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  • Cycle to Work?
  • Surfr
    Free Member

    Tell us what your route is like?
    What is your weapon of choice for the ride? Why that sort of bike?
    Do you take clothes and wash kit on the bike or otherwise (dump a bunch of stuff at work ahead of time maybe)?

    Free Member

    My route is 20 miles each was, half of which is on a segregated cycle path up a quiet a-road across a moor. The rest is through the south side of Glasgow. I leave my shower stuff and clothes in my locker at work. Usually drive in at least once a fortnight (once a week in winter) so swap over stuff then. I try to carry as little as possible on the bike/me so I have a seat pack for tools, tubes, etc and put sandwiches, any extra clothes (gloves, arm warmers, etc in my back pockets. If I need to take clothes because I haven’t driven in then I’ll take my camelbak – fine in winter but a bit sweaty in summer.

    I use a Kona Jake the Snake with 32mm puncture proof road tyre.When I started doing it I tried my road bike, which was fine but not great in heavy traffic – road pedals and shoes aren’t great in stop/start traffic, tried my mtb with slicks but is was too slow so I bought the cx bike and it’s perfect – fast enough and I can fit full gaurds.

    It works really well for me and the only tweak I’ll make is fitting a front disc to the bike. Puncture proof tyres and full gaurds really are a must though especially in winter.

    I absolutely love it though, this was my first day back commuting on the bike since last Wednesday and I actually woke up early excited about it.

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