Bad actors stoking ...

Bad actors stoking hate again (Southport Stabbings)

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I have to say this terrible act has hit me harder than I realised. Most probably I guess because I’m local, less than a mile away with children around the same age but still, not used to feeling so emotional over an event in the news. Just the senselessness I guess. Mood is very sombre here. One of the kids goes to the same school as mine. Just can’t compute it right now.

That's a very human response mate and I think being physically close to where an atrocity happened makes it even more impactful.

Posted : 30/07/2024 8:36 pm
Full Member

Looks like the bad actors have stoked up trouble. Desperately sad, all of it.


Posted : 30/07/2024 8:50 pm
Poopscoop and Poopscoop reacted
Full Member

Would be nice if this thread had focused on 3 young girls, all under 10, killed in an absolutely horrific attack, and 9 others in critical condition, those parents of the children who have died must be going through hell, start of the summer holidays, send your kid off to a summer camp event and they never come home, should be the happiest times of their lives, and now, i don’t even have a guess on how much pain and misery is running through their heads.

Anyway, i’ll let you guys get back to caring more about daft posts and the likes that have been around since the internet was invented.

The thread was specifically about how the crazies of the internet will do whatever they can to provoke hate and division.

If you don't like that, maybe instead of sneering at people who do wish to discuss that, you could go and start a threads which is specifically about the tragedy itself.

You are well wide of the mark on this one.

Posted : 30/07/2024 8:56 pm
Full Member

Full Member
Looks like the bad actors have stoked up trouble. Desperately sad, all of it.


Oh dear, yeah. Why did I have to look on X again. Time to knock it on the head again for a few months.

Plenty on there fueling the "protest" tonight. I despair.

Posted : 30/07/2024 8:57 pm
Free Member

relapsed_mandalorianFull Member
right wing nutters,
If it’s even them

Rioters are currently shouting "Tommy Robinson"

Posted : 30/07/2024 9:00 pm
Full Member

I think we should change the libel laws to make organisations who circulate libellous material partially responsible for them. It would open the opportunity for individuals or groups harmed by these recirculations to take their case to court.

Can you imagine the scale of the 502 Club appeals if STW were liable for some of the bollocks we spout on here?

(Consider this a winking humour emoji)

Posted : 30/07/2024 9:02 pm
Poopscoop and Poopscoop reacted
Full Member

You are well wide of the mark on this one.

Yeah, lets talk about changing the legislation for idiots posting on the internet like they have since the 90s, instead of focusing on a horrific knife crime that's resulted in 3 deaths and many serious injuries.

Well wide of the mark focusing on the tragedy that occurred rather than someone in the US posting todays dose of fake news.

Posted : 30/07/2024 9:03 pm
Full Member

Just had to drive across town and it's kicking off big time. The whole tragedy is being hijacked.

Posted : 30/07/2024 9:07 pm
Full Member

Well wide of the mark focusing on the tragedy that occurred rather than someone in the US posting todays dose of fake news.

And yet as a result of the hare being whipped up the 'patriots' are trying to burn down a mosque, are attack a police and have set a police van on fire.....

Posted : 30/07/2024 9:12 pm
silvine, Poopscoop, silvine and 1 people reacted
Full Member

Rioters are currently shouting “Tommy Robinson”

JFC. This the same bloke who has done a runner out the country because he was about to be lifted? My response was more directed at the online misinformation, no doubt in my mind that it's being enhanced by some proper shitheads as well as the wobbleheaded bigots.

You know they're going to view themselves as 'heroes' & 'patriots' for 'taking a stand'. All the while some families are in absolute turmoil trying to process a very vivid version of hell that's just been visited on them.

Shit c***s.

"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups."

- A public order instructor, 2004.

Posted : 30/07/2024 9:16 pm
Full Member

What a way the honour the memory of the poor dead school children. Aghast.

Posted : 30/07/2024 9:18 pm
nobbingsford, pondo, acidchunks and 11 people reacted
Full Member

What a way the honour the memory of the poor dead school children. Aghast.

Sadly it's not about that in the slightest. This is a deliberate and selfish act with zero consideration for those little kids and their families.

They're so full of fear and hate that logic has left the room (if it was even there in the first place).

