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  • BMX or jump bike?
  • flyingmonkeycorps
    Full Member

    Just musing at the moment… In the new year I’m starting a new job that’s less than a mile from home, so I won’t really need to proper commuter any more (I can walk it if I feel like it or ride pretty much any bike no problem). More importantly it’s also a ten minute ride from a local skatepark.

    So I figure if I get a park friendly bike I can spend early mornings / lunchtimes / evenings in the summer honing my mad skillz and turning myself into an X-Games athlete (or maybe learning how to jump a bit better).

    I’ve never really “done” BMX apart from brick / plank ramps as a kid; would I be better off learning how to ride little wheels or sticking to what I know and getting a 24 or 26″ jump bike?

    Free Member

    how close is the hospital/dentists?

    Full Member

    Having had a session at the Manchester bmx track, i’d definitely take a jump bike, though a bmx is probably better progression of your riding

    Full Member

    how close is the hospital/dentists?

    Far enough that an ambulance would probably be best.

    Having had a session at the Manchester bmx track, i’d definitely take a jump bike, though a bmx is probably better progression of your riding

    Yeah I figure the jump bike will be easier to start on, but the BMX is probably a better tool for the job.

    Full Member

    The advantage of the bigger wheeled bikes is that they’re more similar to MTBs. Which is handy for familiarity, but ultimately BMXs are the better tool for the job IMO. The skills are transferable despite the differences.

    Free Member

    Last year my mum bought me a bmx…. Why she didn’t do that when I was 12 and not 34 I don’t know….

    It’s not as if I’ve not had enough time off work the last few years through biking injuries.

    It’s twitchy as hell. Landed on my coccyx the other month when jumping off the decking. Fortunately I landed on grass.

    Looking to sell the thing now. Death trap.

    Would imagine it’s much easier to make the move to a jump /street bike than a bmx when coming from mtb.

    Free Member

    to be more helpful, what bike do you have now? what do you want to get from it? If it’s to learn to manual, air out of quarters , bars spins etc, I’d say a jump bike is a better option, its just a bit of an easier crossover IMHO

    BMX bikes are brilliant but they are harsh and unforgiving.

    Full Member

    Yeah do it that exactly what i do flyingmonkeycorps! 20″ all the way!

    Full Member

    to be more helpful, what bike do you have now? what do you want to get from it? If it’s to learn to manual, air out of quarters , bars spins etc, I’d say a jump bike is a better option, its just a bit of an easier crossover IMHO

    BMX bikes are brilliant but they are harsh and unforgiving.

    A 456 and a Rocket (in bits), both 26″. TBH I’m keen to learn something new, I’m not too fussed about transferable skills just something that’ll give me a bit of exercise and a new challenge. I reckon I’d be more interested in “flow” than rad tricks, but who knows?

    The park is quite street oriented, ie jump box and stairs (and a couple of fun looking curved quarters) rather than ramp. I had a go on a BMX a year or so ago and quite enjoyed it ’till I fell on my arse trying to manual, but it felt like something I’d have to do regularly to get much out of.

    Free Member

    If it’s just for the track how about a Cruiser?

    Full Member

    It’s a concrete park rather than track. For track I’d definitely be more tempted by a jump bike or cruiser.

    Full Member

    For a proper skatepark – BMX all the way. There will be a steep learning curve, but after that it’ll be fine and you’ll swap back and forth no problem.
    Has the park got a spine ramp? Spines are fun.

    Full Member

    No spine. Looks like this:

    Free Member

    I also tried dropping in to a “small” bow/ramp, about 80cm high. It looks a lot higher when you’re standing up there.

    Full Member

    Hmm that is disappointing. WTF is that? You can carve the bowled quarter sections but theres too much space between them and they’re at right angles so any kind of ‘flow’ would be hard/impossible.
    Buy a BMX, practise airs and grinds along the coping on the bowls, also manuals along the top section and when you’re feeling brave a fufanu or peg stall on that back rail.

    Full Member

    Of course the other option (which I’ll probably use until I can convince the Mrs that I really need a BMX is to ride in on my old commuter and take my skateboard.

    I’m very, very bad on a skateboard.

    Free Member

    Is that a giant balls and shaft on the left ramp? Hope so.

    Full Member

    It’s in Hull. So almost certainly yes.

    Full Member

    Go BMX and have fun at that park when you can, you never know the bug may bite and you might end up riding some of the indoor skateparks in Leeds, Manchester or Liverpool. Even an evening racetrack session is fun under the lights.

    Hmm that is disappointing. WTF is that?

    Park looks fine to me, roll up the flat bank and drop in the ramp and then ride the opposite side hip, hours of fun to be had there, looks like you could pump across to the bowl corner which has hips on each end also. I’ve def seen much worse!

    Full Member

    Park looks fine to me, roll up the flat bank and drop in the ramp and then ride the opposite side hip, hours of fun to be had there, looks like you could pump across to the bowl corner which has hips on each end also. I’ve def seen much worse!

    Maybe. I didn’t think they were hips on the side of the bowled sections, thought they were just mellow flat banks.
    Would have been improved if they had linked the two bowl sections ending with a spine section.

    Free Member

    BMX would be more fun I reckon. I haven’t ridden one for years, but I was never a fan of jump bikes, I’m sure they’d be good for sketchy dirt jumps and 4x tracks etc.., but a BMX was always better for parks and nice jumps IMO.

    I’ve recently started riding a local park on a street trials bike. So much fun just pumping around. 😀 Plus I can have quite a lot of fun just learning trials type stuff on a high kerb or bench near home.

    Full Member

    indoor skateparks in Leeds, Manchester or Liverpool

    We have Rock City in Hull as well, which is supposedly a pretty amazing indoor park. Reckon BMX may well be the way to go then. Cheaper too probably.

    Full Member

    Cheaper too probably.

    Probably. Are you self-employed, or do you get sick pay 😆

    Full Member

    Ha! Sick pay 😉

    Full Member

    What would happen if you rode your MTB there? (Apart from getting laughed at)

    Full Member

    I’ll probably fall off. I’ll likely give it a go to be honest.

    Full Member

    I was wondering about getting my middle_s into bmx a while ago. Looked for a 16″ wheel Bike for him, ended up buying a 20, then an 18 (both wrongly described) before finally getting one.

    Anyway, tldr is that I tried riding the 20″ one thinking I could be a cool Dad ™. Epic fail and lots of CBA later, it’s for sale. It’s a Black Eye NFG and I just want what I paid for it – 43 quid. Maybe can find a box and post it.

    If anyone wants pics let me know and I’ll find some.

    /stealth ad

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Get a 20″ BMX they are a hoot, I tried a cruiser and I didn’t personally like it much. Most of the other rad dad’s at my club are going cruiser though 🙁
    I don’t really ride my MTB anymore, as I love BMX racing.
    I would definitely wear a full face helmet,sod what anyone else thinks. I would sooner be a bit sweaty than needing to drink my dinner.

    Full Member

    Sadly @Rich_s I think Mrs Monkey might actually kill me if I bought a BMX now (I’m still in trouble for the drone a couple of months ago!).

    Free Member

    Another ad. My brother’s got a 24/7 Dark Angel frame kicking about and probably some suitable stuff to go on it if you’re wanting a cheap project.

    He thought he’d try dirt jumps and wussed out, much like me really..

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