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  • Donald! Trump!
  • MSP
    Full Member

    Ah, pass the buck

    Yep, he passed the buck to the Republicans, and they stopped the action he wanted, well done to them for their decisiveness. But at least we now see their and your hypocrisy exposed.

    pretty much sums up Obamas time in office doesn’t it!

    Yeah shame he was never able to pass his healthcare bill.

    Free Member

    and they stopped the action he wanted,

    Except, as demonstrated above, they didn’t

    and this was supposedly a ‘red line’ issue

    Free Member

    Ninfan your trolls are as blatant as your logic is tragic

    Despite this someone always bites

    The more interesting point is that the republicans and trump opposed action on syria blocked obama who wanted to act and now wish to blame him for the fact nothing happened armed only with you , BS and historical revisionism

    Free Member

    blocked obama

    Ok, let’s look at this logically, how exactly did they block him when

    I) They never voted
    2) He didn’t need their permission in the first place

    Free Member

    DeadlyDarcy – I would have got away with it, if it weren’t for you pesky kids!


    One comment made a little while after the attack, with imperfect knowledge of the results of a 59 missile strike on a single airfield. The other made a couple of days after the attack, when more is known and it is clear how Trump deliberately limited the effects. It would have been fair to wipe out those who took part in dropping nerve gas on civilians, but it is now reported that care was taken not to target the barracks or other areas where troops would have been at 3:45 in the morning.

    Who knew that Trump did subtlety?

    Free Member

    Klunk – Member
    Do you think Donald asked the Chinese Premier “What are you going to do if we attack north Korea?” and would he get a truthful answer ?

    No, Chinese will not give him a truthful answer but there will always be the case for Chinese like the saying “you let others do your dirty job”.

    The question is that if Chinese let it happens then other regions within China will be up for negotiation and Chinese will not like that. 😛

    maxtorque – Member

    A few Tomahawks as goodwill gesture between superpowers isnormal

    er, no, no it isn’t.
    Detente [/quote] Yes, US & Russia relationship is going to improve under President Trump but the media bias political opponents just do not want to see that happen. President Trump needs to do something hence the gestures with the Tomahawks. You see those that refuse to normalise relationship with Russia is actually encouraging a greater war without realising or they have done it deliberately (they need to create problem to exist). Also by trying to intervene or to “educate” others about human rights are naive not to say silly. Most people in the far east want to do business but certainly not being “educated” and most that I have spoken to say the same thing. Mind you (the West) own business.

    Free Member

    let’s look at this logically


    However you wish to spin it the republicans were against intervention, did not support obama to intervene[ nor did trump] and due to this he did not act
    you can attempt to blame whomever you wish for this[ clearly excluding those who are to blame], you can pretend trump and the republicans always wanted to act …heck you can do anythign but describe it accurately , impartially and free of bias

    See you next month snowflake

    Free Member

    They didn’t vote because Assad negotiated to give up his chemical weapons under supervision from Russia and the UN

    How does Assad have chemical weapons?

    That led, of course, to the threat of cruise-missile strikes on a more massive scale by Barack Obama. His threat forced the hands of the Russians, who told Assad, “Look, the only way that we can avoid U.S. military strikes is if you agree to hand over your chemical-weapons arsenal” — which is what they did. So 1,300 tons of chemical weapons — sarin, mustard gas, and all the precursor chemicals — were verifiably removed.

    But after that, there were questions raised time and again at the meetings of the enforcement group: Did Assad provide a complete declaration of his stockpile? Did he retain some capacity to produce? And obviously, the answer here is that he did retain some capacity. Either he did not make a complete declaration, or he manufactured some precursor chemicals to make sarin in the two or three years after this operation was over. We also have to remember that there were chlorine barrel-bomb attacks by Syrian-army helicopters in various places over the past two or three years. The U.N. Security Council debated and debated how to respond. Just in February, the Russians and the Chinese vetoed strong actions that the rest of the council wanted to take to stop those attacks.

    Free Member

    Assad negotiated to give up his chemical weapons under supervision from Russia and the UN

    Well, that worked then

    Yay for Obama!

    Free Member

    What do you think should happen then? The only way to be sure would be boots on the ground and the associated extra death, destruction and recruitment opportunities for ISIS etc.

    Exactly what Trump railed against four years ago…

    Finally, there have been many atrocities in the Syrian civil war — chemical weapons among the worst. But will President Trump now seek to retaliate militarily to every atrocity? We are now, in some ways, on the hook — he’s on the hook — to respond to the other atrocities that will certainly continue. I mean, Assad is certainly not going to stop killing civilians; he’s not going to stop bombing hospitals; and Russia is not going to stop cooperating. These are questions that I think the administration needs to try to answer in the days ahead. If they don’t have the answers, they need to find them fast.