Posted : 30/07/2024 9:23 pm
hightensionline, AD, Poopscoop and 3 people reacted
Full Member

And yet as a result of the hare being whipped up the ‘patriots’ are trying to burn down a mosque, are attack a police and have set a police van on fire…..

And they wouldn't be doing that if some fake report last night in the US was released, i don't think the actual child of Rwandan parents press release has lessened the EDL and all their hatred!

Posted : 30/07/2024 9:24 pm
Free Member

What an absolute horrific  of a thing to do to little children.

One thing is guaranteed is that he wont lasr long in prison with a big X on his baxk. Lwts hope he suffers.

Posted : 30/07/2024 9:34 pm
relapsed_mandalorian, Poopscoop, Bregante and 3 people reacted
Full Member

They’re so full of fear and hate that logic has left the room (if it was even there in the first place).

I am not sure in some cases it is "fear and hate" vs deliberate stoking. I am guessing some people are very happy with the results so far as depressing as it is to write that.

If its anything like the mosques round here they have now terrified some more poor kids. I would like to think some of those involved will feel shit about it...

Posted : 30/07/2024 9:47 pm
Full Member

Probably a caustic mix of the two elements I'd imagine. With some third party stoking to boot.

Posted : 30/07/2024 9:56 pm
Full Member

Typical bigoted pricks believing any old nonsense.

Posted : 30/07/2024 10:01 pm
el_boufador, Andy, el_boufador and 1 people reacted
Free Member

Some of the emergency services that responded to yesterday's attack are now being attacked by the mob.

WTF goes through the mind of these people. As I said earlier

inevitably there will be some ****s that even though they’ll outwardly be saying the right stuff, will actually see this as acceptable collateral damage in their war to stoke up division and hatred. Hurts me to say it but there will be. That’s who we’re up against, make no mistake.

- and already it has started.

Posted : 30/07/2024 10:16 pm
el_boufador, kimbers, el_boufador and 1 people reacted
Free Member

Listened to Radcliffe and Macony on catch up on the chain today.
the woman on the chain was less than adorable to Southport. Says she is under her bed eating her words

Posted : 30/07/2024 10:21 pm
Free Member

The Police should name the suspect, as it has been done with Huw Edwards.

By not giving all the facts, hearsay and speculation starts.

Posted : 30/07/2024 10:26 pm
Full Member

Huw Edwards is over 18.

Posted : 30/07/2024 10:27 pm
hightensionline, ernielynch, silvine and 13 people reacted
Full Member

I can follow the thought process that someone who had been deceived by online misinformation that this was an Islamic terrorist plot and decide to go attack the local mosque.
(I obviously neither support nor condone it, but I can see the logic from the hard of thinking population).

But what is their reasoning between attacking police and general rioting? What is the idiots logic behind either of these actions?

Posted : 30/07/2024 10:31 pm
Full Member
Topic starter

And this is why I thought the thread title more appropriate to discuss than the actual horrific events. What's now transpiring is doing so much damage to our social cohesion. I despair.

Posted : 30/07/2024 10:35 pm
Full Member

State of southport is unreal.

My neice is the same age and lives close to the area and does activities there.

Everyone is in shock then the racist coked up gobshites get the train on and riot...  ****s sake

Posted : 30/07/2024 10:37 pm
Full Member

The Police should name the suspect, as it has been done with Huw Edwards.

Leaving aside the fact the person who has been arrested is 17 Hue Edwards was arrested in November of last year and charged last month. Hence the rather stupid headline saying he had kept it secret from friends, ermmm no shit sherlock.  I think its in the news now because he is due to appear in court tomorrow.

Posted : 30/07/2024 10:42 pm
flannol and flannol reacted
Full Member

But what is their reasoning between attacking police and general rioting? What is the idiots logic behind either of these actions?

Because they view the police as part of the establishment enabling what they perceive as an 'attack on our values' or some such shite.

Posted : 30/07/2024 10:46 pm
silvine, AD, el_boufador and 5 people reacted
Full Member

And this is why I thought the thread title more appropriate to discuss than the actual horrific events. What’s now transpiring is doing so much damage to our social cohesion. I despair.

