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  • Asking permission or seeking forgiveness?
  • bigblackshed
    Full Member

    * Not an entirely serious thread.

    I want / need would like a new bike. The Shed is rather full. The logical thing to do would be to sell one or two, then buy something more appropriate.

    How do you go about the acquisition of new, expensive toys? Is it “permission or forgiveness” you seek from the Financial Director / Wife / partner / fun sponge?

    Full Member

    Forgiveness. All the way.

    Free Member

    As the old adage goes ‘it is better to regret something you have done rather than something you haven’t’.

    Besides, you’re grown man – make your own decisions!!

    Full Member

    Lol I just say “oh we’ve bought new bikes”

    It wouldn’t shock me if there’s 3-4 incoming/outgoing here before Xmas.

    Free Member

    I ask permission ….. having already taken the decision…..

    Full Member

    @weeksy I’m sure I’m not alone when I say that I’d be shocked if it was only 3 or 4…

    Full Member

    I spend ages looking at alternatives and trying to decide, weighing up pros and cons, and then I put it off until it either ceases to be relevant or becomes necessary.

    Bigger decisions are easier, but things like bikes, skydiving equipment and other stuff is a lot harder to deal with.

    Full Member

    i plant the seed early. so its less of a shock/surprise when something new and shiny arrives.

    Also depends if you can click the buy button from under the thumb one currently resides (jokes) 😛

    Free Member

    i plant the seed early. so its less of a shock/surprise when something new and shiny arrives.

    Always this. Life skills for anything, be it new bikes/ nights out/ trips away.

    Full Member

    nights out/ trips away.

    You need permission?

    Free Member

    I order it and then when it arrives ride it? Equally so long as the bills are paid and the house isn’t in disrepair I dont expect him to tell me what he’s buying or spending the money he earns on but we don’t have kids so probably a different dynamic to most.

    Full Member

    My wife used to teach accountancy amongst other things and pretty much knows what is going in and out of our accounts on a minute by minute basis.

    And she doesn’t ride bikes.

    A new bike typically involves something akin to a full blown election campaign crossed with a five year war strategy, several weeks of sulking, interspersed with arguments.

    There is literally nothing that she spends money on just for herself that I can compare it to.

    Full Member

    I don’t do either, I just buy something if I want it and can afford it. Same with nights away, though I do check to make sure we don’t already have something on!

    Full Member

    Mrs Kilo a) bought me most of my bikes b) has more bikes than me, so it’s a non-issue 🙂

    Full Member

    Just buy one the same colour and don’t let her get too close a look at it?

    Full Member

    I order it and then when it arrives ride it? Equally so long as the bills are paid and the house isn’t in disrepair I dont expect him to tell me what he’s buying or spending the money he earns on but we don’t have kids so probably a different dynamic to most.

    This, but she rather than he in my case. I don’t think kids make a difference, as long as there is enough money for necessary stuff of course.

    Free Member

    Don’t you have your own bank account? Some people’s relationships with money (and each other!) are weird. If the bills are paid and there’s food in the fridge, why is it even a question?

    Full Member

    It is a joint decision.
    And she arguably has nicer toys than me, as do the kids, as I usually do the ‘put them first’ thing too often when I should be fixing / upgrading / n+1 myself.

    Full Member

    My wife used to teach accountancy amongst other things and pretty much knows what is going in and out of our accounts on a minute by minute basis.

    Senior accounting types could offer Drac lessons on fun-sponging IME! 😀

    Full Member

    We have a joint bank account that I pay my monthly salary into and our bills are paid from.

    I get a ‘Bonus’ annually and when that arrives in the joint bank account we divide it by two and put half in my “Toys” account and half in her “Toys” account.

    Therefore when I want a new bike I buy one – IF I have enough left in my “Toys” account :o)

    Full Member

    @weeksy I’m sure I’m not alone when I say that I’d be shocked if it was only 3 or 4…

    beat me too it 😉

    I ask permission, but really, it’s a process of wearing them down psychologically until they realise the benefit of just saying yes. 🙂

    Full Member

    I don’t buy and sell bikes very much. My Mrs. knows that when I get a new one, my current one is hers and she can start riding again so I’ve pretty much got free reign on the next build. Only my own tight fistedness will decide what that is.

    Full Member

    I buy one.

    It’s my money.

    Much same as @golfchick if bills are paid it’s all fine

    Free Member

    I’m hoping to distract from an argument by focussing on the deal terms:

    “Yes, I know it’s a lot but I got 15% off in the sale AND 4.2% cashback from Tredz and 1% cashback on my debit card… so I’ve saved us 20.2%”


    Full Member

    If I spend 2000€ on a new bike for me, that’s 2000€ I can’t spend on any joint activity/need. I’m not about to ask my wife’s permission to spend 20€ on a new pair of gloves, but if I drop 2000€ on a bike that quite possibly means our summer holiday is going to be shorter or more local, we can’t pay someone to repaint the house, etc.

    Full Member

    I can’t imagine Mrsstu or myself having to ask each others permission before buying anything that we can afford.
    Just seems weird.

    Free Member

    It’s an interesting question.

    If unmarried and no kids, your money is your own unless your choices actively harm the other person.

    If unmarried and with kids/houses/things you have joint responsibility for, your money is your own until your choices upset what you consider a fair balance of input into the shared things (could not be exact you might have different incomes).

