted : 24/09/2020 10:17 pm
Full Member

Bold stance from Trump here...

“Right now in a number of States, the laws allow a baby to be born, from his or her mother’s womb, in the ninth month. It is wrong, it has to change.”

Pleasingly, in a Twitter spat with James O’Brien, my MP gave her explicit support to this man. 🤦😫

Posted : 26/09/2020 9:39 am
Full Member

$750 seems kinda low to me for a billionaire.

Posted : 27/09/2020 10:47 pm
Free Member

I've put a quid on trump winning the election.


Posted : 27/09/2020 11:15 pm
Full Member

Hope you lose it.

Posted : 27/09/2020 11:31 pm
Full Member

He just went into a conspiracy theory meltdown at a hastily arranged press conference. All distraction from the tax stuff. The press still asked him why he only paid $750 in 2016 and 2017. Fake news, his taxes being audited, he can't release them...🙄

Posted : 27/09/2020 11:33 pm
Free Member

Over a billion in debt but still finds $3-400 million in cash to buy up golf courses in Scotland

I posted it before but a few journalists are convinced Scotland is the centre of everything


Posted : 28/09/2020 5:59 am
Free Member

just getting through the Times article and the figures make my mind boggle. I just don't understand how rich owe so much money yet stay so rich. I guess if i understood that I may have more.

Posted : 28/09/2020 8:13 am
Full Member

I just don’t understand how rich owe so much money yet stay so rich. I guess if i understood that I may have more.

The generally accepted wisdom about Trump and the money he has borrowed is that he has become too big to fail, so the baks need to keep supporting him.

Posted : 28/09/2020 8:31 am
Free Member

I just don’t understand how rich owe so much money yet stay so rich.

In general terms rich people get rich and stay rich by spending other people's money.

Posted : 28/09/2020 8:33 am
Free Member

I wonder if some of the banks may be hesitating now they have a) more information on his debts and how they are stacked and b) dozens of journalists going through every deal in detail, highlighting every lender and the deal. What was private is about to be shown in detail in the glare of journalism.

May some of these lenders be making a decision that getting out is needed?

Posted : 28/09/2020 8:38 am
Full Member

I just don’t understand how rich owe so much money yet stay so rich.

If you owe 50 grand, the bank owns you. If you owe 500 million, you own the bank.

Posted : 28/09/2020 8:39 am
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Full Member

I had a similar conversation with my missis when some rich person was buying a football club, after which loan debt would then be transferred to the club.

'So why can't I get a loan to by a football club and do that?'

Nope, I couldn't really explain the logic of that either.

Posted : 28/09/2020 8:42 am
Full Member

The lenders who have been splashing the cash might have to come up with answers to their backers as to whether they showed due diligence in giving Trump the money.

Posted : 28/09/2020 8:43 am
Full Member

Does Trump have access to firearms in his White House bunker?

Just for historical comparison purposes...🤔

Posted : 28/09/2020 8:48 am
Free Member

He claims his tax returns are "under audit" but surely there's a time limit on that process - checked on the IRS site and three years is the norm but under exceptional circumstances "if we identify a substantial error" they can go back six years.

So he's either paid no tax or made significant errors in his tax returns for many years.

Posted : 28/09/2020 9:01 am
Full Member

So he’s either paid no tax or made significant errors in his tax returns for many years.

Why not both? I think the second option was employed to achieve the first. Well, if you substitute the word 'fraud' for 'errors'.

Posted : 28/09/2020 9:04 am
Full Member

If you owe 50 grand, the bank owns you. If you owe 500 million, you own the bank.

If you owe the bank 50 grand its your problem, If you owe the bank 500 million, it's their problem.

I had a similar conversation with my missis when some rich person was buying a football club, after which loan debt would then be transferred to the club.

Like every other Man Yoo fan, I've spent the last 10 years looking at the parasites who 'own' the club and wondering how on earth this can possibly be legal. The club had no debt at all, then the 'owners' loaded it with the billion they borrowed to buy it, at crippling interest rates, while ripping huge sums out for themselves in 'consultancy fees'

It does seem that there's a financial VIP club where once you're a member then the rules that govern everyone else's finances no longer apply, and you can pretty much do what you like

Posted : 28/09/2020 9:12 am
Free Member

Is this the tipping point?

Posted : 28/09/2020 9:13 am
Free Member

Is this the 'october surprise'? Hopefully there's more. I like to think Biden is getting briefed and drilled within an inch of his life right now, not literally obvs given his age and frailty

Posted : 28/09/2020 9:20 am
Full Member

He claims his tax returns are “under audit” but surely there’s a time limit on that process – checked on the IRS site and three years is the norm but under exceptional circumstances “if we identify a substantial error” they can go back six years.

So he’s either paid no tax or made significant errors in his tax returns for many years.

He applied for a 70-odd million dollar rebate a while back I think, which triggered the IRS to review everything. Suspect he's been stretching that out for as long as poss, but if the decision goes against him he owes them $100M.

Also in the Cohen book, the IRS sent him a cheque for $10M.

Posted : 28/09/2020 9:23 am
Full Member

Sexual misconduct doesn’t stick, racism is good for business, dissing the military seemed reasonably toxic but unfounded and ‘in the moment’, let’s hope this is the one. It’s been a spectre for the entire presidency and bizarrely has been suppressed despite it being a thing for presidents to disclose.