They know who the 17 year old is in the area, the press have interviewed their old neighbours and so on, yes they cannot name the person, but nobody in that area believes it's al araki who arrived on a dinghy last year, they know it's a 17 year old born and bred in the UK, to Rwandan parents, you think the BNP, National Front, etc cared much about the false flags on the internet when they knew the realiy?!

Posted : 30/07/2024 10:47 pm
Free Member

.... and this person is a multiple child killer.

Attacking the Police is unacceptable, as those did at Manchester airport and now it seems in Southport.

Posted : 30/07/2024 10:48 pm
Full Member

you think the BNP, National Front, etc cared much about the false flags on the internet when they knew the realiy?!

It's the false flags that gave them the excuse.

Posted : 30/07/2024 10:49 pm
Full Member

By not giving all the facts, hearsay and speculation starts.

There are good and proper reasons for this. What starts that which you have named is random idiots who feel entitled to privileged information who are wholly unconnected to the events and lack the EQ to manage their own emotions appropriately.

Arrogant, nosey mouth-breathers who could do well to learn some patience and actually put at the forefront of their minds those directly impacted instead of their own selfish wants.

Posted : 30/07/2024 10:51 pm
pondo, lb77, silvine and 17 people reacted
Free Member

More tear gas, rubber bullets, water cannon and baton charges please. Oh, and release the hounds.

Posted : 30/07/2024 10:56 pm
Poopscoop and Poopscoop reacted
Full Member

They know who the 17 year old is in the area, the press have interviewed their old neighbours and so on, yes they cannot name the person, but nobody in that area believes it’s al araki who arrived on a dinghy last year

there’s an irony in the fact that if one of those neighbours leaked the name of the 17yo they would be commiting a crime; yet those who deliberately ‘named’ the fake forin-sounding attacker get away Scott free with what they have caused.

Posted : 30/07/2024 10:57 pm
fenderextender, sandboy, convert and 7 people reacted
Full Member

Poetry, karma dildo, epic, life changing, life affirming, godlike.

None if that even remotely sums up the elegance of this video.

It demands an oscar, I demand it gets an oscar. I want it mate into a mini series.

Posted : 30/07/2024 10:59 pm
Full Member

I'm in what I hoped had been the latter stages of recovery from some broken ribs. That video has made me laugh, quite hard. Recovery may be set back a week or so.

Totally worth it. God I miss public order training.

Posted : 30/07/2024 11:03 pm
hightensionline, crossed, lb77 and 11 people reacted
Full Member

Whatever happened to rule 1 eh.

Also don't they all have jobs to go to in the morning or did they book it off.

Posted : 30/07/2024 11:12 pm
Full Member

Also don’t they all have jobs to go to in the morning or did they book it off.

I reckon that fella in the grey might be self-certifying for a few days: rocks to the head & bollocks and soul crushing humiliation immortalised forever more is worth a few days rest.

Posted : 30/07/2024 11:21 pm
acidchunks, Poopscoop, acidchunks and 1 people reacted
Full Member

It made me chuckle.

1 from the top and 2 from the bottom please.

Posted : 30/07/2024 11:24 pm
Poopscoop, convert, convert and 1 people reacted
Full Member

I reckon that fella in the grey might be self-certifying for a few days: rocks to the head & bollocks and soul crushing humiliation immortalised forever more is worth a few days rest.

And enough facetime and sufficiently viral inducing that with luck there will be no job to go back to.

Those scenes could be enough to make you embarrassed to be white. How truly horrific for the families involved tonight. And for any member of the emergency services involved yesterday then finding themselves attacked today. I despair.

Posted : 30/07/2024 11:37 pm
silvine, Poopscoop, el_boufador and 5 people reacted
Full Member

Edit : can't do the link

Try this

Yeah that works. Same guy ^^ earlier

Posted : 30/07/2024 11:41 pm
kimbers and kimbers reacted
Full Member

In a couple of years it'll be 30 years since the Dunblane massacre. I am glad that legislation passed after Dunblane may have made it more difficult to get hold of a gun here, but Ì'm sad that we as a species seem to have learnt very little  since 1996

Posted : 30/07/2024 11:44 pm
pondo, Poopscoop, kimbers and 3 people reacted
Full Member

And enough facetime and sufficiently viral inducing that with luck there will be no job to go back to.

