There was weight loss this week, which was nice. So disheartened that I did not bother on the penultimate week.
Now do I still keep my original target to spur me on, or relax it a bit?
You know what Frankie would say
Eat more pie??
No! He'd say no pudding for you :).
I've managed to just about get back down to pretty much where I started, hey ho! Well done everyone else 🙂
I'll be in again for the next one.
I'm in. Fattening up ready for the new round.
It’s live!!!!!
So exciting!
All current weights have been moved over as start weights for this edition, email with link has gone out and I can fully focus on planning just how I’m gonna lose 0.4 pounds a week :).
Anyone who's new to this & wants in, email me, yo.
Oh yes - include your forum name in the email please :).
It's showing as view only for me so I can't add a target. Not a bad thing really!
I fink it's fixed
Yep, well done!
Do you have any expertise fixing forums?
I'll just stick my target in there from last time as well then :p
Thanks for setting this up again Rob. I've lost 13kgs (30lbs) since Jan 5th, which is more than my bike. Hoping to lose another 10kg in the next 12 weeks, which will make a total of two bikes lost if I can keep up the clean eating.
Checking in each week has really helped with the motivation, and I doubt I'd have kept it up if it wasn't for the spreadsheet and weekly reminders. Well done everyone 🙂
Yep, well done Rob - new target entered and locked on.
1lb/week should be OK to acheive and will take me below 80kg which is a place I've not been to in over 25 years!!
The weekly weigh-in has been a great motivator and I should just keep doing these regardless of what me weight ends up at 🙂
14kg lost since early December and still not done any exercise.... maybe once it warms up 😉
Thanks again Rob for sorting this.
Question about MFP - if I change the start date and weight to now will it re calculate calories required?
Appreciate if I change these then previous diary entries will be erased but not too fussed about it .
I've unconsciously followed Jamie's strategy of putting on weight just so I can motivate myself to lose it agen and feel better about do that... I'm not sure it's the way forward, but it is what it is.
Family dim-sum meal tomorrow should be interesting what with the encouragement to gorge myself when I'll really just be wanting to nibble a bit of tofu. Maybe I'll order the chickens' feet in a bid to put myself completely off eating for a couple of days 😀
Hmmm... the weekly email bounces back from BTInternet addresses:
554 Message rejected on 2018/04/06 13:06:51 BST, policy ( – Your message looks like SPAM or has been reported as SPAM please read
I might bother to look into this, I might not - who knows??
Anyway, it means Wally & Shooterman didn't get this week's and I know they're both in, so, you two: update please :).
Woo, in again - let's do this! Low carb/high GI seems to be the way for me, just need a little willpower!
Interestingly I didn't weigh myself after reaching my target in CCv1.1 but I continued with the low carb thing - I presumed I'd gone up a bit over Easter (no choc but plenty of alcohol) but it seems that I've continued to lose a bit of weight 🙂
So my weigh in figure today makes me look like I've lost a chunk in the last week but I haven't really - I think 1lb/week works for me at the moment.
oh yeah... and I had fish and [3] chips the other night!
Just back from 10 days away 🙂
I've been eating carbs and been drinking every night!
Jumped on the scales last night and I've lost 1lb.... Yay!!
However I did Ski over 230km over 8 days so not just been eating
I missed the weigh in last week but looks like i'm back on track with a more achievable target this round. Still not back to my 'best' in last season but not far off.
One thing that I can't seem to kick is the desire to eat a bowl of bloody cereal at about 10pm, it's ridiculous, the only way I can stop myself is to clean my teeth early so I can only drink water. I completely lack any sort of self control.
I'm like Groundhog Day. Same starting weight, same target.....feel like Sisyphus.
I've been a bloody saint today but can't really tell anyone about it cos frankly, i'm a terrible bore by now.
I'm in the process of cocking it all up though, when a bag of roasted salted pistachios says '25g contains 145 kcal' is that 25g including the shells?
can't do weigh in tomorrow, so did it this morning. 2lb off. Don't know why, not complaining. Next stop, 13.5 st, then after that i can start saying I'm closer to 13st than 14st again.
Might do mine now too. Last week was 4lb up on the last weigh in but I had been to America and had a bloody great time.
2lb of it has gone already. Phew.
Early weigh-ins are the thing this week! I did likewise - 1lb up.
Currently on a train in Greece hoping I'm going the right direction and wondering how much I'll put on by next week...
Plenty, I reckon
Right back on it after hols!
2.2 lbs off and here we ago again...
Normal BMI is somewhere over there on the horizon, still out of sight, but feels closer...
(79kg = Target = 24.9 bmi)
Well, living like a monk has its benefits. That's the best part of 800g off.
Carrot and butternut soup is on sale at Tesco and must be made with dust. I had enough defecit in the bank to not be completely derailed by my wife making raspberry pavlova for pudding.
1.4lb up.
I really need to have a word with myself. Not so much I’ve fallen off the wagon, that I have bought a wagon factory and jumped off that.
Would have been 140 if I’d stuck with what what I was doing, but now 151.4lbs. Bum.
i should get back on it really, but it's sunny here and we may BBQ. You know what that means...
Well there was a shock. After a pretty lazy week eating wise I appear to lost a massive 1.5 kilos! Certainly last weeks weigh-in was a disappointment and probably missing a morning ablution of some kind.
