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  • Donald! Trump!
  • Twodogs
    Full Member

    mikey74 – Member
    This didn’t go well:


    Yeah but the senator (?) doing the questioning still voted to confirm him

    Full Member

    But trump has passed no legislation that affects the economy, he inherited a stable economy from Obama and infact in Obama’s first year more jobs were created and percentage wise the stock market did better, and all this came from an economy that wasn’t in such good shape when he started. So I think you should probably be thanking Obama as Trump hasn’t actually done anything and that’s probably why the economy is still doing quite well.

    Free Member

    It’s the economy stupid and he still managed to lose one of the safest GOP senate seats going, that’s quite an achievement.

    Free Member

    Ninfan if people cared about the economy they wouldn’t have voted for Brexit.
    Plus America’s current economy is not the product of anything Trump has done .

    Free Member

    crankboy – Member
    Ninfan if people cared about the economy they wouldn’t have voted for Brexit.
    Plus America’s current economy is not the product of anything Trump has done .


    All people who voted for Brexit/Trump care about is their own ‘economy’ and not wanting to share it with anyone else.

    Anyway, on the subject of ninfan……

    Free Member

    America’s current economy is not the product of anything Trump has done

    Must be from all that Narco-terror drug money that Obama secretly funnelled to Hezbollah


    Full Member

    Can we get a better troll for Christmas, I don’t get the same zealous intensity from him anymore. Also he’s pretty much trying to dig a hole through the Earth to the Moon with a teaspoon so it’s kind of lost the entertainment value. President Bawbag.

    Free Member

    “Must be from all that Narco-terror drug money that Obama secretly funnelled to Hezbollah” what has your link got to do with the American economy? Do you believe American economic growth is funded by Hezbollah drug money ?

    Full Member

    Very interesting and disturbing link ninfan
    Especially as Trump’s now effectively shut down the possibility of further investigation as the article points out

    budget cuts and dropped investigations are only a few of many challenges made worse by the passage of nearly a year since Trump took office.

    Free Member

    Yeah but the senator (?) doing the questioning still voted to confirm him

    Peterson has pulled out, not surprisingly.

    Full Member
    Free Member

    Bob Corker voted no on the tax reform because it would explode the deficit.

    Corker voting yes on revised bill which would still explode deficit but now gives cuts to owners of large real estate portfolios.

    Bob Corker owns large real estate portfolio.


    Corker kickback

    The report noted the Trump family and several congressional Republicans, including Corker, would likely benefit from the language. Corker has accumulated significant wealth through his real estate investments, and he immediately came under fire from the left, which accused him of flipping his vote in favor of the tax bill solely because of the real-estate language.

    Full Member

    The US continues it’s war-mongering over NK:


    He states “North Korea is a grave threat to all civilized people”. Is it? Really? Why would NK start a war, even when they have Nuclear capability?

    Here’s a list of countries that have (or a strongly suspected to have or had) a native nuclear capability in some form or other:

    1) USA
    2) Russia
    3) UK
    4) France
    5) China
    6) India
    7) Pakistan
    8 ) North Korea
    9) Israel
    10) South Africa

    Here’s a list of countries that have actually used that capability:

    1) USA

    Hmmm. who should we be worried about again Mr McMaster?? 😉

    Full Member

    The US continues it’s war-mongering over NK

    They are now saying NK was behind the WannaCry ransomware attack

    Free Member

    GrahamS – Member
    Why does Trump drink water like a toddler??

    Because inside that head, that’s what he actually is…

    Ooh look. A shiny toy. I want my ketchup. Tweet tweet tweet. Etc…. 😐

    Free Member

    Because inside that head, that’s what he actually is…

    Ooh look. A shiny toy. I want my ketchup. Tweet tweet tweet. Etc….

    I remember much the same attacks on Bush Jr.

    We pretty much constantly heard how stupid and arrogant he was

    However, over the years since, all the interviews with people like the former deputy director of the CIA who worked with him day in, day out says he was massively astute, analytical and calm under pressure

    another example here:

    George W. Bush is smarter than you

    Highly pertinent question at the end:

    if you base your view of President Bush’s intellect on a public image and caricature shaped by late night comedians, op-ed writers, TV pundits, and Twitter, is that a smart thing for you to do?

    Go figure…

    Full Member

    Trump on the recent rail crash near Seattle:

    A few hours after the crash, Donald Trump cited it as a reason to support his infrastructure plan, tweeting: “The train accident that just occurred in DuPont, WA shows more than ever why our soon to be submitted infrastructure plan must be approved quickly. Seven trillion dollars spent in the Middle East while our roads, bridges, tunnels, railways (and more) crumble! Not for long!”

    Ten minutes later, he tweeted: “Thoughts and prayers are with everyone involved.”

    Full Member

    You are quite right of course ninfan.

    It would be ridiculously childish and immature to criticise someone for drinking water badly:


    Free Member

    His motor skills definitely flagging.

