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  • Corpulent Collective 2018
  • marcgear
    Free Member

    It’s first on, last off when it comes to body fat.  For a lot of us, the belly is where it starts isn’t it 🙂

    My weigh in this morning leaves me 90% of the way to target. Started making sure I drink at least 3L of water a day at the weekend and it really seems to be helping.

    Free Member

    its weird, i’ve mentioned it before but I have developed a clearly defined and quite impressive 4 pack. however the last 2  of 6 are swaddled in a pillow of fat, hidden from the world. Its a total bastard and I will never be truly satisfied until they are free from the shackles of the yellow stuff.

    Free Member

    Talking about losing it in odd places – I’ve only lost 2 kilos and I’ve noticed my watch is loose!

    Also I thought I was doing quite well as I didn’t have a huge weight loss target and I’m nearly there – then looked on NHS BMI calculator this morning and it suggested I need to lose another 11 kilos!!

    11!! No chance

    Free Member

    Started making sure I drink at least 3L of water a day

    Unless you’re a camel, that seems quite a lot.

    Free Member

    @jamie it felt like quite a lot to start with, but I read somewhere (that I can’t find now) that you should intake about half your weight in lbs, in fluid oz of water a day. I weigh 235 lbs, so thats 117fl oz which is about 3.5L. Some of my intake will come from food obvs – so that’s where I got the figure from.

    Free Member

    I appear to lose a kilo overnight.
    And that’s before a morning slash so that loss is not from wee.
    Is this even vaguely possible or should I buy some new scales?

    Free Member

    @eckinspain If you do buy new scales, don’t buy the ones I have, i lose about the same overnight 😉

    It was discussed earlier in the thread (and it still freaks me out) but you seem to err, breathe it out while you sleep.

    Free Member

    its very possible . enjoy it!

    Free Member

    yes, your metabolism is still running. The brain is the organ that burns most energy and that’s still running millions of processes in standby mode, you’re still breathing, digesting food, regulating temperature, fighting infections, farting, and many many more.  Including getting a stonk on 3-5 times per night as well apparently……. that’s got to expend a bit of effort!

    Free Member

    I appear to lose a kilo overnight.

    Check in the bed. You may have shit yourself.

    Free Member

    The moment of truth is upon us. I am about to weigh in  Hoping to see a lb drop, but my body seems to be holding onto the last 5-10lb tighter than Rob with a sausage sarnie. If I could exercise at the mo it would be easier, but niggly injuries put paid to that.

    Anyway…Gentleman and ladies, let’s see those numbers!

    Free Member

    I’m still under the target line, just, it’s definitely getting a lot harder now. <78KG now though, i saw 77.x last week then had a heavy weekend and have been on the back foot ever since.

    I wish we weren’t doing weigh ins on a Friday though, i get home every Thursday to something like this!  

    I had to go and do 20k on the turbo so i could have a bowl!

    Free Member

    2lb on this week according to the scales. My daughter’s birthday at the weekend so we went out and had pizza, but I’ve been like a monk the rest of the week.  Just don’t get it sometimes……

    Full Member

    Plateau smashed through with a decent 5lbs loss so nearly 1st 10lbs off since 1/1/18  (2.4kg this week, 10.8kg in total)

    Thought I may have topped the biggest losers list but as I’m weighing in KG it doesn’t seem to work.

    Chuffed chubby!!

    Free Member

    Finally got on the scales. After a big poo, 2x wees, stripping down and taking my watch off I just snuck 144lbs. Happy with that. But it’s really getting tough now.

    I will be chuffed as the nuts, inside the m&ms I can’t eat, if I hit 140lbs target next month.

    Free Member

    Thought I may have topped the biggest losers list but as I’m weighing in KG it doesn’t seem to work.

    I had the feeling there would be something up with that calculation – this wasn’t the issue I expected; I just forgot to add in the conversion. My apologies! I shall, I don’t know, starve myself as penance?? Have fixed it, so you *are* now the top contender, Mr T.

    Free Member

    It’s funny how the mind renembers the bad times… I’ve had a decent dose of manflu this week and did some comfort eating inbetween the periods of monkness/starvation. 3 times (!) I had chips & curry sauce from the chippy – once was *large* chippies & double curry sauce (ultranom!!) and even had 2 pints of stout. I had to think hard about what I’d eaten over the week to renember these joyous times as my instant recall was just of being constantly hungry.

    Didn’t add any weight – YAY! But this makes me think that keeping the weight off is going to prove challenging as I can very easily forget from day to day that I had a “treat” yesterday and I don’t need another one today.

    TBF a treat ATM is usually a bread roll and not a sackful of deep fried carbness + processed to hell goop, so it still doesn’t exactly derail me.

    I’ve stopped dreaming of sausage sandwiches now – in fact have no desire to eat meat at all, but paneer! OMFG!! I’d *LOVE* some paneer. Which is weird cos, even though I quite like it, I very rarely have it.

    Free Member

    Reached my target today.  10kgs lost.  Setting my aim on getting under 100kgs now, that’s another 5.7 kgs to try and lose by the end of March.  Keeping track alongside the rest of you has really helped me stay motivated.  Bacon and pancaked to celebrate this morning though.

    Free Member

    Bloody well done Marcgear!

    Looking at your graph on the spreadsheet you’ve been keeping a pretty steady loss week after week. On that trajectory if you carry on doing what you’re doing it’ll be a massive head start on next seasons ‘Easter eggcess’ club 😀

    Free Member

    Nice one Marcgear! Don’t get disheartened if it rises occasionally – I’m expecting to have put on a couple of lbs by the next weigh in, so might have to tweak my strategy to keep it level.

    Easter eggcess

    Excellent! Now I don’t have to think up a silly name for it :). Might build in some chocolate based themes to it…

    Free Member

    This week has been a write off. -6 = pies and pasties.