    Free Member

    Trump has been discussing safe zones (as opposed to boots on the ground intervention/occupation) for ages

    Full Member

    Trump has been discussing safe zones (as opposed to boots on the ground intervention/occupation) for ages

    If only he had been president for a few months so he could stop discussing and start doing.
    It would be interesting to see the difference between “safe zone” with the troops/air support needed to enforce it and “occupation”.

    Full Member

    It would be interesting to see the difference between “safe zone” with the troops/air support needed to enforce it and “occupation”.

    Not to mention how to do that now that even his bezzy mate Vlad is in a bad mood ! So – remind me again what throwing his cruise missiles out of the pram achieved?

    Full Member

    How’s he doing, anyway ?

    Over the past three weeks, Trump’s approval plummeted, as he struggled to take back the narrative amidst legislative failures and a ubiquitous Russia. He floated several attempts to deflect, and replace Russia as the lead story: the Obama wiretapp, the Nunes brouhaha, the Susan Rice unmasking — but none seemed to work. This week he figured out a way to take back the narrative — one commonly used by autocrats — he started a war.
    1. Five weeks have passed since Trump’s tweet accusing Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower. He has yet to offer any evidence or apologize.
    2. Seeking to deflect from his growing unpopularity and Russia stories, Trump segued his Obama story to “a crooked scheme” involving Susan Rice spying on the Trump regime.
    3. Citing no evidence, Trump said Susan Rice had committed a crime. Experts debunked his claim, saying unmasking is routine for an NSA.
    4. The LA Times Editorial Board launched a scathing six-part series on the Trump presidency: “Our Dishonest President.”
    5. Since taking office, Trump has made 367 false or misleading claims according to the WAPO.
    6. Rejecting Trump’s defense, a Kentucky federal judge said a lawsuit against Trump for inciting violence at a campaign event could proceed.
    7. Trump’s popularity plunged to 34% in an April IBD/TIPP poll, including a significant loss of support among rural voters (56% to 41%) and white men (58% to 49%).
    8. A Quinnipiac poll found a similar drop in approval by Trump key demographic white men: 58% to 47%.
    9. The US jobs report for March was dismal, weakest in almost a year. Unlike February when Trump took credit for a strong report despite his short time office, this time there was no comment.
    10. ProPublica reported that despite his pledge to remove himself from his business interests, Trump can pull money from any of his businesses, at any time, without disclosing it.
    11. At a WH press briefing, Spicer defamed ProPublica, calling it a “left-wing blog.” ProPublica issued a strong response and statement of facts, including the Trump trust documents which were revised on February 10.
    12. While under consideration for a major national security role, Stephen Feinberg said he wants to keep his stake in Cerberus, which is the 17th biggest US Army contractor in 2015.
    13. Breaking from Trump’s pledge to “drain the swamp,” POLITICO reported that Trump ex-staffers are cashing in through foreign lobbying work.
    14. Trump has left the WH Office of Science and Technology vacant, filling just one position with the former chief of staff for Peter Thiel. As discussed in past lists, Trump is installing “spies” into agencies, while leaving key roles without appointed candidates.
    15. Researchers said the Trump regime has been deleting scientific data collected by government agencies. One scientist said, “It’s a bloodbath.”
    16. In violation of the Hatch Act, Dan Scavino Jr., social media director and WH advisor, tweeted at a member of the Freedom Caucus that he was a “big liability” and should be primaried. He later changed his Twitter bio to “Personal @Twitter Handle.”
    17. Without public announcement, Trump issued an EO changing the order of succession within the DOJ.
    18. Twitter filed a lawsuit after the Department of Homeland Security requested they reveal the identity of an anonymous account which has been critical of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services office
    19. On Friday, DHS dropped its request, and Twitter withdrew its lawsuit.
    20. The Twitter account for the US agency which controls the US nuclear force, US Strategic Command, tweeted an article by Breitbart.
    21. Expanding his already huge portfolio of responsibilities, Kushner traveled to Iraq with General Dunford. The trip became the stuff of parody in a piece titled, “Jared Goes To Iraq! A Picture Story.”
    22. WAPO reported Kushner Iraq trip violated protocol in that it was confirmed before they landed.
    23. Kushner’s increasing foreign relations portfolio led to questions of whether he has become the “defacto secretary of state.”
    24. The city council in Cambridge, MA passed a resolution calling for Congress to begin an impeachment investigation into Trump.
    25. Trump invited Egyptian President el-Sisi to the WH, and did not mention human rights abuses. Families of Americans being held prisoner in Egypt also said Trump had ignored their pleas for help, after Trump on the campaign trail, excoriated Obama for not prioritizing prisoners in Iran.
    26. On #EqualPayDay it was noted that Trump had quietly signed an EO taking away Obama-era protection for women workers.
    27. Trump cut all funding to UNFPA, a United Nations agency that works on maternal and reproductive health.
    28. Trump defended serial sexual harasser Bill O’Reilly during Sexual Assault Awareness Month, calling him “a good person” and saying, “I don’t think Bill did anything wrong.”
    29. In the first three months of 2017, hate crimes in NYC doubled over last year. Most crimes were anti-Semitic, with an uptick in anti-black incidents as well.
    30. The NY State Supreme Court ruled that NYC can destroy immigrants municipal ID information, as part of the City’s effort to protect undocumented immigrants from being deported by Trump.
    31. An Indiana restaurant owner was deported overnight by ICE to Mexico, despite pending legal actions. According to NPR, none of his lawyers were notified.
    32. FT reported that the FBI will create a special unit to coordinate its investigation of Russian interference with the election.
