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  • Constantly screaming kid
  • elaineanne
    Free Member

    muddy dwarf says : 'quote' I don't want to go knocking on the door as that will stress them out even more but its really bloody annoying now, been going on for a couple of months.

    so he 'has thort' about knocking on the door and "so bloody annoying" ????? "its not of his goddam business !!!!!!!! not his child so why is it so 'bloody annoying'… ? move house if it bothers him so much ! lol
    ps : been there, done that, got the t-shirt etc ! all kids scream (FACT)!

    Free Member

    elaine anne me and the missus were from opposite camps.

    She thought 'they are out of order'

    I was…. 'are you crackers/mad/off your head' its not none of your business and what do you expect them to say 'ok sorry I'll just subdue the baby for you now'.

    How ironic that mrshora sees things in a TOTALLY different light now we have a 6month old lad 😀

    Free Member

    Our first child used to cry loads and loads. She would also cry so forcefully that she ended up with an umbilical hernia.

    The frequency of crying tailed off at about the age of 2.

    She is 11 now and she still gurns at times now.

    Some children are just like it unfortunately.

    Free Member

    not all kids scream… have you not seen those nspcc adverts?? deadly quiet those kids are, parents must be doing something right? 🙄

    on a serious note… i didnt scream as a kid, parents thought they were in luck til my sister came along. my neice is a super quiet baby too like i was, some kids are quiet, but i think they really are the odd ones out.

    try blasting low frequency womb noises through the wall with a meaty subwoofer?

    Free Member

    Apperently I was very quiet/good.

    My missus was a banshee.

    So 50:50 chance..

    Free Member

    To be honest, my eldest is extremely lucky to have a younger brother and sister!

    I can look back and have a little laugh at it now.

    Free Member

    I'd have checked up – might be something bad like one parent at home with the kid who fell into a diabetic coma or something, and the kid's unattended…

    But you do get some bolx spouted about kids. My Father in law thinks that kids are just exercising when they scream for hours.. not that they're unhappy about something… 🙄

    Free Member

    We measured ours with a decibel meter on a particularly bad day. At 1 metre, she is well above the safe noise levels where you'd be required to wear ear protection at work. Fortunately usually it is not for too long, although last night she did have a big inexplicable howl for quite a time, which was rubbish.


    Free Member

    We're lucky – our 2 month old is brilliant and sleeps through the night now. I'm sure it'll be like this for the next 18 years….

    Free Member


    First one took a year to sleep through, groan!
    Second one slept through after 6 months, getting better!
    Third one slept through after 3 months, woohay!
    However, she then woke up every night from the age of one to the age of 2, bah!

    Free Member

    Ps. Its none of your business. Its not anti-social noise.

    Of course it is, if it's audible in your house it's your business and antisocial. Now you have to be a little tolerant of such things if there's a problem with the kid but ultimately it's the parents job to see to the kid so that it's not screaming constantly and disturbing other people for unreasonable amounts of time.

    Free Member

    I wonder if they have someone to ask advice from or are comfortable in doing so. Do they know many people here?

    Free Member

    The good old standby?

    Free Member

    Move next older people?

    Free Member

    We moved into a nice flat in Clifton, Bristol with kids below – no problem. Then a month later they moved to NZ and let mates stay in the house (no soundproofing at all). They had a rather unwell 3 month old and we didn't get a single nights sleep from then on and moved out as soon as we could.

    It got to bad one night that I stamped on the floor in frustration. Didn't actually break my heels but I couldn't walk properly afterwards for 2 months – DOH DOH DOH!!

    Free Member

    Imagine what the Parents are going through as well…

    A lady director at work was telling me her youngest daughter constantly cried non stop for a year…

    Her oldest daughter and youngest were good as gold.

    Now the child has been diagnosised with stomach allergies and also short attention Syndrome but luckily they are well off and can pay extra for the care she requires to improve her health and learning.

    Maybe the Chinese couple next door can't help the child.

    My stupid Sister's first child cried like hell -while I visited and had a fever and she was feeding it Weetabix…FFS

    Quickly took it off her and rehydrated the child and it stopped crying within a minute and fever went away after an hr.

    Then there is the teething…Parents -I don't know how you put up with it and will never question you lol

    Free Member

    A good Chiroprac will sort it out. I jest not.

    Free Member

    See if somebody had come knocking on my door when my eldest had been going through her crying sessions I don't know what I would have done.

    I think that my wife and I would have just looked at each other and said to the person, "You try and settle her down!", whilst handing little one over to them!

    Free Member

    A good Chiroprac will sort it out. I jest not

    Acupuncture might be their alternative therapy of choice, no?

    Free Member

    i'm with Ho hum, if someone came knocking on the door asking me to quiet my child who was screaming for some reason and i had already tried to calm her, it may be the last straw and I would end up on an assault charge…think they may not have slept for days on end, they may not be thinking straight themselves.

    Free Member

    But maybe someone coming around might offer to help? Maybe take the baby off their hands for a while even?

    Free Member

    As a child I can remember going down stairs early one morning to find all the cushions from all the sofas piled in the middle of the room.

    Putting a couple back to make early mornign tv watching more comfortable revealed my younger sister soundly asleep in her play pen.

    I'm sure that this is child cruelty of a sort but my parents say she was just so bloody loud, and that they were so close to the end of their tethers, that this was the only rational thing left to do. 😯

    Free Member

    I'm sure there are websites you could post of pic of your screaming child on, and someone would come and take it off their hands for a while…

    Full Member

    A good Chiroprac will sort it out. I jest not.

    If such a thing existed, perhaps.

    We've got the same problem here. Kid next door yells and screams and sings and makes loud gibberish noises, except he's not a toddler, he's approaching his teens. Middle of the evening and all of a sudden you'll get "AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGH!!! AAAH! AH! AAAAAARGH!! OOOOOH DODODODOOO AAAARGGGGH!!!", drives me round the bend.

    Free Member

    I get that from neighbors, but more on a Saturday night at about 3am as they drive their motorbikes home without helmets on…

    Full Member

    As per Ho-Hum's suggestion…

    At the age of 2 I was on a return flight from the US with my mum and dad. I cried non-stop for the whole journey. At one point the man sat next to my dad said "Can't you keep that child quiet?". My dad handed me to him and said "If you think you can do any better, you're welcome to try".

    Free Member

    "Can't you keep that child quiet?"

    "Yeah, of course, but I like that noise…"

    Free Member

    Imagine what the Parents are going through as well…

    Quite possibly nothing at all, some parents are immune to their own kids screaming, just like some people are immune to their dogs barking, or their teenage sons stereo. All need to be shot for the good sake of society 😆

    Free Member

    Lots of interesting replies here 🙂

    Actually quiet tonight – although i've just got in from a ride so he may have been yelling earlier.

    I feel for the parents, they must be stressed to hell. Of course i'm not going to knock on their door & demand they keep the kid quiet, & no i'm not dobbing them in to the social either!
    It's just the usual kids thing – bloody loud though.
    The kid yelling i can cope with, the banging about at 1am last night was out of order though.

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