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  • Donald! Trump!
  • martinhutch
    Full Member

    And let’s remind ourself of this magic moment from the RNC.


    Full Member

    I reckon Trump will throw kushner & possibly trump jr? under the bus

    Wonder what the Reps are thinking about this, held hostage by their breitbart/tea party base, they have to show loyalty to the orange one, up to what point?

    Free Member

    Given the ones that are breaking ranks already some bad mid term polls might force them, if the don’t win in alabama it could be a sign

    Free Member

    Who will Ivanka stand with?

    Full Member

    Obstruction of justice charge on its way for trumpy?

    Full Member

    Polls have them 15-20 points behind the Dems

    Bannon has fractured their core vote, but he’s playing the long game.

    Also bannon was met with Mogg & Farage in London this week!

    Full Member

    I don’t think that constitutes obstruction of justice. Just a bloke who doesn’t even know how the government works.

    Let’s see what Papadopoulos and Flynn have dished out.

    Free Member

    I have the feeling the Kimbers of this world are going to be disappointed.

    Normal rules do not apply at the moment.

    Full Member

    I have little doubt that Kushner would welcome the chance to escape from the WH even though his flagship NYC property is drowning in debt.
    As for Flynn, it’s been known for months that he lied to the FBI and today’s charge/plea is limited to that; Mueller’s playing a long game and will bring further charges against Flynn in his own time.
    Trump must be changing his incontinence pads a lot more frequently now.
    Damage done to international reputation of USA is serious and some, I think, is now permanent.

    Trump threatened to sue every woman who accused him of sexual assault – there were 10 or 12 I think; have I missed the court cases?

    Free Member

    I reckon Trump will throw kushner & possibly trump jr? under the bus

    who knows with families but it will be a shit storm for them personally and politically if they do this

    Donald jr may take the fall for dad the in law is not doing time for the donald

    Full Member

    Once he’s no longer president he’ll face book the same sexual harassment fallout as Weinstein & the like

    Free Member

    Once he’s no longer president he’ll face book the same sexual harassment fallout as Weinstein & the like

    He’s more of a Twitter guy.

    Full Member

    ABC news saying Flynn will testify he spoke to the Russians on orders from Trump

    Full Member

    ABC have been pushing that since this afternoon but no other outlet saying the same.
    I would rather see Kushner named and then him name Trump – you know, make this just a little more……exquisite.

    Free Member

    I would rather see Kushner named and then him name Trump – you know, make this just a little more……exquisite.

    I hope the lot of them go down for this. Slowly, painfully and letting us see just what the price is to sell out your family members.

    Free Member

    Only if you are the yardstick by which we measure it

    Lame 😆

    Don’t let the facts stand in the way of playground insults.

    Full Member

    Bittersweet day for Trump.

    The reps have agreed the tax cuts that will be a huge financial benefit to Trump, not to mention an actual legislative achievement after a year!

    Just as Flynn implicates his son in law

    Full Member

    Now the tax bill is through trump may find any allies distancing themselves from him. They’ve got what they want and he’s becoming toxic.

    Free Member

    The Congressional Budget Office released its analysis of the newest TCJA’s budget impact.
    The CBO determined that the final version of the Senate bill would add $1.4478 trillion to the deficit over 10 years, just squeezing under the $1.5 trillion limit allowed under Senate rules.


    Free Member

    Given that he seemed to have absolutely no awareness of:

    Who “Britain First” are, or even doing the tiniest bit of research into those videos before retweeting them but just going ahead on the basis that he thought it was a UK version of his “America First” slogan, without avoiding publicising a group who were connected to the murder of a British M.P., an event about which he said nothing, just confirms Tillotson’s opinion of him.

    The Americans elected a moron.

    Free Member

    Don’t let the facts stand in the way of playground insults.

    I was using the facts and its obvious what your real views are

    AT least i can admit my politics openly without the risk of a ban…..PC gone mad innit and that must really grate with you.

    Full Member

    Oddly enough I’ve seen “Britain First“ Facebook likes in my Facebook feed from people who don’t really get what they stand for, they do the support our armed forces phishing regularly.

    They do seem to like whipping their members up into a frenzy thou with sharia law and McDonald’s dropping bacon.

    Full Member

    Not defending The Trump thou he’s just a creating a shitstorm cover to hide behind.