    33. Before resigning as NSA, Flynn did not reveal income he received from Russian-related entities in 2015 for speaking fees.
    34. Yahoo reported that Trump abruptly pulled out of meeting scheduled for February with Alexander Torshin, the deputy governor of the Bank of Russia and a close ally of Putin, over disclosed ties to organized crime.
    35. ICE whisked away Evgeny Buryakov, the Russian spy mentioned in Week 20. At trial, Buryakov’s attorney fees were paid by his employer VEB, a Russian Bank whose head secretly met with Kushner in December.
    36. BuzzFeed reported that former Trump advisor Page met with an undercover Russian spy in 2013, and passed along information.
    37. WAPO reported Erik Prince, Trump insider and brother of Betsy DeVos, attended a secret meeting arranged by the UAE with a Russian close to Putin in Seychelles on January 11, opening a back-channel to Russia.
    38. A UAE crown prince also had a meeting with Flynn, Kushner and Bannon in December. In an unusual breach of protocol, the UAE did not notify the Obama administration in advance.
    39. CNN reported the FBI is investigating links between Alfa Bank and Trump Organization servers, indicating an intention to communicate. During the campaign, 80% of Trump Org server lookups were done by Alfa Bank and 19% by Spectrum Health, which is led by Betsy Devos’s husband.
    40. NYT reported that Kushner omitted his multiple meetings with Russians in filling out his Questionnaire for National Security Positions.
    41. In a video obtained by Forward, Trump’s chief counter-terrorism adviser Gorka publicly supported a violent anti-Semitic militia group.
    42. On Thursday, Nunes temporarily stepped away from chairing the House Intelligence Committee’s investigation of Russia, citing an ethics complaint by the Office of Congressional Ethics.
    43. In a letter that afternoon, the Republican chair of the House Ethics Committee announced they too are investigating Nunes for the “unauthorized disclosure of classified information.”
    44. Confusion reigned in the Trump regime after the Assad chemical bombing. Without citing specifics, Trump said he changed his Syria policy, but no one else in the regime seemed to know details.
    45. Without a formal announcement, Trump removed Steve Bannon from the National Security Council. Jennifer Jacobs, a Bloomberg reporter, broke the story after reading it in a notice published in the Federal Register.
    46. POLITICO reported that mega-donor Rebekah Mercer convinced her close ally Bannon not to resign. Reporter Jane Mayer has uncovered that the Mercers stand to avoid $6.8bn in taxes under Trump.
    47. The National Security Council page on is blank, save for these words: “Check back soon for more information.”
    48. NYT reported that as early as July, the CIA had evidence of Russia’s efforts to get Trump elected, and that Trump advisers were likely working with the Russians.
    49. In August, CIA director Brennan met with the Gang of Eight to share his findings. Reid had pushed repeatedly to inform the American public, but McConnell questioned findings and pushed for version of a public letter without any reference to Russia.
    50. As noted in Week 4, McConnell had also been the roadblock to Obama going public in October with more explicit information on Russia’s attempted interference with our election.
    51. Also as noted in Week 4, shortly after the election, Trump chose McConnell’s wife as his nominee for transportation secretary.
    52. On Friday, McConnell passed the filibuster-ending “nuclear option” for Supreme Court picks. One columnist referred to him as “the man who broke America.”
    53. Trump had also pushed McConnell towards the nuclear option. One expert in authoritarianism said of autocrats, “They will continue to rewrite major rules and disregard norms.”
    54. Wars within the Trump regime continued this week, with open animus between Kushner and Bannon, and rumors that Bannon and Priebus could be on their way out.
    55. All the while, power continues to consolidate into the hands of Trump, Ivanka and Kushner. In the executive branch, only 4% of key roles are filled and 92% still have no nominee.
    56. In a PR stunt that fell flat, Trump donated his $78,333 paycheck to the Park Service. Ironically, Trump’s budget calls for deep cuts to the Interior Dept, which includes the Park Service, of 12% or $1.5bn.
    57. On Thursday, amidst a continued fall in approval and a growing drumbeat of Russia, Trump used provocations by North Korea and Syria as an opportunity to threaten war against both.
    58. On Thursday night, while in Mar-a-Lago meeting with China’s President Xi, Trump launched an attack on Syria .
    59. Trump did not seek approval or notify Congress ahead of time. He did however, give advance notice to Russia.
    60. Trump cited Assad’s use of chemical weapons against Syrian civilians, including children, as justification. Ironically, one of Trump’s first actions in office was his Muslim Ban, which banned Syrian refugees. Also per PolitiFact, on the campaign trail, Trump promised to remove existing Syrian refugees from the US.
    61. Also of note, the Trump regime has been responsible for killing hundreds of innocent civilians, including children, in the failed Yemen raid, and then in Mosul where pamphlets told citizens not to leave their homes.
    62. Pentagon released a video of the US strike Thursday night, which they claimed, “Initial indications are that this strike has severely damaged or destroyed Syrian aircraft and support infrastructure and equipment.
    63. Nine civilians, including four children, were killed by Trump’s airstrike.
    64. By the next day, the Assad regime was again launching airstrikes from the airfield Trump’s attack had supposedly destroyed.
    65. The media loved Trump’s show of force, and on Friday Syria become story one, displacing Russian interference and ties to Trump.
    66. The Onion ran the perfect parody of the situation on Friday, “Trump Confident U.S. Military Strike On Syria Wiped Out Russian Scandal.” Other pundits used the euphemism, Wag the Dog.
    67. To complete the stagecraft, the Trump regime released their version of the Situation Room photo. This version was taken in Mar-a-Lago, and included Spicer, two Goldman Sachs executives, Commerce Secretary Ross, and Kushner glaring over at Bannon.

