to be more helpful, what bike do you have now? what do you want to get from it? If it’s to learn to manual, air out of quarters , bars spins etc, I’d say a jump bike is a better option, its just a bit of an easier crossover IMHO
BMX bikes are brilliant but they are harsh and unforgiving.
A 456 and a Rocket (in bits), both 26″. TBH I’m keen to learn something new, I’m not too fussed about transferable skills just something that’ll give me a bit of exercise and a new challenge. I reckon I’d be more interested in “flow” than rad tricks, but who knows?
The park is quite street oriented, ie jump box and stairs (and a couple of fun looking curved quarters) rather than ramp. I had a go on a BMX a year or so ago and quite enjoyed it ’till I fell on my arse trying to manual, but it felt like something I’d have to do regularly to get much out of.