I've just bought a pair of on one carbon knuckle bars (hard)
The link to them no longer works as they have sold out.
The bars don't have anything on then and they just came in bubble wrap.
I could ask px, but, you know, it's px.
So, what torque settings do you use for carbon bars? And do you use carbon assembly paste?
~4nM, bit of paste if you have some.
^^ that
I think normally you go off the stem torque value rather than the bar. 4.5 on my renthal and ive never seen a bar with a torque value on mine are all easton though.
Definitely use paste.
As above, 4.5ish +paste.
I was surprised how tight 4Nm was, felt like quite a lot more than I ever used to do it by hand!
And by contrast 4nm felt a lot less tight that I did by hand. Luckily the purchase of a torque wrench a few years ago has saved me rounding off all my bolts with my ham fisted ways.