    Free Member

    1. Five weeks have passed since Trump’s tweet accusing Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower. He has yet to offer any evidence or apologize.
    2. Seeking to deflect from his growing unpopularity and Russia stories, Trump segued his Obama story to “a crooked scheme” involving Susan Rice spying on the Trump regime.
    3. Citing no evidence, Trump said Susan Rice had committed a crime. Experts debunked his claim, saying unmasking is routine for an NSA.

    OK, since these are top of your list, I’ll ask you a simple question

    Knowing what we do know, right now, about surveillance, monitoring, unmasking and distribution of intercept information of Trump and his team – would you be entirely 100% happy for Trump and his Whitehouse officials to have access to the same information about whoever runs against him in 2020?

    Free Member

    Would it not make more sense to just admit those claims were true rather than do something as pathetic as that as a reply – its shit whatabouterry and beneath you to be this lame …you used to be a contender.

    Free Member

    Ah, quelle surprise, the unmistakable sound of screaming as the cognitive dissonance kicks in…

    Full Member

    would you be entirely 100% happy for Trump and his Whitehouse officials to have access to the same information about whoever runs against him in 2020?

    I would think it quite incredible if the security services didn’t conduct surveillance on every presidential candidate. Wouldn’t you?

    The only question there is did Obama have unreasonable access to that surveillance? Trump seems to claim he did but hasn’t produced any evidence, despite saying he would.

    Ultimately I suspect that, if pushed, he’ll just provide evidence that he was surveilled but as I said, that wouldn’t/shouldn’t really be that surprising by itself.

    Full Member

    Knowing what we do know, right now, about surveillance, monitoring, unmasking and distribution of intercept information of Trump and his team – would you be entirely 100% happy for Trump and his Whitehouse officials to have access to the same information about whoever runs against him in 2020?

    Will whoever runs against him have done enough to convince a FISA judge to issue a warrant? As Trump and his associates seem to have done by cosying up to his Russian pals.

