DH bike options.......

[Closed] DH bike options.....

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......well it looks like it might happen sooner rather than later, due to some cautious calculations on my part re. a house move I'm likely to end up with a few thousand left over in my bank account....will be more than 3 but unlikely to be more than 5k.

I have a trail steel HT and a trail Alu FS already.

Shall I:

Buy an end of season reduced complete bike, thinking GT Fury, Giant Glory, Scott Voltage etc....they're all known quantities and well reviewed but come with a lot of crap OEM stuff and own brand wheels, bars etc which I just know I'd end up tinkering with and swapping.

Buy from a direct sales co. The bikes have the kind of specs I'm unlikely to change but Canyon aren't offering the DHX in anything other than 26 inch wheels at the moment and I can't find a 650b DH bike on Rose's site either.....YT would be the obvious choice here.

Buy frame only. I love the Turner DHR, I know it's a 26 which contradicts what I said above but I'd make an exception for that lovely creation....any others worth considering for frame only builds?....Banshee?....Transition?

Leftfield option. Get a Liteville 601 mk3, it can be run with 190mm of rear travel and can take a 200mm dual crown fork.... I'm pretty sure the angles are slightly off contemporary DH bikes but only by a degree or so and nothing an angleset can't sort out.

I do enjoy building a bike up and the idea of a frame only project running something a bit unusual like X-Fusion suspension appeals....but at the same time there's nothing like opening that massive bike box the courier has just delivered, straightening the bars and hitting the trails immediately.....very much first world problems here I know but humour me.

Post some of your DH bikes as inspiration please!

Posted : 02/09/2015 6:13 pm

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