Then there’s Russia.....

Posted : 28/09/2020 9:27 am
Full Member

Is this the tipping point?

People have been suggesting the arrival of tipping points every month from mid 2016 onwards!

Truth is, about 35-40% of the US electorate does not give a shit.

Posted : 28/09/2020 9:41 am
Full Member

Truth is, about 35-40% of the US electorate does not give a shit.

Or cheering him on for beating the system. Most of his base are relatively high earners, with relatively low levels of education. They see taxation as the government taking what is theirs, with no thought to what they might be doing with it (giving refunds to rich people it seems, but that’s not the point).

Must take some stones to, as a multimillion/billionaire, physically write that you owe less for a year than the average person pays for roughly a month.

Posted : 28/09/2020 9:48 am
Full Member

I agree about his base, they will actually lap this up.

Might persuade some moderates that enough is enough.... Mind you, you'd think they would have thought that a few years back!

Posted : 28/09/2020 9:58 am
Full Member

America with Trump is in the same position as us with Brexit

We'd deluded ourselves into believing we were a warm, fuzzy, liberal nation of tolerant and inclusive people

Now the reality has been ruthlessly exposed. Actually, a large percentage of people, possibly the overall majority, are petty, small-minded, nasty, intolerant racists.

Trump (and Farage and Boris over here) have just legitimised being open and unapologetic about that.

The one thing that is quite surprising is how legitimising racism seems to have overridden every other consideration. The right to be openly racist is clearly really, really important to an awful lot of people

Posted : 28/09/2020 9:59 am
Full Member

Or cheering him on for beating the system. Most of his base are relatively high earners, with relatively low levels of education. They see taxation as the government taking what is theirs

Absolutely this. This is not a tipping point. Might just make a few waverers waver a bit more

Posted : 28/09/2020 10:00 am
Full Member

The one thing that is quite surprising is how legitimising racism seems to have overridden every other consideration. The right to be openly racist is clearly really, really important to an awful lot of people

What's interesting is how it was framed. Both Trump and Brexit were described as "a rejection of political correctness" or "a backlash against metropolitan elites" but really those a just euphemisms for much darker motivations.

Posted : 28/09/2020 10:26 am
Full Member

This is not a tipping point.

I suspect there never will be one. His comment about shooting someone on 5th Avenue and getting away with it was bang on, except now he could probably lay waste to a packed sports stadium and be fine.

Posted : 28/09/2020 10:30 am
Free Member

for a lot of his supporters the only thing they'll think when they read any of this is :

"I wish I could cheat as well as that"

They don't want the bullying to stop, they want to be the bully
They don't want the system to be fair, they want to be the ones exploiting it
They don't want racism to stop, they want 'the others' to go away
They don't want everyone to benefit, they want to be the winners, which means there have to be losers

etc. They admire people that climb to the 'top', even if they step on them to get there, they're just looking for others to step on so they can do it too. It's a different mindset.

Posted : 28/09/2020 10:32 am
Free Member

Might just make a few waverers waver a bit more

Well that's all it will take, the number of undecideds is smaller than ever this election due to the polarization. Hopefully tax avoiding on a massive scale will finally be enough for a steelworker in Pennsylvania or retiree in florida

Given the strength of polling, I think the only thing that is a big concern now is the shy trump voters, the unknown lumpen who are turned on by his racism and egregiousness but are just a little bit intelligent enough to actually be ashamed about it.

That and the transfer of power

Posted : 28/09/2020 10:44 am
Full Member

They admire people that climb to the ‘top’, even if they step on them to get there, they’re just looking for others to step on so they can do it too. It’s a different mindset.

Exactly. Poor people don’t want obamacare/affordable healthcare because they don’t want to pay for everyone else ‘when I get rich’ 🤦

Posted : 28/09/2020 10:45 am
Full Member

America, in my mind, is where Germany was in the late 1920's early 30's, under a major political swing. If Trump gets in for another term, especially in light of the recent nyt report, who knows where the world will be in a year or two.....

Posted : 28/09/2020 10:59 am
Full Member

I wonder how far the democrats would get with ‘if you pay more than $750 a year in tax, the rich President thinks you are a mug’

That, along with anyone who has served the public good, be that forces or any sort of civil job, is pretty much everyone, no?

Actually, how about framing it as the people who DO pay tax effectively paying for his incompetence. The taxpayer funding loss makers sounds a lot like *wispers* socialism

Posted : 28/09/2020 11:27 am
Full Member

except now he could probably lay waste to a packed sports stadium and be fine.

He effectively has, many times over.

Posted : 28/09/2020 11:30 am
Full Member

He effectively has, many times over.

I was going to mention that, but there’s enough nutters to shout that down, I’m talking about him going seat to seat with a Gatling gun.

Posted : 28/09/2020 11:33 am
Free Member

Might persuade some moderates that enough is enough…. Mind you, you’d think they would have thought that a few years back!

Posted : 28/09/2020 11:39 am
Full Member

Lolz, apparently there’s a trump tweet lambasting Obama for paying 20.5% tax on 790k, whilst raising taxation levels. Presumably he thinks he should only have paid 0.1%

Posted : 28/09/2020 11:54 am
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