If anyone needs a helpful hint on how to beat the Friday morning weigh-in it must be to go and ride the Alpe Du Zwift in a hot cellar the night before. Still felt a bit dehydrated this morning but certainly gets the results. My lowest ever weight (well in the last 30 years anyway) and FINALLY) I have a normal BMI 🙂
EDIT: However. I have a stag do this weekend so lots of beers and unhealthy eating will soon knock me back to where I was. Maybe I need to over indulge and go full Roman Excess
Can't for the life of me figure out how to send an email from my phone for a group contact so there ain't one this week.
And it was gonna be the best, most hilarious, motivational one ever...
Plateaued again so need some ideas for low carb, low calorie lunches.
Well a weekend in Malta put me five pounds up but I think it was all alcohol after a week back I'm back down to where I was, happy days
Plateaued again so need some ideas for low carb, low calorie lunches.
It can get pretty monotonous but soup does the job, check the labels though, Covent Garden carrot and butternut squash soup is like 150 calories for the whole pot (2 servings, and is half price in sainsburys at the moment.) fulfils your low calorie criteria but it is packed with sugar (9.1g)
Add in a pack of beef jerky for a snack and i've still spent less than a meal deal. if i'm starving i'll throw in a handful of spinach and it'll wilt in the soup
Slight increase but I stopped using MFP! and have rediscovered SUGAR...
Need to focus...
Flat, maybe a lb on but based on 3 days in Amsterdam at an exhibition eating Stroopwaffels and nights out entertaining on the company card, I can live with that.
Up a smidge, deserved it though. Eating out, beer and a take away this week. I've got the hang of this cause and effect thing now I think.
Yay, down 0.9kg, but still over Jan's start and way off the target. Only been slightly careful with food intake and still v little exercise. Hopefully if I can get into gear some more will come off.
<div class="bbp-reply-author">Jamie
<div class="bbp-author-role">
<div class="">Member</div>
<div class="bbp-reply-content">Harrumph
Rob concurs! It's like I've taken up competitive (bread) eating. I feel a return to veganism is required to sort me out...
My daughters have also enrolled me in a 30 days burpee workout.......
Day 1 was do as many as you can in 2 mins (24) and then most of the rest of the program is based on repeats of a % of that number, to make it as hard for the superfit as it is for the rest.
Then there are rest days, and then some 'other' days like the 60 as fast as possible day
And last night's (Day 15) was killer. One minute ascending; in minute one do one rep. Minute 2, do 2, minute 3 do 3, and so on. Rest for the remainder of the interval. Easy so far, but of course as you get further in the reps get more and the rest gets less..... but keep going until you fail to beat the minute.
I only managed to do 12 in minute 13 when the timer beeped, but that was a blessing because there'd have been no rest and then I'd have failed min 14 with (at a guess) 6 or 7 on the basis I got down for rep 13 but couldn't get back up again due to the lactic in my legs!! Supposedly completing min 14 is good; I'm considering that unfinished business for after the course is completed.
Well I'm down about 1kg from last week (but I think last week was a bit higher than it really was) so I'm feeling happy. At least my daily [lunchtime] salad seems appropriate in this weather 🙂
Back up above my starting weight from a couple of weeks back - need to up my game (improve my eating) again. Great to have this as extra motivation though, thank you!
Rob concurs! It’s like I’ve taken up competitive (bread) eating. I feel a return to veganism is required to sort me out…
Yeah, not sure what happened. Was chugging along quite well, then the wheels came off 6 weeks or so ago, and refuse to go back on. 7lbs up on where I was then. Which is ****ing shocking.
When the time's right, the time's right.
Back on it today for me: low-carb veganism, no booze, (hopefully) kick the ciggies, joined strava to record daily partial commute. I'm quite all or nothing, don't you know 😁😁
I like JV's burpee thing! I'll get on that once my poorly back has righted itself.
Oh, I forgot to fix the charts - it's on the to-do list, though :).
Rob, have you tried an ecig mate, check out the thread on here from yesterday about recommendations as i'm a bit out of the loop these days but it helped me kick the fags. The ecigs themselves are a bloody nightmare to quit as well though so maybe, if you are a proper all or nothing person then just make the call to not be a smoker 😉
Had a bit of a shock this morning.
Not weighed myself for some time.
Was 77kg back in November last year, the heaviest I've ever been. A solid month in Italy of riding, not eating shit, but still enjoying vino and birra saw my weight drop to 71.5kg.
Weight didn't stay there, but leveled around 73kg.
My mum passed away a month ago and my diet and lifestyle has gone out of the window. The last month has been a mish-mash of pub grub, meals out, sausage sandwiches, three or four beers a night in the pub and no exercise. Subsequently my weight has rocketed to 78.1kg!
Time to head south and get riding again!
I find it hard to eat healthily whilst in the UK. I know it's doable, but the food is generally rather hearty and the beer moreish.....
Dear alansd1980, alpin & fatoldgit,
Please stop ****ing up my charts 😀
Data needs to be input for every week (one of you doesn't even have a target weight!!) otherwise things go awry.
Love from Rob xx
Milestone weigh-in today - this morning the scales reported under 100kgs for the first time since 2012. Still behind where I need to be to hit the target by June 22nd after things went a bit awry over Easter, but I'm catching up.