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  • Dealing with racism
  • ernie_lynch
    Free Member

    which had been and would continue to be as brutal

    You have no idea what you are talking about.

    There is absolutely no comparison whatsoever between the behaviour of British Imperialists, and that of Japanese Imperialists.

    And unlike you, the peoples of the colonies knew that.

    That is why for example, 2 million citizens of India volunteered to help the British Empire defeat Japan. Which represents the largest volunteer army, ever, anywhere, in history.

    Free Member

    North Koreans the superior race you inferior, … you maggots, Dear Leader Kim steps on you.

    Free Member

    Ernie, I’ve disagreed with many things you’ve written, but what you said above was 100% sppot on.

    For someone to suggest the British and Japanese were similar in how they treated their colonies is utter ill-informed nonsense.

    Free Member

    The joke is racist because it treats Pakistanis and Gujaratis as ‘all the same’.

    In that case I’m racist and am quite happy about the fact.

    Free Member

    The joke is racist because it treats Pakistanis and Gujaratis as ‘all the same’.

    That’s not racist; ignorant maybe but misunderstanding of political boundaries is not racism.

    Am I racist in saying I like Indian restaurants? Because a significant proportion of those I like are most likely Bangladeshi.

    Free Member

    I’m white and scottish, in no way am I a minority in the UK, however when living in Asia, I have been on the receiving end of racism many tinmes.

    Simple things from being told I can’t enter a restaurant because I’m American, to abuse being shouted at me by young men in the street.

    It’s not pleasant, but at the same time I didn’t really care. I had to teach using text books (modern text books) with black characters in them who had massive lips and big white eyes. My students were effectively instituitionally racist, they were really rude about black people, but it was more a fear of the unkown than anything else.

    Mrs Q was a bit racist, but again that is this drummed into her nonsense in Thailand that black skin is lower class so therefore anybody who is black must be dirty and poor.
    However since living in the UK and spending the vast majority of her days with asylum seekers and immigrants, she realised that what she had been led to believe was crap and although there were still a few knobbers, in the most part people are ok.

    Mrs Q had a great time in Korea, she never once received any of the negativity that can be shown towards people from SEA (other than the twunts at immigration the first time who held her there for three hours, but that is another story).
    She used to have fantastic conversations with Koreans in Korean and broken English about why she looked the same as them but didn’t speak Korean properly. Mental.

    Back in the UK, she has only been on the receiving end of direct racism a couple of times, and some indirect stereotyping a few times. A lot better than we expected.

    What to do about a racist friend. Hard to say. He has a belief that doesn’t go with your own, it’s up to you if you keep seeing him but you need to tell them why you don’t want to if you make that decision.

    Free Member

    I truely dispare with the whole rasism card. The boundrys of what is not acceptable seem to shift to the point of lunacy in my mind. How for example can a black board possibly offend anyone? No cant call it that, its a chalk board. Who you calling chalky? Where does it stop? Its got to the point where mindless ideots with zero common sense will brand everyone and anyone racist. Its counter productive and just confuses people, if not anoy them for something they ment absolutly no offense by to the point where I have just given up trying.

    Free Member

    I truely dispare with the whole rasism card.

    The EU are banning bent bananas too you know!

    Free Member

    The EU are banning bent bananas too you know!

    So what are we going to throw at the coons then? It’s political correctness gone mad I tell you!

    (it’s a joke… )

    Free Member

    I have just given up trying to understand what you mean
    fixed it for you

    I’ve heard that joke described as “shocking” and “utterly racist” but to my mind it’s just harmless humour

    it is playing to a national sterotype I find it to be a poor joke with racist overtones – more likely to be told by a racist who thinks they can defend it as it is less blatant than jokes told in the 70’s that are more obviously racist/negative. Would I say it no – as it is not very funny and could be percieved as racist.

    Some of my best friends are racists, but I wouldn’t let my sister marry one!

    She must be so proud of your judgement skills.

    Am I racist in saying I like Indian restaurants? Because a significant proportion of those I like are most likely Bangladeshi.

    No just ignorant – you have proved that point many times though jon 😉

    Free Member

    I truely dispare with the whole rasism card………..How for example can a black board possibly offend anyone?

