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  • Ashton Court! Brizzole
  • karen805
    Free Member

    There were a lot of people about on Sunday afternoon, the lower section of New Barn Wood is now open (a lot rockier than the top section), with Beggar Bush Lane due to open this week.

    LW is not due to be finished until November.

    Free Member

    Did 2 laps this afternoon. All the sections are open and running superbly. Love the revamped ‘downhill’ section after New Barn Wood. Loads of people out enjoying the new trails.

    Full Member

    Is everyone going the same way now? Given the increased traffic you’d hope so…

    Free Member

    Nearly ploughed into two people coming up from the Suspension Bridge end….despite the fact they had cycled past the ‘No Entry’ signs 🙄

    Full Member

    Cyclists and signs are like dogs and the word “no” – you’ve just got to be patient with them and eventually they get the idea. 🙂

    For those that love the rootyness, we’ve having a trail day next Sunday in 50 Acre Wood. The aim is to patch up the trail without losing the character, no machinery involved. See http://www.bristoltrailsgroup.com for more info.

    Full Member

    i’m with boxfish – i used to enjoy the roots and rocks of the south side of the quarry track in AC and I see the diggers are in at the rooty and rocky sections in LW now – boo!
    still the trail in 50 acre woods is like a motorway compared to what it used to be like – times change I guess
    but I reckon that after a couple of winters and the probable huge increase in traffic the infrastructure will start to break down again and I bet those blokes from Asterix trails won’t be back unless there’s money involved 🙂

    Full Member

    I reckon that after a couple of winters and the probable huge increase in traffic the infrastructure will start to break down again and I bet those blokes from Asterix trails won’t be back unless there’s money involved

    There’s an established volunteer trail maintenance group here, it looks like the organisation behind the developments is going to be around in one form another for the foreseeable future, and the head honcho from “Asterix” actually lives in Bristol. But why let that spoil an ill-informed rant eh? 😉

    Free Member

    I’m glad you said they still have to sort out the signage!

    Is everyone going the same way now?

    Most definitely not!

    I saw about 4 groups going the wrong way, most turned around when I told them its one way only now, most were very surprised. The one’s that ignored me were the ones with kids! Most of these were along beggar bush, but there were no signs at the end saying about it being one way, no entry and things.

    I do have a couple of questions… Which bits are shared trails? Down by the quarry meeting area, there were various people walking dogs along the trail back towards the roundabout. Met a couple of horseriders on beggar bush, by the train bit, had a word and they said the bridleway sent them on to the trail, I could see what they were saying, and were a little bit concerned with a trail of mtb’ers behind them.

    Free Member

    LW is not due to be finished until November.

    I thought Leigh Woods was due to open at the end of September?! Or has it been pushed back now?

    How technical is the red section in AC?

    Free Member

    Theres defo a pair of no entry signs at the end of BBL at the gate house yesterday.

    Free Member

    I was out this morning and am feeling much happier now that I’ve seen the ‘new’ BBL section – yes, it’s smooth but it’s basically how it was before with much less of a pump track feel and hopefully just much more weather proof. I enjoy the quarry stuff but nothing but pump track style trails would have been a bit too samey for me. I’m looking forward to seeing the LW stuff too..

    Full Member

    There’s a short section of Beggar Bush which is shared with the gee gees. It’s about 20m long and is next to the model railway.

    The rest of the trail isn’t officially shared, but bear in mind that it’s a busy park right next to a city, so expecting the unexpected is a wise move.

    Free Member

    It might be advisable to put some signs up letting the MTB’ers know you could come face to face with a massive horse, I was a bit shocked, and so were the horses.

    All in all, I’m very pleased with it all, the main problem was signs and people not knowing where the trail starts or which way to go, and I’m hearing they have put up more signs since Sunday afternoon. I’m hoping it will be a lot better once the building is built, every week someone asks me where to go.

    Hopefully there won’t be people pushing prams along the trail and people with dogs being shocked next week! Loving the BBL, love the 3 little drop/jumps. 🙂

    Free Member

    I told them its one way only now

    I still don’t think this is going to be appropriate in LW. Plus, I’d like to know what route the new trail is going to take along the bluff (Rim Trail). That’s a sweet spot in the woods.

    Anyway… it’s nice to see so many people out riding bikes, that’s for sure.

    Free Member

    Right, so how long is a lap of AC taking, just cruising around and not pushing it?! I guess it’s a bit quicker than it used to be?!

    Free Member

    Might be worth sticking a copy of the map in this thread to refer to:

    Free Member

    So is the new TT no longer a multi use trail? As it always used to be, hence the walkers/joggers/dog walkers and on occassion horses you would see.

    Full Member

    Had a quick blast on Monday night, agree the new trails have turned out really good. Butthere are now hundreds (literally) of people queuing to get on them. Came across a group of around fifteen riders on the BBL section who appeared to be having some sort of tuition by a mate. They were causing serious hold ups which resulted in i reckon nearly thirty riders strung out at walking pace along the trail. And at every intersection it was a similar story.

    I think this will sort itself out eventually, but right now everybody with any old bike in their garage are heading to AC at every opportunity:<

    Edit: in fact i actually came across a couple of guys on old road bikes trying to get through the section after the stony golf course climb.

    Free Member

    ups which resulted in i reckon nearly thirty riders strung out at walking pace along the trail. And at every intersection it was a similar story.

    I think this will sort itself out eventually, but right now everybody with any old bike in their garage are heading to AC at every opportunity:<

    Treat it like a race, politely ask to move on by to the left / right when they are ready, then if that fails push them in a bush.

