Never heard of one of these before, but MrsMC has a job offer and been asked to provide one for the period she was abroad doing VSO in 1997/8.
Bit confused as she's worked for a variety of local authorities since coming back in 1998, including the one who have offered her the job, and she's never been asked to provide one before.
Anyone know anything about them?
Is it a legitimate job offer?
I've never heard of a certificate of good conduct. You can probably print one off though.. Just photoshop one for a laugh?
It’s a crappy version of a DBS the relevant embassy may be able to help.
23 years ago!? Jeez now that’s thorough...pointless but thorough
Can really see the Russian embassy rushing to get this done?
It's a legit job offer, she's booked in with their occupational health to discuss her disability requirements
Thanks hols2 - I left Kenya in 1969 aged 6 weeks, but at least I can verify my good behaviour while I was there
Looks more like a Certificate of No Bad Conduct rather than a Certificate of Good!