    And I truly despair with people who believe the crap they read in the Daily Mail/Sun ….. it’s “tabloid rantness” gone mad I tell you.

    Provide me with one single example, of a teacher in anywhere in the UK, who has been disciplined for using the world blackboard.

    And btw, if you had spent more time actually looking at the blackboard, instead of out of the window, your spelling might be a tad better today 💡

    Full Member

    An ideal of racially superiority and the condescension inherent within it, has no place within our society.

    Intelectectual superiority and the condescension inherent within it, seems to be perfectly acceptable.

    Just an observation.

    Free Member

    Jujuuk68 – Member

    It’s political correctness gone mad I tell you!

    Its ” political correctness living with mental health issues”

    Free Member

    An ideal of racially superiority and the condescension inherent within it, has no place within our society.

    Intelectectual superiority and the condescension inherent within it, seems to be perfectly acceptable.
    One is a meritocracy the other is just ignorance DUMBO 🙄
    Do i need to tell you which is which 😉

    Free Member

    Am I racist in saying I like Indian restaurants? Because a significant proportion of those I like are most likely Bangladeshi.

    No just ignorant – you have proved that point many times though jon[/quote]
    Why do they always call them Indian Restaurants then as opposed to Pakistani etc?

    Free Member

    He said Bangladesh – I think a Pakistani restauraunt would not call itself Indian – do you know the history between these two countries ?

    Yes check Yell for London/manchester, Birmingham or other areas and you have no restaraunts but Indian well spotted
    In manc they call it curry mile not indian mile if that helps you any
    Now what was I saying about ignorance?
    Troll surely

    Free Member

    it is playing to a national sterotype
    Most national stereotypes, and indeed almost any type of stereotype have generally got at either a degree of truth about them, or have had in the past. That’s how they became stereotypes.

    more likely to be told by a racist

    If being called racist is the price one has to pay for telling a few jokes then that’s fine. To be honest, if I was Indian or Pakistani I think I’d be quite offended not by the joke, but more by the fact people think I’d be so thin skinned as to be bothered by it.

    I’m Scottish and quite happy for other folk to make jokes about Scotland. If someone said to me they didn’t tell a joke because they thought I’d find it offensive then I’d find that very patronising.

    Most folk, whatever their colour or nationality actually have a sense of humour and can laugh at themselves and at others, and see jokes for what they are ie a way of making people laugh.

    Oh and I do admittedly sometimes mix up Pakistan and India. I’m sure people over there often mix up Scotland and England. It’s not racism, just an honest mistake. I’m pretty tired of folk seeing racism in the slightest remark.

    Free Member

    ‘many’ times

    Bit harsh, Junkyard 😉

    A few, I’ll give you – and ftr on this point I acted ignorant to make the point. My Bangladeshi workmate would rather we called them curry restaurants as a generic / if we don’t know the exact geographical location. Not that most curry restaurants don’t pull dishes from right across the region anyway…. oh, you get the point!

    Free Member

    Those bloody maoris coming here infrequently and occassionally stealing the odd job. Bah! The lot of them

    Free Member

    Why have 50 pence pieces got 7 sides?

    So you can get them out of a Scots hand with a spanner!!

    Free Member

    I had a best mate, grew up with him since i was about 5, but through our 20’s I started to noticed the racism coming from him, he kept getting worse with his comments, and I’d challenge him about it often, until there wasn’t even any talking to him about it, he eventually referred to me a p***lover and such rather than even listen to reason, that’s when i eventually realised enough was enough, he’s unreachable. I didn’t say anything after I thought that, but I just slowly drifted away from him over a period of 6 months to a year. Now I’ve not seen him in years. I don’t regret it in the slightest.

    btw i do think there is a difference between ignorantly stereotyping and pure racism, the former you can usually reason with..

    Free Member

    which had been and would continue to be as brutal

    You have no idea what you are talking about.

    There is absolutely no comparison whatsoever between the behaviour of British Imperialists, and that of Japanese Imperialists.

    Actually I do know what I am talking about, specifically with regard to South East Asia. In fact your comments make clear that it is you that has no idea waht you are talking about. It seems you may have a one sided ‘education’ in this respect.

    2 million volunteers? Wow, erm… what’s that as a percentage?

