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  • Cricketers and footballers over paid
  • project
    Free Member

    So why do they get so much they run or walk around for a few hours and get exorbitant wages, sponsorship, and probably freebies, and why do fat middle aged men want to dress up in a t shirt with some players name on the back, its not as if you could mistake a fat overweight man for a young fit over paid bloke who kicks or hits a ball with a stick for a living.

    Full Member

    It’s because people want to buy the shirts.

    You’re not jealous are you?

    Free Member

    i fink i should be paid that much for doing nuffing whinge whine whinge

    Free Member

    If people didn;’t care then they wouldn’t get paid,.

    Free Member

    Ever heard of the phrase ‘market economy’?

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