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  • Are Estate Agents Retarded?
  • scaredypants
    Full Member

    not retards, no. often lying bastards but highly effective at separating money from it’s rightful owner whilst doing little real work.

    i’m also sure there are some decent ones around but sellers tend to use the one that promises the highest sale price and lowest fee, which is to yer lying tossers’ advantage

    Free Member

    From a different perspective to sales, they are all robbing bastards when it comes to rental.

    Disgusting charges for credit checks (my mate recently got charged nearly £400 for herself and her 18 year-old daughter), especially when you can get the same checks online for about a tenner. Further agent fees, admin charges and arrangement fees. All with no refund if you’re declined. I’m informed they offer nothing to landlords other than a 20% fee to manage the money.

    My recent experience, having dealt with several this week, is one of a general level of poor manners too. I’m not their bloody mate.

    Managed to secure a house through a private landlord yesterday. Saved me about £550 in bullshit fees.

    Free Member

    Yeah. We dealt with about 4 or 5 when we were trying to buy our house and another 3 or 4 when trying to sell my dads. I actually adopted the catchphrase ‘Did you listen to what I just said?’ as a response to pretty much everything they said.

    I’m sure there’s the odd one or two who are good at their jobs but I would quite happily cull the vast majority of them. They’d be on the first space-ark as far as I’m concerned.

    For the one who actually completed our sale, I kept asking him what he’d done during the process at which pointg he would go a bit blank and then look round at the receptionist who would tell him. As far as I could tell his most useful function was handing over the keys. Oh no, hang on, the receptionist did that.

    Free Member

    Are Estate Agents Retarded?


    They need to understand the difference between a notion of a property’s value and a realistic market price.

    They need to stop exagerrating, lying and cheating and start charging a sensible fee. (0.5% MAX!)

    Perhaps even get of their backsides and do something useful, like a day’s hard graft!

    Full Member

    The EA i bought my flat from had no idea the sale had completed that lunchtime.
    I turned up after work to pick up said key. There then followed an hour of faff while they checked with vendor and solicitors re the finances. Eventually got the key ( yep just 1 , and there were 2 people living in a 2 bed flat) to find the vendors had taken the fire and fireplace with them .

    Free Member

    The EA i bought my flat from had no idea the sale had completed that lunchtime.

    It would have been your solicitors responsibility to tell them that it had completed…

    Free Member

    They need to understand the difference between a notion of a property’s value and a realistic market price.

    We do. A property is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. If you think its over valued, then put a lower offer in…

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