    Target this week was 143. Prob going to be 145-6.

    End target is knackered.

    Ho hum.

    Full Member

    Thought this week would be a write off as the cold weather has upset my rhythm and kept me off the turbo for a few days. Plus I had a large kebab and a beer the other night. Had a weigh in tonight though and all seems to be good. Will see how it looks in the morning. However, can I just say the scales tonight reckon I am now at my lowest weight for almost 20 years.

    2 more kilos till my new downward revised target weight 🙂

    Free Member

    End target is knackered

    Not nececelery, just have the one pie this week and starve a bit for a couple of days and you could be back on track.

    I am now at my lowest weight for almost 20 years.

    Excellent work Sheepdaddy!

    Free Member


    However, in the time it took for this shitty forum to load, I am probably at 144 now. So no change. Bit dispiriting knowing what I can eat to just maintain with no exercise.

    Hard work and dedication should see me lose 4lbs in 4 weeks. Unfortunately, I lack both of those things…also, physio believes I have a tear in my meniscus and have to beg an MRI off my GP sooner rather than later.

    I’ve had better weeks.

    Free Member

    I need a virtual talking to. If anyone remembers some of my posts from last year’s chubclub, I’m in danger of entering the spiral.  I can see the logic, so no sense offering that to me as an answer, i need brain cpr.

    2lbs on last week, another 1lb this week. 5lbs behind target, and only 1lb lost now since starting. And at this point I go into ‘what’s the point’ mode, I eat pretty well and it has no effect, so why bother.  As a consequence I sabotage with comfort eating, that’s my crutch and I’ve eaten more crisps and chocolate this week than in the whole of the rest of the year so far 🙁

    Yet….. I ran a PB 5k* this week (*since restarting running, it’s obvs not a PB compared to when I ran regularly 25 years ago) and I’m now comfortably in the intermediate group at Bootcamp and based on numbers I’m one of the guys that steps up to advanced to even up the group sizes.  I’m fitter than I have been for 25 years. My clothing sizes are smaller, my belt is a notch in – as I say by logic I’m winning. But I’m obsessed by the number on the scales and the effect of gravity  on my body, and I can’t get past that.

    Someone, talk me out of this because as I say i’m swirling around the plughole right now and in danger of going down it.

    Free Member

    Urghh, back up .2kg.

    I’ll blame the fact that we had a big night out on Friday and out again on Monday….. I was lighter earlier this week though 🙁

    Free Member

    Someone, talk me out of this because as I say i’m swirling around the plughole right now and in danger of going down it.

    I Bought a pack of 4 crunchie bars yesterday and ate 3 of them in a row, i’m not sure i’m the person to be givng you a talking to, however, i did manage to give one away to a colleague. Maybe try giving all your crisps away? 😀

    Despite crunchies and crisps I’m a winner this week after 2 weeks of plateau, stomped out some distance to complete my 1000km a month challenge and lived like a month for the rest of the week. Happy with that.

    Free Member

    Wish I could offer you advice like you constantly offered me last year Jon,  but I’m very much in the same situation and have been all year.  Not quite sure what the answer is, other than don’t be too hard on yourself and get back on it as soon as you can.

    I worked my arse off to lose 2kg, and now two weeks later I’m back up.  Like you say, the “what’s the point” attitude creeps in. 🙁

    I don’t even like junk food, sugary sweets make me feel like crap, crisps make me feel like salty crap, and takeaway food is just tasteless grease.  But I always crave it, and it seems the worse the food is, the more I want it.  Think its time I got some professional help with it, life cant revolve around food.

    Free Member

    lived like a month for the rest of the week.

    Time can really drag, eh? ;).

    Full Member

    No change here 😐

    Jon V I could have wrote all of that myself so I can’t really offer any advice.

    Im on it and do well, then just as I start to get towards success I go into meltdown.

    We were both here last year and I’ve been here for the past 5 years, same cycle every year.

    Last year I smashed my weight loss target, ran A sub 4 London Marathon I was determined that 2017 was my year to stay reasonable and maintain all the hard work yet I ended the year 16 stone with a resting HR in the 80s 😳

    ….and here I am again lost 10kilos, working on the bike, resting HR back in early 50s but I know that I could easily just fall off the diet and smash the beer & crisps.

    The only thing I can think of is I think you’re local to me maybe something where we introduce some sort of prescribed weekly ride / run / turbo with a weigh in and maybe a bit of non virtual rivalry might add an extra dimension of motivation/responsibility/competition to someone else?

    Full Member

    Well cheeky post ride weigh in and I’ve hit the 2 stone lost since 1st Jan!

    Off to celebrate at Greggs!!! 😀🍔🍟

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    Full Member

    The last few weeks haven’t been good. Had nights out, friends visiting which always results in heavy eating and drinking sessions a 40th bday with unlimited booze and the bad weather has really reduced any excessive. Throw in selling my house and in the process of buying another my mind and therefore discipline has been elsewhere.

    Good news is I didn’t put anything on. I think I might have broken the habit of eating 5 big cookies as a mid morning snack then maybe the same again later.

    Got dinner and a gig tomorrow which was a Xmas pressie but after that get back on the wagon properly!

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    Is Paton just a crap bot?

    Free Member

    He certainly does like to post a video

    Free Member

    Put a lb on. Bum.

    Reckon I am going to miss my target by 2-3lbs. Eating dust could probably help me squeak under, but not in the mood for it at the mo

    Free Member

    According to my scales I’m 1.1kg down from last week…. but I felt the number last week was a little high anyway.  So theoretically just 1kg to go in 3 weeks…. maybe, just maybe!!

    Full Member

    1lb off!

    god this is tedious and slow now

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