    Free Member

    Racists are skilled at sowing discord and denying their racism and shrouding their hate filed bile in causes many folk would support. Even the racists know they have to deny they are racist and not say what they really think publicly.

    I dont do FB but a rational friend at work said he read that you cannot fly the union Jack on their feed . I then pointed to the one we could see from our office and asked him to explain.
    they wish to sow discord and they do with BS stories as very few are willing to embrace their agenda of hate if they openly state it so they dont.

    Full Member

    @dudeofdoom That’s how they’ve become the most popular ‘political party’ on Facebook, loads of posts about supporting ‘our boys’, ‘like and share if you hate animal cruelty/cancer in kids/sexual abuse’ and ‘why should i pay tax for scrounges to live for free’ type stuff. People lapped it up without checking who was doing the posting, or checking of what they were posting was accurate, cos it’s easy to just click once to like or share it.

    Once they got all those followers the full on fascism and photoshopped lies started.

    With a bit of luck, the ‘publicity’, will let all those accidental supporters know who they really are, so they will drop them. Doubt they’d get any more followers, if you are of that view point *waves at enfht* you probably already follow them.

    Full Member

    Ahh yes the flag thing…..

    There are a few funny rule things about flying flags but it doesn’t ban you from flying one.

    Never really felt the need for a flagpole thou.

    Full Member

    The reason you can’t fly a union flag/st George’s cross isn’t to do with any law. It’s because if you do, others with think you are a racist. Because racists, like Britain first, use it to promote their cause.

    Be prepared for a story coming out about some council banning Xmas decorations. I’ll have a bet with anyone that it won’t be true.

    Full Member

    The Americans elected a moron.

    Morons elected a moron.

    Free Member

    Trump’s latest tweet says that he knew Flynn lied to the FBI when he sacked Comey. This is an admission to obstruction of justice and an impeachable offence so he’s basically just admitted this to everyone. What a moron! I think this is quite big – no way can he squirm out of this one!


    Free Member

    Oh no, it’s death by a thousand extrapolations once again.

    Did you lot learn nothing from yesterday’s ABC new debacle when everyone was jumping up and down telling us that Flynn’s admissions about “candidate” Trump were the final nail in Donald’s coffin?

    Free Member

    He just admitted on twitter to obstruction of justice – an impeachable offence.

    Did you expect the Flynn case to be done and dusted in a day? Trump’s in big trouble ninfan, it’s just a matter of time.

    Full Member

    So this means Trump has officially admitted obstruction of justice to the world. Mueller doesn’t even need to investigate stuff, he just needs to read Trump’s tweets, Trump is clearly dumber than I thought. Bawbag central at the white house.

    Free Member

    He just admitted on twitter to obstruction of justice

    Yes, yes, of course he did 😆

    Trump’s in big trouble ninfan, it’s just a matter of time.

    Yes, you’re absolutely right, Shocking isn’t it? I mean, if Trump keeps on like this then there’s absolutely no way that he is ever going to be able to sucessfully run for president/stand on a republican ticket/win the primaries/get over the ‘pussygate’ scandal/actually win the election/win the electoral college/get sworn in/last more than 100 days/be accepted by other world leaders/get over the latest scandal/defeat ISIS/last more than six months/avoid starting a nuclear war with North Korea/last more than a year/build a wall/see out a full term/get re-elected*

    *Delete as appropriate

    Full Member

    Yes, yes, of course he did

    So he’s either commited an illegal act or he’s lying about commuting an illegal act, so he’s either a criminal or an idiot. That’s the only two options available.

    Full Member

    Although obviously they’re not mutually exclusive.

    Full Member

    Admitting to an impeachable offence is not the same thing as being impeached.

    Free Member

    Ninfan – I agree, it’s absolutely shocking what he seems to have been able to get away with. Money, power, no morals and destructive mental habits have allowed him to cause misery, destruction, hatred and division on a massive scale.

    However, the net is closing in (thankfully). It may take time, but I don’t think it’s too far off, and there’s bound to be more chaos in the meantime, but he’ll get what’s coming to him.

    Free Member

    so he’s either a criminal or an idiot.

    I refer you to the multipurpose “Trump predictions” answer detailed above

    Full Member

    Yeah fine, choose one though.

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