Anyone running this combo without a goat link adapter or similar?
XT rear mechs are rated as max 42, anyone successfully using one with 46?
Note, I have a 3mm boost spacer so cassette is 3mm further away from the mech, which may help
I know the SLX is rated at 46t so should I just go for that instead
M8000 XT mechs work fine 46T and shimano have since updated the specs to reflect that.
I am and I didn't need any adaptor just b screw adjustment. I think it might depend on hanger length/position meaning some  bikes it wouldn't be any good.
Fine with 1x11, 46tooth on a Scott Spark 2009!
Not quite sure what the question is but have a look here
11-46t is shown as 1x.
Do you just need a longer RD?
All M8000 mechs are rated as being compatible with 11-46. GS and SGS both fine.
Nearly everywhere selling the rear mech lists it as 42max. Guess it's just old copy on their pages
I recently ordered an XT groupset from my LBS (worked out as cheap as online) with an 11-46 cassette, they actually swapped out the XT cassette for the Sunrace one for me as I wanted a smoother spread of gears near the top end, works fine, they ordered an SGS mech as they said that`s what Shimano recommend for 11-46, no goatlink or anything else required.
isnt the 42t max, between the smallest 11t and largest 46t so its only using 35T, thats how its read on other rear derailleurs
That relates to the capacity figure. The GS mech has a capacity of 39T so at a difference in sprockets of 35T you are well within capacity.
Yep. Using a Sunrace 11-46 with an XT GS (med cage) mech no probs.
Slightly bizarrely you want the medium cage rear mech.
The long cage is meant for 2x and I believe is not rated to 46 where as the medium is.
I was a bit peeved when I found the LBS got me an SGS cage as I thought SG was supposed to work better but they said that's what Shimano advised (SGS is rated to 46 teeth on the Shimano site as well as the SG), I was in a different LBS the next day and the mechanic there also said he'd fit a long cage on the 11-46, looks slightly ungainly tho.
Medium cage is all that is needed for a 1x set up with 46t cassette.
Long cage is for 2x.
All fitted and working sweet with a medium cage.
Thanks all