I think you are completely right here. Icing on the hard hitting cake.

Posted : 30/07/2024 11:47 pm
Full Member

More tear gas, rubber bullets, water cannon and baton charges please. Oh, and release the hounds.

Thats not how the police do it. These days its all vid and photographing, which they spend the next few months going through identifying who is who and who did what. Then the main offenders get a 5am wake up call by their door going in.

Posted : 30/07/2024 11:49 pm
Poopscoop, johnny, johnny and 1 people reacted
Full Member

Makes sense now. I spotted at the vigil coverage on the news that Tommy Robinson's cameraman mate was there. So they've obviously travelled up from London.

Posted : 31/07/2024 12:11 am
Poopscoop and Poopscoop reacted
Free Member

What a terrible terrible thing to happen. I can’t imagine losing a child, let alone losing one like this. I’m not sure it’s something I’d ever get over.

Posted : 31/07/2024 12:25 am
Poopscoop and Poopscoop reacted
Full Member

Would’ve been nice for the first few posts to focus on the horrific attack and how we’ve got here, rather than some fringe mentalist in the US who wrote lies that was reposted by right wing nutters, those freaks will do the same nonsense day in, day out, this type of attack thankfully only happens every few years, and is much more important than internet fantasists.

That whooshing sound you hear? That’s the point you’re missing going straight over your pointy little head.

The horrific attack, and how and why it’s happened, (the details of which nobody actually knows), is largely amplified by the likes of QAnon, Extreme Right Wing factions in America, and I include current members of the US government in that, being devoured by people with a similar mindset in this country, who then go on to commit atrocities like this against innocent people and children.

Have a read of this, it might, possibly, lead to some enlightenment.

What a terrible terrible thing to happen. I can’t imagine losing a child, let alone losing one like this. I’m not sure it’s something I’d ever get over.

You don’t. The rawness may fade, but in reality the grief never really does. I read an interview with the singer/songwriter Alynda Lee Seguera, in which she said “Grief has no time frame”. I have that tattooed on my arm, underneath the date my partner died. I don’t think I’ll ever get over losing her; losing a child, under such circumstances, is a loss I can’t comprehend.

Posted : 31/07/2024 12:46 am
hightensionline, Poopscoop, zomg and 7 people reacted
Full Member

This whole tragedy has made me feel deeply saddened and angered, in equal measure.  Saddened at the needless loss of innocent young lives.  Angered at the fact there are people willing to organise themselves into hijacking this for their own twisted agenda, demonstrating a complete lack of any empathy,  or even just sympathy, for those left to pick up the pieces of their lives.

If there was a way I could legally divorce myself from being classed as the same species as these vile people, I'd jump at the chance.  I share none of their values.

I really hope we learn from this as a society.  A lot of reflection is required.

Posted : 31/07/2024 7:26 am
lb77, jameso, stumpyjon and 9 people reacted
Full Member

Farage was one of the far right shysters happily peddling rumours and false information yesterday which led to all that disgusting thuggery last night. Chris Patten, a remnant from when the Tory party wasn’t so xenophobic, referred to him very accurately… Tommy Robinson in a cravat

Surely there are grounds for charging him with incitement?

Hats off to this woman who stood in the middle of those knuckle-draggers and expressed what the majority of people actually think

Posted : 31/07/2024 7:33 am
crossed, lb77, convert and 5 people reacted
Full Member

So is this the second time in 2 weeks the Honourable Member for Clacton has spread racist falsehoods on social media?

Posted : 31/07/2024 7:39 am
Full Member

So is this the second time in 2 weeks the Honourable Member for Clacton has spread racist falsehoods on social media?

There's nothing remotely honourable about the way that man acts.

Posted : 31/07/2024 7:49 am
Full Member

There’s nothing remotely honourable about the way that man acts.

Definitely more Member than Honourable, but more seriously, spreading racially based falsehoods, shall we say, must get close to the law, let alone bringing Parliament into disrepute.

Posted : 31/07/2024 8:49 am
Full Member

EDL needs to be made a proscribed organisation.

Posted : 31/07/2024 9:05 am
pondo, ThePinkster, BoardinBob and 3 people reacted
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