Building regs for r...

[Closed] Building regs for re-tiling a roof - is it needed?

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Offline  the-muffin-man
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Hi All
Our roof needs a fair bit of work and it's probably going to be easier in the long run to strip all the tiles off, re-do the membrane and re-tile it.
A couple of roofing companies say we don't as we'd be re-using a lot of the tile - Planning Portal seems to disagree!

Posted : 28/06/2021 1:58 pm
Offline  airvent
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It is to do with the type of roof covering you will be putting on, generally building control will want to know that you aren't replacing the current covering with something heavier because that would compromise the roof structure.

Posted : 28/06/2021 2:02 pm
Offline  dannybgoode
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When we had our roof replaced (England) yes we needed building regs and when we came to sell the building regs cert was one of the first things the buyers solicitor asked for

As an edit, the roofer we ended up using said his quote would be more expensive than just about anyone else out there as he included the building regs fee automatically whereas many other firms would just leave it off to be more competitive.

Posted : 28/06/2021 2:08 pm
Offline  Greybeard
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The actual Building Regulations (which are law, as opposed to the Approved Documents which are just one way to comply) imply that like for like replacement isn't building work (and thus not covered). But I've seen a broader interpretation of 'material change' used in practice.

Posted : 28/06/2021 2:40 pm
Offline  tuboflard
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We had to get building regs on ours back in February when done. New insulation, membrane and tiles plus three new velux windows though.

Mind you the person that came to visit was here all of five minutes and didn’t go up on the scaffold to have a look, just spoke with the roofer and idly glanced up. Make of that what you will.

Posted : 28/06/2021 2:41 pm
Offline  the-muffin-man
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We're just doing like for like replacement - slate tiles off - new membrane and lathes - slate tiles back on. No additions or adjustments.

Posted : 28/06/2021 2:44 pm
Offline  dannybgoode
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We’re just doing like for like replacement – slate tiles off – new membrane and lathes – slate tiles back on

We had replacement slates but it was a like for like replacement. However our roof was last done when the house was built in 1895 so modern building regs meant it needed a ventilation tile or two and the insulation had to be up to standard etc.

Posted : 28/06/2021 2:54 pm
Offline  airvent
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We’re just doing like for like replacement – slate tiles off – new membrane and lathes – slate tiles back on. No additions or adjustments.

You will still need to involve building control, if you are replacing more than 25 percent of the roof covering even like for like. They will possibly require you to upgrade the thermal performance of the roof as well if technically, functionally and economically viable (i.e. reduced energy bills will offset the cost of the insulation in less than 15 years).

I think there's a competent persons scheme for it now similar to electrical work, so self certifying, however I don't have experience of it personally.

Posted : 28/06/2021 2:54 pm
Offline  footflaps
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I had our roof redone (Victorian terrace, 1890s slates in skip and new slates replacing them with felt underlay) and pretty sure there was no BC involvement, certainly don't have any paper work other than a receipt.

Posted : 28/06/2021 3:38 pm
Offline  ThePilot
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Doesn't it vary council by council? I contacted mine and I didn't need building regs. I did need planning though as I'm in a conservation area. I am in Scotland.
I had my the roof stripped and slates replaced with similar but not the same.
Just make as sure as you can be that you are are confident in your roofer as you can be. Mine was an utter cowboy and I need a lot of it done again. Has been, and still is in fact, an absolute nightmare.

Posted : 29/06/2021 5:54 am
Offline  boxelder
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Just give them a ring and ask. Our local department has a day/times when you can call them.

Posted : 29/06/2021 7:16 am
Offline  andybrad
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ive re roofed my house in the last 5 years and didnt involve building regs

Posted : 14/07/2021 1:04 pm
Offline  alanl
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said that a tile roof built using today’s standards and guidelines should last a minimum of 15 years, with most lasting up to 30 year

Christ, I'd expect at least 50 years from a roof.
As for the OP, I think there is some confusion. Building Regs applies to all work on a house.
Building works notification to the Council is what you mean.It covers a number of things through the property. In some trades, the worker can self certify, e.g. plumbers, electricians, window fitters etc. Others need to be inspected by the Council.
I wouldnt expect a like for like replacement of roof tiles/slates to be notifiable, but that isnt something I know much about.

Posted : 14/07/2021 1:12 pm
Offline  jam-bo
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So we re-roofed the farmhouse with green slates

is that astroturf? reported...

Posted : 14/07/2021 1:17 pm

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