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  • Bad actors stoking hate again (Southport Stabbings)
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    Full Member

    No-one chucking bricks at riot police is going to have a sudden flash of introspection and think “hm, maybe we went a bit far there.” They are fanatics.

    Of course, which is why I suggested that they are probably doing irreparable damage to the EDL in particular and the far-right cause generally. A point which you appear to challenge

    Full Member

    Hopefully the IT bods at the police, NCA, GCHQ or whoever does it, will be able to track down those responsible for organising it and hit them and those linked to them with the full force of the law.

    I really, really hope that brick-in-the-bollocks-bloke gets a knock on the door, just to cement his place as the biggest nobhead who ever walked the earth. Lets just take a moment to once again appreciate the true majesty of his stupidity….

    Full Member

    How the hell did we get here?

    Social media. These people have always existed, but they had no real idea of realising how many people shared their views. Previously it was just their mates down the pub. Felt pretty isolated. Now they can see solidarity on social media and feel emboldened by it, fed lies by the right wing poster boys like Farage and Robinson.

    Full Member

    Social media.

    I completely agree 100%.

    Full Member

    They are quite small in numbers which is presumably why mosques across the UK haven’t been attacked and it is just the one in Southport.

    Stephen Lennon/the EDL is not popular with the UK public, which is why the gobshite lost his deposit when he stood in the European elections in a seat which probably provided him with his best chances. I think he managed to get 2%

    Full Member

    which is why the gobshite lost his deposit

    Shame he hasn’t lost his liberty yet. But that would probably then make him a martyr to some.

    Full Member

    Brickidiot is the funniest thing I’ve seen all year

    Free Member

    @binners – How do you embed Twitter links like that on here?

    Full Member

    Shame he hasn’t lost his liberty yet. But that would probably then make him a martyr to some.

    I’d rather he lost more than that

    Full Member

    Free Member

    – How do you embed Twitter links like that on here?

    Replace the “X” with “twitter” in the URL.

    Full Member

    Of course, which is why I suggested that they are probably doing irreparable damage to the EDL in particular and the far-right cause generally. A point which you appear to challenge

    But ernie you are missing the point here, the kind of person who likes the EDL, or goes on their marches, will think that yesterday was great and it might even give them a boost. They showed the powers that be that they are a force to reckon with etc. etc.

    I think this will embolden many of them, seeing the coverage and the outcry from the people they despise (or have been told to despise). Most of them will literally get away with civic unrest and rioting.

    I’d throw the lot of them in a rock grinder and have zero compunction.

    Full Member

    Thanks to Ernie for this.

    Just in case anyone had any sympathy for the “brick guy”, which I highly doubt, here he is expressing his remorse in regard to the children that were murdered. He’s in other videos too, at least 4 I’ve seen

    It’s fair to say that, all in all, it’s just another brick in the ball.

    Social media

    This and wider. We have an unprecedented level of access to information. This can be a great thing. What we can see is the other side of that.

    Sometimes we’re not as far away from chimps as we’d like to believe.

    Free Member

    Comment on X about the brick idiot

    “I was half expecting him to step on a rake on the way out”

    Full Member

    We’re all chimps, but some of us are chumps

    Full Member

    Brickidiot is the funniest thing I’ve seen all year

    I appreciate that in the duration of the vieo, the 5m x 2m target of the police line only gets hit by 5 bricks.. Three’s 3 complete misses over the top, but Brickidiot takes 2 perfect shots in the head and crotch.

    Surely too good for random chance?

    Full Member

    But ernie you are missing the point here, the kind of person who likes the EDL, or goes on their marches, will think that yesterday was great and it might even give them a boost.

    Be that as it may it does not contradict the point I am making ie the EDL are probably doing themselves irreparable damage.

    Yes they are likely to be too thick to figure out that fighting and injuring police officers and smashing property won’t win them over public opinion. Although more likely they don’t even care.

    Full Member

    Surely too good for random chance?

    Even racists hate racists. ;)

    Full Member

    Be that as it may it does not contradict the point I am making ie the EDL are probably doing themselves irreparable damage.

    They’re just like organised football hooligans, they thrive off this nonsense. They don’t care and there is clearly a lot of morons who will simply replace the ones that do get prosecuted. I advise not holding your breath whilst the allure of the EDL to these racist idiots wanes

    Free Member


    Full Member

    ^^I suppose we now know what happened to the Star Wars Kid.

    Full Member

    It’s only watching that video in slow motion that I fully realised he had been hit by three bricks. First one to the chest, the second one to the back of the head, and the third one to the bollocks.

    It’s how he quickly moves his hand from the back of his head to his crotch that cracks me up – pure comedy

    Full Member

    Of course, which is why I suggested that they are probably doing irreparable damage to the EDL in particular and the far-right cause generally. A point which you appear to challenge

    Only in so far as anyone sufficiently invested in “the far right cause” will see this as a positive.

    Elsewhere on the Internet a couple of days ago, someone was asking if anyone could take their dad to a Tommy Robinson rally in London. I offered to take him so long as I could leave him there. To wit the poster launched into a tirade about how his family were the Suicide Squad (I assume a reference to the Burnley football hooligans from the 1980s and not Harley Quinn) and that I should ‘watch out.’

    The people responsible for this shit and their hangers-on, they aren’t ashamed, they’re proud. Really stuck it to the **** yesterday, that’ll learn ’em with their coming over here and existing.