    Free Member

    I’m well aware of the history between India and Pakistan. I just think it’s funny seeing people like you getting wound up over nothing and then branding everyone racists.I think all of the Indian restaurants where I live are owned by Pakistanis. I work in the middle east where most of the labour comes from the Indian Sub-continent and SE Asia. Do you know how many different class levels they have, even just among the Indians? Is that racism? How do you think the Arabs treat them? Do you know that many of the asians will cover their faces in rags in +50 deg heat to prevent then from getting a tan as dark skin is associated with farm workers ie lower class citizens? (and this is coming from people earning $40/week). Have you even been out of the UK? I’ve spent the best part of 20 years travelling around the world working with all races and cultures. I’m not a racist or ignorant.
    Plenty of “PC” know it alls talking out of their arses as usual.

    Free Member

    KT1973 has valid points there – read and try and understand?

    Free Member

    Charlie – there really is no comparison between the british empire and the japanese in SE asia.

    For example


    Full Member

    Um, isn’t the point here that it’s a good thing to recognise that it is wrong to blanket blame and project hate. It’s not extra worthy to do so if you scale up the numbers. Understanding is the end in itself.

    Free Member

    And btw, if you had spent more time actually looking at the blackboard, instead of out of the window, your spelling might be a tad better today

    Why worry about racists with that sort of nastiness?

    Free Member

    Most national stereotypes, and indeed almost any type of stereotype have generally got at either a degree of truth about them, or have had in the past. That’s how they became stereotypes.

    good point blacks are lazy, the irish stupid, all scottish people stingy, the french all smell – well spotted you 🙄

    I just think it’s funny seeing people like you getting wound up over nothing and then branding everyone racists.

    I dont think I have called anyone a racist in this thread have I? I am not that wound up either. Some of this was banter – well spotted jonv can I over the people like you bit? Do you mean educated and sensitive as opposed to thick and brutish like your good self 😉

    Do you know how many different class levels they have

    I assume you mean caste here and yes other non white races can also be racist – not sure what your general point is here racism is wrong whoever does it[white arab, indian] – dont you agree?

    Have you even been out of the UK? I’ve spent the best part of 20 years travelling around the world working with all races and cultures. I’m not a racist or ignorant.
    Plenty of “PC” know it alls talking out of their arses as usual.

    ah when logic falters just go for an insult BRILLIANT

    Free Member

    Has Realman explained who this girls seemingly very specific racial hatred is aimed at?

    Free Member

    Lifer – Member

    project – Member

    Lifer the Jews may well control Hollywood just like Gay people control the media, its just peoples assumptions, just because theyre popuular and well paid, you see very few poor jews and even fewer poor gay people, its all down to jealousy and lack of understanding.

    Sometimes people see racism where its not,ask your foreign freinds if theyre offended if you have any foreign freinds.

    I think there’s a point in there someone but damned if I know what it is.

    Posted 18 hours ago # Report-Post

    To make it simple for lifer non of us are born racist, like cats chase birds and dogs chase cats, racial stuff is LEARNT behaviour, and is usually made worse because some people want a whipping boy to punish for their failings, read the above and you may ust understand why.

    Like i said people sometimes see racist behaviour in others when non is meant, ask a foreign person.

    Free Member

    Has Realman explained who this girls seemingly very specific racial hatred is aimed at?

    No I hadn’t, but seeing as a (most) people are actually taking this seriously and trying to help (rather then just argue over who knows their history the best or whatever), I think I should. CountZero made some very good points, very useful. Thank you for your input.

    She is from SW Turkey, but has lived in the UK for the past 4-5 years. She fully believes that everyone from east Turkey are incredibly bad people. So its not something that comes up a lot, but when it does, I find it quite unsettling. She is so smart and down to earth, its hard to believe its the same person.

    Free Member

    Actually I do know what I am talking about, specifically with regard to South East Asia. In fact your comments make clear that it is you that has no idea waht you are talking about.

    I originally put down your comment as simple naivety and thought it was rather quaint that someone should be so ignorant of the horrors and brutality of Japanese Imperialism……..I fully expected you to admit your mistake. Apparently not.

    To claim that there was no difference between Japanese Imperialism and British Imperialism in the 1940s, is a monstrous lie on par with the denial of the Holocaust or the full horrors and brutality of Nazism.

