For the 105 RC7000 hydraulics in my case - looks like you're supposed affix the olives to the hose and leave 1mm of hose sticking out (+1 mm for the ferrule).
Like always I just installed the ferrule first, then slid the bolt and olive onto the hose and slid hose and olive into the caliper / brake lever, then tightened down the bolts and it seems to work fine.
Do I need to redo this or check that the olives went on correctly? Will be better at RTFM in the future..
I did this a few days ago, I just let the nut position the olive. Also, you just reminded me I forgot to grease the threads
If it’s not leaking don’t worry about it
Yeah I think it's fine, only thing is that I had to tighten down the bolt on the lever all the way, possibly because there's not the extra millimeter of hose sticking out?
When you buy the pre bled ones the olive is already mounted in the lever and you push the hose and ferrule into it. Can’t see what difference what you have done makes
funny about that mm of hose - the first few brakes I fitted, yonks ago the olive was tight enough on the barb that you could fit it that accurately. Lately the olive moves about so much that it doesn’t matter. So no leakage, no worries.
Once you have a feel for it, you know to push the hose/barb into the lever pretty firmly until it sort of "clicks" into place. then just do up the ferrule and it pushes the olive home.
Once you have a feel for it, you know to push the hose/barb into the lever pretty firmly until it sort of “clicks” into place
But if you don’t have a feel for it, you may not have pushed the hose/barb fully home and the olive will be clamped over the very end of the pipe. It won’t leak, but the hose could blow out when you need the brakes the most.
If you’re not confident that it’s right, I’d be taking it apart again to check that the olive is positioned correctly.
Excellent point tillydog, the olive getting crimped too far out on the end of the hose happened to me once and caused a leak.
This time I did however make sure to really force the hose in as far as it could go whilst tightening the bolts, so feel it should be ok, but not a bad idea to check.
I found that just driving the olive with the nut results in the same thing when you eventually remove it though agree with Tillydog that part of this is the feel.
Yeah I've always done it by making sure I'm firmly pushing the hose into the lever whilst doing the nut up.
Hoses are quite springy - they have a tendency to slip back if you only hold onto the nut. Most of the time, the olive won't slide off the hose over the barb, but I suppose it's possible and you want to avoid that.