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  • Complaining about the Open University
  • monkeysfeet
    Free Member

    Long story but Mrs Monkeysfeet is into her 5th year at the OU doing a degree. It was great for her to start with, good tutor contact, monthly tutorials, books sent in the post etc.
    However now there are no tutorials, you have to print off all the course material, costs have gone up but she feels the OU are limiting/cutting back on everything.
    These last 2 years are v important and she is getting very little support.
    Her tutor for this module is currently on holiday and is uncontactable.
    She would like to go elsewhere but no-one else is offering the course as a distance learning package so she is stuck.
    So, anyone complained to the OU before, if so how successful were you? Who is the best person to speak to?

    Full Member
    Free Member

    Yes. She emailed a complaint on October but we have heard nothing since.

    Free Member

    Just make sure she finishes the degree or converts over to an on-campus degree. If her tutor cannot be contacted right now, can she contact a module leader?

    This kind of crap isn’t limited to the OU anyway, it happens at plenty of universities. I always had to print off, borrow or buy my own course material.

    Free Member

    If she started 5 years ago I’d have thought the fee increases wouldn’t affect her since she would still be on the old system?

    As for tutor issues, she would be as well getting in touch with the course coordinator for her faculty, I know of someone else who had similar issues and ended up with a tutor in the Midlands after his local one was just being useless. I can sympathise with regards to tutorials as my current course is under-subscribed so they are being done online with occasional local meets.

    As for printing everything off, it must be a faculty thing as the only thing you need to print off in engineering are the assessments, we get everything else provided, is there any chance her materials may have been lost in transit, it is Yodel who deliver them after all…

    Free Member

    Had a similar problem when I did M206 and I really struggled to get through it but as has already been said it’s not just a problem with the OU.

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