    Shitehawks one and all.

    Full Member

    Hopefully “brick meet nuts” guy has taking such a whack that his balls popped and he’s unable to father any more children.

    Full Member

    The brick guy took a rebound off a shield to the chest at the same time as the head shot.

    The one to the balls was just the icing on the cake.

    Full Member

    Surely too good for random chance?

    The one to the nuts definitely suggests he isnt loved by his own side either. That or is was a cunning attempt to make the police line collapse.

    Free Member

    £10 says random brick guy is on Strictly, Celebrity BB, or similar.

    Free Member

    £10 says random brick guy is on Strictly

    Surely he’s already been punished enough? ;-)

    Full Member

    That or is was a cunning attempt to make the police line collapse.


    Shame they couldn’t see it as he was turned away from them.

    Full Member

    I appreciate that in the duration of the vieo, the 5m x 2m target of the police line only gets hit by 5 bricks.. Three’s 3 complete misses over the top, but Brickidiot takes 2 perfect shots in the head and crotch.

    Surely too good for random chance?

    Proof that there is a God and he hates racists.

    Full Member

    Be that as it may it does not contradict the point I am making ie the EDL are probably doing themselves irreparable damage.

    In the face of whom?

    Genuine question, I don’t know where you’re going with this.  People who support the EDL will be cheering all the way, I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a GoFundMe set up for Dick-A-Brick.  The rest of the country already knew they were c**ts.  Who is going to watch this footage and think “wow, I had them all wrong, I had no idea”?

    Even if you’re right, it’ll change nothing. They’ll just rise again under a different name. NF > BNP > EDL > [insert acronym here]. It’s the same brand of neo-nazi thuggery that we grew up with in the 1970s who simply don’t like brown people.  If the name “leaked” had been Justin Smith, this riot wouldn’t have happened.

    Free Member

    just had to put my (half)sister on take a break

    My half siblings (and I) are all Protestant NI, but i don’t live there.. they seem more right wing in general over there for some reason… reposting protest organisation…… :S with no context it seems…

    Full Member

    Cougar, what Daz said on the first page


    Full Member

    Whatever. Can’t be arsed having an argument off the back of this and you’re clearly looking for one.

    Find another topic

    Full Member

    “I was half expecting him to step on a rake on the way out”

    I was surprised a man carrying a scaff plank past the scene didn’t make a sudden 180 turn!

    Full Member

    £10 says random brick guy is on Strictly, Celebrity BB, or similar.

    I’m sure that the BBC have already signed him up for one of the rare QT where Nigel Farridge is unable to appear.

    Full Member

    He does have blood on his hand from the headshot. So he must have been in alot of pain before the hole shot to the knackers.
    Don’t know if I feel any sympathy though tbh.

    Free Member

    hoping that one of the twitter wags will put some ‘to me, to you’ sfx over that video

    Full Member

    Brickman even came up on my Australian news post. Hopefully the whole world is laughing at the ****.

    Full Member

    Social media. These people have always existed, but they had no real idea of realising how many people shared their views. Previously it was just their mates down the pub. Felt pretty isolated. Now they can see solidarity on social media and feel emboldened by it, fed lies by the right wing poster boys like Farage and Robinson.


    How did we get here? Farage, mainly, and Cameron.

    The far right has existed in the UK for donkey’s years. During the war it was Mosley and his crew gathering crowds. Once the Windrush generation started landing it boiled down to simple racism – those people don’t look like us, so let’s blame them for everything that’s wrong in our lives. And there were riots, people charging police, burning down buildings both in support of and fighting racism.

    20 years ago Nick Griffin was still seen on TV, as the not-quite-acceptable-but-let’s-show-him-anyway face of “alternative views”. Then we stopped seeing him and his ilk for a while.

    Then Farage started getting airtime, David Cameron decided the best way to avoid losing voters to Farage’s (not actually electable) crew was to legitimise his views on immigration, racism and so on, and the rest is history. Overlay that on top of an economy and country that has been absolutely driven to the wall by the Tories over the last 14 years and we have a lot of people feeling much worse off than they were, with fewer opportunities than they had, seeing others getting richer and richer; being told that it’s down to people “coming over here stealing what’s yours”.

    To be clear, nobody has stolen NHS beds – the government just didn’t invest in them. Nobody’s stolen your job (unless you clean toilets for cash with no job protection), companies have just taken the money and given it to shareholders. And although events like this are absolutely shocking and appalling and horrendous to see, as we saw in Southport, it’s less about immigrants than lunatics of any background/ colour/ beliefs.

    But the people whose opportunities and feelings of agency have been taken away from them have been told for the last decade that it’s OK – nay, right – to blame it all on immigrants, and that the best way to show their disapproval is take to the streets. Social media is a channel; but it’s the Daily Hatemail, the Express, GB News, Farage, Yaxley-Lennon, Suella Braverman that have the recognition and voices to make this acceptable.

    Full Member


    “We would appeal to anyone who has information or video footage of those involved in this shocking behaviour to come forward so we can identify and arrest those responsible. Anyone with information can DM @MerPolCC or contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

    I suspect that his pain might not have concluded yet, well the nonphysical pain that is.

    What I find particularly strange is how he simply stands there with bricks flying around, he must have been completely out of his head.

    I have been in similar situations with missiles from protesters raining down, no way did I stroll around as if walking along a promenade on a sunny afternoon

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