    Full Member

    but it is now reported that care was taken not to target the barracks or other areas where troops would have been at 3:45 in the morning.

    Or else – “we missed”.

    Free Member

    Trump seems to claim he did but hasn’t produced any evidence, despite saying he would.

    I do like how the lefties have been jumping up and down demanding ‘evidence’ over these allegations, then crying foul when the chair of the committee gets shown it 😀

    How awfully strange they don’t demand ‘evidence’ before repeating rumours about Trumps ties with Russia, or conspiracy theories about the Syrian CW attacks being a false-flag operation?

    Full Member

    conspiracy theories about the Syrian CW attacks being a false-flag operation?

    infowars is now leftie ? 😳

    Full Member

    Everyone that criticises Trump is a leftie, silly.

    Free Member

    if only those lefties could be as intellectually rigorous and as principled as you ninfan then the world would be a nicer and better place

    Now lets go shoot something

    Free Member

    Strange Junky – another post attacking me but not actually engaging in any way with the discussions about Trump, surveillance, Russia or Syria

    Triggered much?

    Full Member

    crying foul when the chair of the committee gets shown it

    Has Nunes been shown some new evidence that shows Trump being wiretapped then?

    All I’m aware of is the evidence that while surveilling some “bad dudes” the security services incidentally recorded some of Trump’s associates chatting to them.

    That’s a pretty far from evidence that the “Bad(or Sick)” Obama had Trump’s phone tapped.

    Free Member

    So, as already asked – you’ll be perfectly happy for the Trump administration to do the same with his opponents in 2020 then?

    Full Member

    ninfan – Member

    So, as already asked – you’ll be perfectly happy for the Trump administration to do the same with his opponents in 2020 then?

    As I said earlier, if they have *also* been doing deals with the Russians to subvert the democratic process, then absolutely yes.

    Free Member

    Triggered much?

    You wish but unfortunately you have not managed to engender the type of reaction your so desperately need

    Meaningfully engage with you

    Anyway here is graham you show him how all grown up and logical and reasonable you can be then Ninfan…go on do your best 😉
    EDIT: ah to slow Oh ninfan you [predictable] tease you.

    Free Member

    As I said earlier, if they have *also* been doing deals with the Russians to subvert the democratic process, then absolutely yes.

    Ah, so there’s that “where’s the evidence” thing again…

    However, presumably now Trump has acted to bite the hand that feeds him and upset Putin, we will see the release of the KGB ‘golden shower’ videos?

    Reckon we should hold our breaths for that one should we?

    Full Member

    you’ll be perfectly happy for the Trump administration to do the same with his opponents in 2020 then?

    Would I be happy for the security services during Trump’s term to continue to surveil “bad dudes”? Yes.

    Would I be happy for those security services to report, after the election, if those bad dudes were recorded chatting to associates of the opponents? Yes.

    Would I be happy for security services to directly surveil presidential candidates? Yes. I think they would be negligent if they didn’t.

    Full Member

    I don’t bother getting involved in such threads as these but if I was met with a personality such as our fav trump supporter above in a pub/social situation I’d very quickly come to the conclusion that he’s a dick and not worth the mental effort to converse with so I’d merely tell him to **** off in the most pleasant way possible.

    Free Member

    Ah, you see – you’re trying the ‘security services’ exemption

    However you’re not talking about the subsequent unmasking and widespread sharing of that information (that according to Nunes bears no relation to the Russia inquiry) with the President and his administration…

    There’s a clear and obvious difference between the two.

    Full Member

    ninfan – Member

    So presumably, Now Trump has acted to bite the hand that feeds him and upset Putin, we will see the release of the KGB ‘golden shower’ videos?

    Reckon we should hold our breaths for that one should we?

    Has he really upset Putin? Doesn’t seem like it, so right now the videos are doing their job very nicely as they are.

    Full Member

    I’m sure Putin allowed Trump to bomb it as a present. Not sure why we need evidence when Trump doesn’t need any, also he’s a Bawbag.

    Full Member

    There’s a clear and obvious difference between the two.

    Okay let me put a question to you: is any of this evidence that Obama ordered that Trump’s phones in Trump Tower should be tapped?

    Full Member

    Ah, quelle surprise, the unmistakable sound of screaming as the cognitive dissonance kicks in…

    Naah. Mostly just the sound of silence as people leave the room rather than engage with the local troll. Sorry.

    Free Member

    that Obama ordered that Trump’s phones in Trump Tower should be tapped?

    Straw man, Trump has ever claimed that

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