Hasving a bit of grief from my local bike shop - can you enlighten me as to the position...I dropped the bike off on Saturday while doing some Christmas shopping, just to ask them to fit me a new chain (I do this on a routine basis, pre-emptively, to avoid wearing down the other parts of my drivetrain). I also asked him to identify the source of the weir dsqueaking noise that occasionally came from the crank/pedal area. He changed the chain successfully, but two things went wrong with the crank examination:
- he apparently wasn't able to remove the crank because it was done too tight. Then the crank (non-drive side, Dura Ace from 2008)fell off as I was en route home; and
- although he wasn't able to remove the crank to clean out the BB shell, etc., he did use an air hose to get ride of all the external mulch etc. However this also blew off a lot of the paint around my bottom bracket shell particularly around the circumference of where the BB shell goes in. I'll post photos when I can. It's a carbon Specialized but the bits where the paint has chipped off are now silver. He said this just happens on bikes of a certain age (it's a 2006 model, not ridden very much, commuting 12 miles each day mainly). Is this true in your experience?
There was no mechanic in the shop - this was just a clerk doing me a "favour". He was very friendly about it all and even gave my bike a clean, which I hadn't asked for. Nonetheless I'm still not happy about the failure to put my crank on properly and the paint damage. What would you do in this situation? Can I claim a new frame, either from the shop (which is a chain, for those with qualms) or from Specialized?