    Quite frankly mate, you should be ashamed of yourself. I hope you are.

    And yes, I am aware of the history of the British Empire, including the WW2 years. So you needn’t bother throwing the Bengal famine of 1943 at me (or any other of the 20 odd famines which occurred post 1857)

    Free Member

    Grimy – Member

    Why worry about racists with that sort of nastiness?

    Well I’m sorry that you are a tad sensitive fella, I’ll bear that in mind in the future.

    But since you went through all the bother of actually posting a response to my comment, why didn’t you also include an example of a teacher in anywhere in the UK, who has been disciplined for using the word “blackboard” as I asked ?

    You make the allegation, now it back up.

    Free Member

    Real man like i said above its LEARNT BEHAVIOUR, either from parents,school or seeing whats happening around her, not very clever is she if she doesnt understand how badly she has been socialised.

    Free Member

    good point blacks are lazy, the irish stupid, all scottish people stingy, the french all smell – well spotted you

    blacks are great dancers with natural rythym, the Irish natural poets, all Scottish people are great at curling, the French all talk about philosophy all day – well spotted me. 🙂

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch – Member

    Grimy – Member

    But since you went through all the bother of actually posting a response to my comment, why didn’t you also include an example of a teacher in anywhere in the UK, who has been disciplined for using the word “blackboard” as I asked ?

    You make the allegation, now it back up.

    Posted 1 hour ago # Report-Post

    1994, I was supplying chalkboards to a large council supported charity, a dozen at a time, sent an invoice in for 12 blackboards, got a memo back a few days latter asking that they be called CHALKBOARDS,in future, thought it was a joke it wasnt, a few weeks latter same chap asked for a dozen white boards, eg, white on both sides of the easel for painting on, i sent a similar memo back saying they should be called paint easels, so as not to upset white people,

    Silence off the PCM,

    PCM= politically correct muppet,

    Free Member

    1994, I was …….

    The term “chalkboard” is an American term for blackboard, in the same way as elevator is for lift. It is arguably more precise, as many blackboards are in fact green.

    I still want to know of a single instance where a teacher has been disciplined for using the “racist” term blackboard…….come on, there must be loads of examples if this story is true. Unless of course, no L.A. has deemed the word to be racist.

    Some people like to use the term “dude” on here, I prefer to use the term “mate”. One term is American, the other is British. Maybe the ones which say dude do so because mate is offensive to homosexuals ?

    That would certainly explain why on a couple of a occasions on here, I been told “I’m not your mate”.

    It’s political correctness gone mad I tell you.

    Free Member

    I originally put down your comment as simple naivety and thought it was rather quaint that someone should be so ignorant of the horrors and brutality of British Imperialism……..I fully expected you to admit your mistake. Apparently not.

    To claim that there was a difference between Japanese Imperialism and British Imperialism, is a monstrous lie on par with the denial of the Holocaust or the full horrors and brutality of Nazism.

    Quite frankly mate, you should be ashamed of yourself. I hope you are.

    And yes, I am aware of the history of the British Empire, including the WW2 years. So you needn’t bother throwing the Bengal famine of 1943 at me (or any other of the 20 odd famines which occurred post 1857)

    …and still I’m talking about South East Asia.

    You don’t have to go back to pre-war years, you need to look at what the British Army did to the communist ‘insurgents’. And i’m not ashamed, for all the stories of ‘my grandad suffered..etc” there are many more who will tell you they were glad when the Japanese turned up.

    Free Member

    To claim that there was a difference between Japanese Imperialism and British Imperialism, is a monstrous lie on par with the denial of the Holocaust or the full horrors and brutality of Nazism.

    for all the stories of ‘my grandad suffered..etc” there are many more who will tell you they were glad when the Japanese turned up.

    I’ve seen some utter drivel on this forum in my time, and I’ve written a fair bit too, but I doubt I’ve seen anything as utterly nonsensical as that.

    I’d love to see you go to some of the old men who suffered at the hands of the Japanese (and not just British, but many other countries too), to look those men in the eyes and tell them they were on a par with the Japanese.

    Free Member

    Unless you know anything about what the British did in South East Asia, you are just speculating.

    I’d love to see you go to some of the old men who suffered at the hands of the British, to look those men in the eyes and tell them the British were any better than the Japanese.

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