    Free Member

    to criticise someone for drinking water badly:

    I particularly liked the fact that the usual suspects have been saying it’s a an early sign of dementia.

    Brilliant – they’ve just given The Don the ultimate get out of jail free card for any congressional impeachment hearings over collusion with Russia

    “I cannot recall”

    Way to play the long game lefties 😆

    Full Member

    “Don’t you think he looks tired?”


    Full Member

    With all the golf he plays, you would think his motor skills should be well honed.

    Free Member

    Graham, if you’re having to rely on Dr Who scriptwriters to try and defeat the President, then you might as well pack up and go home 😉

    you would think his motor skills should be well honed.

    Clearly his inability to grab a bottle of water undermines the claims about all the other things he’s supposed to have grabbed…

    Full Member

    US votes against UN resolution condemning gay sex death penalty, joining Iraq and Saudi Arabia

    Quite a piece of work is Trump.

    Full Member

    Graham, if you’re having to rely on Dr Who scriptwriters to try and defeat the President, then you might as well pack up and go home

    😆 Is that what I’m doing? An enemy of the state? Here I thought I was just laughing at the ironic hypocrisy of President Sippy Cup.

    It’s classic Trump – boldly accuse others of doing the very thing that you do yourself.

    Clearly his inability to grab a bottle of water undermines the claims about all the other things he’s supposed to have grabbed…

    Perhaps he used two (tiny) hands there too.

    Full Member

    I’m a big(ly) boy now.

    Full Member

    Trump on the recent rail crash near Seattle:

    Such an endearing trait eh! The bodies aren’t even cold yet and he’s trying to score points with them……..

    Free Member

    Poor old ninfan.

    I remember much the same attacks on Bush Jr.

    We pretty much constantly heard how stupid and arrogant he was

    However, over the years since, all the interviews with people like the former deputy director of the CIA who worked with him day in, day out says he was massively astute, analytical and calm under pressure

    Pathetic really. Not such a clever troll after all.

    GB2 thinks Trump is a loser, shoka.

    Full Member

    Graham, if you’re having to rely on Dr Who scriptwriters to try and defeat the President, then you might as well pack up and go home

    In a beautiful symmetry, you’re leading the charge for Trump Supporters, so I guess that’s a score draw.

    Full Member

    ninfan – Member
    to criticise someone for drinking water badly:
    I particularly liked the fact that the usual suspects have been saying it’s a an early sign of dementia.

    Brilliant – they’ve just given The Don the ultimate get out of jail free card for any congressional impeachment hearings over collusion with Russia

    “I cannot recall”

    Way to play the long game lefties
    So, in your pocket universe, anyone who is critical of Trumper and takes the piss is a Leftie, hmmmm?

    Full Member

    ninfan –
    Graham, if you’re having to rely on Dr Who scriptwriters to try and defeat the President, then you might as well pack up and go home

    No-one has to rely on that – he’s the most sitting of targets since the Dambusters decided to have a crack at ten thousand tons of sedentary German concrete. The concrete may have been smarter (had it survived).

    Free Member

    he’s the most sitting of targets since the Dambusters decided to have a crack at ten thousand tons of sedentary German concrete

    Required multiple attempts, at huge cost, resulting in a partial but incomplete tactical success from which the damage was repaired in a few weeks and ultimately made no significant strategic difference to the outcome of the war?

    Full Member

    he was massively astute, analytical and calm under pressure


    Full Member

    ninfan linked to Keith Hennessy to talk about bush, here’s what he thinks about Trump.

    I Oppose Donald Trump…

    Free Member

    Required multiple attempts, at huge cost, resulting in a partial but incomplete tactical success from which the damage was repaired in a few weeks and ultimately made no significant strategic difference to the outcome of the war?

    Apart from diverting a lot of manpower and resources to rebuild those dams. Manpower and resources that where bing used to build the Atlantic Wall, which was kind of useful when allied troops stormed the beaches in Normandy.

    Free Member

    grahamh – Member
    Required multiple attempts, at huge cost, resulting in a partial but incomplete tactical success from which the damage was repaired in a few weeks and ultimately made no significant strategic difference to the outcome of the war?
    Apart from diverting a lot of manpower and resources to rebuild those dams. Manpower and resources that where bing used to build the Atlantic Wall, which was kind of useful when allied troops stormed the beaches in Normandy.


    Too easy sometimes grahamh!

    Still, ninfy will keep on trollin’.

    Trollin’, trollin’……..trollin’ on the riv-errrrrrr.

    Big wheel keep on turnin’.

    Ninfan keeps on trollin’.

    Trollin’, trollin’……

    You get the picture.

    Free Member

    What the point engaging he is not as astute as he once was and even he is struggling with this version of defend the indefensible

    Some of you need to have a word with yourself for engaging with him though

    Full Member

    He’s better off here than burning children’s books or whatever he does in the real world.

    Free Member

    I particularly like the way you accuse others of not playing the long game, when you can’t even manage to work out the implications of your own post – if he plays the dementia card he’s toast.

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