    Full Member

    KT- i dont usually take long to get by slower riders. The old racing “on your right” nice and loud usually scares the bejesus out of people as my s/s is almost silent.

    It has to be a good thing having loads more people doing healthy stuff, just not on my trails 😉

    Free Member

    KT- i dont usually take long to get by slower riders. The old racing “on your right” nice and loud usually scares the bejesus out of people as my s/s is almost silent.

    I prefer ‘Elite rider to your left’ It scares and belittles them at the same time, winwin.

    Free Member

    I find “Arghhh No brakes!!!” works really well :mrgreen:

    Full Member

    Rode the full thing this morning for the first time. Lots of new signs have appearred. Like all of it and loved some bits

    What a great resource to have on our doorstep. Coupled with 50 Acre, New Leigh Woods & Off piste Leigh Woods we are very, very lucky.

    I personally preferred the old AC when dry but I reckon the new trail is great and very happy to have a weather proof trail.

    Also can take the kids there at the w/e’s. Time with kids, time on bike, brownie points at home = happy Taz

    Free Member

    Good to hear about the signs, Architrail did say they were doing them this week.

    Its going to be soo busy once the new building is up… When is it going up!?

    As above, we are pretty damn lucky to have this on our doorstep… Well 20 minute drive for me!

    Free Member

    Its going to be soo busy once the new building is up… When is it going up!?

    April, according to the 1SW website:


    Free Member

    Went to the Quantock’s enough said 😉

    Free Member

    I have changed my mind on my opening post after riding AC and Leigh woods with some locals tonight.. WELL DONE TRAIL BUILDERS and big thanks to the guys that showed me around !
    MINT as they say round here!

    Free Member

    Loving the new trails at Ashton Court – although have noticed quite a few people riding the wrong way despite the direction signs being stuck up last week.

    Then noticed that the signs had been ripped off in several locations (vandals or pig-headed old skool riders?).

    Does anyone know why the signs have been ripped off the posts?

    Free Member

    Does anyone know why the signs have been ripped off the posts?

    Quite possibly pissed off dog walkers.

    Free Member

    IMO if they can be ripped off, they ain’t good enough signs! I also think some of the signs need to be a little bigger.

    Saturday was a great day, didn’t see a single person going the wrong way.. Apart from one guy carrying his blue ht up new barn wood rock garden, a huge improvement over last weeekends ride.

    Free Member

    I was out this morning and looking at the signs, I can’t see them lasting long – they’re just much too easy to vandalise and unfortunately time has shown that that will happen if it can…

    I have been wondering what the small blue flags either side of the trail are ? Sections that need repair? Just most didn’t seem to be anywhere near damage.

    Full Member

    Little blue flags are to knock out with your back wheel as you go past…5 pints each.

    Back to the original post, I’ve found that it actually quicker to go slower and straighter through the very twiddly bits.

    I’m not sure about everyone saying it will improve their bike skills. The old “Wall” track had some amazing lines over tree roots and rocks that required a real level of skill to keep carrying good speed. There were multiple lines and reading these took real skill. Now you just need to be good at berms and rollers.

    I’m bored of it all already!

    Full Member

    5 pints or points? if the former then the post-ride pub visit is going to be interesting this evening…

    Full Member

    Call it a positive typo!

    Full Member

    Ride today took in 1.5 laps of new AC trails, 50 Acre woods and some of the Gorge side, Leigh Woods stuff (Knicker Trail, Picnic Table, Rocky Horror).

    That is some fast smooth bermy, pumpy stuff. Some rocky, rooty singletrack and some steep tight technical riding. In future I will add in a trip to Still Woods for the bigger jumps to get a complate set. 🙂

    Reckon no other UK city can boast of such a variety of riding within such easy reach of the city centre. 🙂

    Free Member

    Looking forward to ridng the new stuff. When you say Newbarn Wood Rock Garden, how rocky is it?

    Can’t undersatnd why certain neanderthals would pull down the signs. I suggest that everytime you see someone going the wrong way then mention it to them and if we all start doing it they’ll soon change!

    Free Member

    Started using my Superlight for my commute bike now, a quick detour from home up Ashton Court, around and about the trail and into town/work. Might get sick of it after a few weeks but it beats going to the gym!

    Free Member

    Someone in my club did the NBW rocky section on a CX bike and lived. Not to recommended but should indicate the rocky-ness.

    Still woods is still out of bounds isn’t it?

    Free Member

    The old “Wall” track had some amazing lines over tree roots and rocks that required a real level of skill to keep carrying good speed.

    I miss those sections – and the ‘woodchippings’ bit (which was nice and fast) – but I accept that it’s all for [Hot Fuzz] “The Greater Good” [/Hot Fuzz].

    Thing is, you can build nicely bermed & roller’d trails almost anywhere – you could build ’em on a gently sloping sports field. Trails in the woods tend to have their own particular character, hence my concern at some of the stuff in Leigh Woods. I’ve got no problem (indeed, I welcome) a ‘blue’ trail running around LW, but I really hope they don’t smooth over the interesting bits along the Rim Trail/Don’t Look Down. 😕

    Free Member

    I rode up through AC from Failand to the Clifton archway on my evening road ride, my god I have never in the 10+ years I have been riding AC seen so many mtb’ers around the area, there was one group of about 30!

    Of course as I was riding a road bike so I treated them all with the contempt the deserved.

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