Could be tempted by wzzzz’s suggestion to morph it to a fig 8.
My main points would be that sticks found E-W is generally an OK climb from Glenridding (easy push up through mine remains and rideable most of the rest), descent to west is OK too (open single-track at first to boggy pasture to steep descent to valley floor) but not great. You may know this already. If going East-West then you might consider the zigzags up and one of the more southerly descents off Helvellyn to the West. That adds some more climbing and more technical descending. Or reverse it as suggested above (and thus make a fig. 8) – but then I’m not a huge fan of Sticks w-e as a descent either.
Also, from Keswick along the old railway and then coach road are all good for linking (I’ve used them on similar rides linking Helvellyn to the west in the past) but round Keswick can be busy with all sorts (and slow) and having non draggy tyres will make your life a lot easier on these bits.