only just got in from the pub……
thanks to gav for helping me finish off the build, bleeding the maguras was a pain to say the least.
the photo has made it look like it has a 29er front wheel with a super odd frame, but the fork is probably a tad long at 130. i can wind it down. it locks down another 50mm on the climbs in any case.
the bottle cage is from cannondale, i think i got it from crc, nice and cheap too – light as a feather. needs low profile bolts or it can obstruct the bottle.
no excuse for the shambolic tyre tyre/logo set up, can only assume that it was down to a late night puncture job and forgot to line them up, i throw myself on your mercy.
taking it out for its first run around ullswater and howtown tomorrow (today) and will get it set up right. i’ll try and get a photo that shows it without weird perspective monkeyness – tyres/valves will be the same, sorry.
ta v much.
pedants note – 2.1 trailraker on front, 2.0 mud-x on rear – grip of the gods and makes numptys like me stay upright in the worst of slop. mostly.