    If married, you have no money of your own save that isolated by a prenup. It’s all joint. Everything after this is a negotiation.

    If you can’t negotiate to have the things you want if they don’t harm the other person, sounds like you have bigger problems than bikes.

    Full Member

    I tend to wait until the cycle2work scheme kicks in for another year and use the reasoning that I will sell one bike to fund a chunk of the lost income. The other ploy only happens once a decade and it is “ooooh I am 40/50/60 going to treat myself to a new bike/frame.

    My wife is of the opinion that you should save up for what you want and if I did this there would be no discussion to be had. Unfortunately I am of the mindset of “ooooh shiny, want that now, I can pay later” and this is where it gets a bit tricky.

    Those saying “Do what you want, don’t you have your own money etc.” When you enter into a partnership you tend to share responsibilitites, if I remove 5k from the savings for a bike then it is 5k that the family don’t have for their annual fun stuff. I get it if you both agree that you have enough for both of you to have an equal dedicated “My Fun Pot” you can do what the hell you like, but life in a partnership isn’t always like that.

    Sorry, I went all serious, if you can afford it just buy it and smile sheepishly when it arrives, I am sure you will win them over

    Full Member

    I have to justify it to myself as much as I do to my wife! As long as it’s not getting in the way of other household outgoings, inc holidays, days out ect then it doesn;t really matter.

    I’m currently selling an accumulation of stuff though, but find it’s easier to buy what I want first on the premis thats it a bargain so can’t be missed, then sell stuff to pay for it. But thats why I have loads of stuff to sell….

    I always find it funny when these threads come up and you get the usual “why do you need to ask, it’s your money #weird…” stuff. I assume these people are either single or millionaires. As others have said taking a few grand out of the pot when you’re married with kids can have an effect on other things so need discussing first. I mean thats usually what you sign up to when you get married, kind of in the vows innit??…

    Full Member

    Don’t you have your own bank account?

    Nope, everything is joint. We don’t see the point of committing to share the rest of our lives with each other, without committing to share everything we have with each other. Having money that is ‘mine’ or ‘hers’ doesn’t come into it.

    Some people’s relationships with money (and each other!) are weird.

    Aren’t they just.

    To answer the question – I would say agreement, rather than permission.

    If I spend 2000€ on a new bike for me, that’s 2000€ I can’t spend on any joint activity/need. I’m not about to ask my wife’s permission to spend 20€ on a new pair of gloves, but if I drop 2000€ on a bike that quite possibly means our summer holiday is going to be shorter or more local, we can’t pay someone to repaint the house, etc.

    This, basically

    Full Member

    Although, I do remember that Planet-X / On-One used to sell a certificate for a fiver that said “congratulations for winning this bike in our prize draw”

    Full Member

    Negotiations / permission.

    We have just the one, shared account so the spending of a significant amount of money is a joint decision. We don’t have the disposable income for me to just splash out £2k upwards an a new bike, and any ‘new’ bike tends to involve the sale of other bikes/parts and building up from second hand (and some new) parts etc.

    Full Member

    I always save, then tend to sell a bike as well.
    Even when I saved and had the cash for the new bike it could still go down very badly.
    I do tend to buy a bike every second year, the last one I bought was very expensive and got me in a spot of bother….and it was all saved for by me with no impact to the family.
    (My last road bike was £10k, I’d mentioned it would cost me £6k…..but by the time I started adding all new components the cost sky rocketed)

    Full Member

    We have just the one, shared account…

    That’s a mistake right there!

    I did that with my ex. I once got bollocked for spending £20 on a t-shirt.

    Full Member

    Lol I just say “oh we’ve bought new bikes”

    Yes this is more amenable to significant others than “oh I’ve bought a new bike”. Though more expensive.

    Free Member

    @woodster that IS weird. Saved bought and paid for? I don’t even tell my missus beyond the need to wait for a delivery.

    If it’s not then of course I ask, the answer invariably being yes.

    Full Member

    I’m not being serious, at all. If I want a new bike I’ll buy one. But it’s more a case of convincing myself it’s not a stupid choice.

    Man maths incoming.

    I’ve got my Charge Plug for sale. I’ve priced it very optimistically. It’s not worth what I spent on it. If I could get £300 for it I’d be over the moon. Someone buy it, please.

    I’m going to split my Kona Dr Dew. It’s got loads of older Hope kit on it. Optimistically £300.

    I’ve got £200 in the bike fund from selling unwanted kit.

    There’s £85 in my “arsing about with crypto” account.

    So that’s £885 in the fund. It isn’t, but that’s man maths.

    The bike is in the sale at £1300.

    So that’s £415 for a new bike. Basically free.

    I’ve also got other kit to sell. So I’ll be up on the deal. Yep, definitely.

    Full Member


    Bigger decisions are easier, but things like bikes, skydiving equipment and other stuff is a lot harder to deal with.

    I’d have thought new skydiving equipment was pretty easy to justify. You can’t really have dodgy/bodged kit for that, I’d imagine 🙂

    Full Member

    That’s pretty good man math’s, don’t forget there is no point having cash in the bank at the moment due to inflation* so you are actually better off having the bike that you can always sell in the spring when the weather is better and bikes are worth more*.

    * Possibly/maybe/complete bollocks 😉

    Full Member

    I bought another shed.

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