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  • Anyone here kitted out a van and driven across europe/ the world?
  • walla24
    Free Member

    Ever since i saw this all i can think about is finishing my last year at uni while saving up some cash, getting a van similar but not as nice as the T4 and sodding off, see how far i get.
    Anyone ever done this? any usefull tips on whats essential to have in the van etc? And whats a good van ie reliable/big enough for me+bike or maybe 2+2bikes/not massively expensive?
    Naturally i will be taking the bike and stopping for trails as often as poss, so again any countries to be recommended?
    Its just a crazy dream at the minute but i reckon with bit of planning and cash its do-able.

    Full Member

    google horizon hubb forum, its mostly about motorbikes but does have stuff on 4×4's etc.

    Free Member

    yes, didn't get too far tho, got it stolen in the South of France about 5 weeks after setting off. pretty sure the bikes were part of the reason it was taken too.


    Free Member

    a_a brilliant forum thanks, will be reading through later!
    GW savage sorry to hear that bud, will have a think about security then.

    Free Member

    it was 10 yeas ago now, a harsh blow at the time but it's quite funny now thinking back to being stranded in Nice in shorts and a tee shirt without even any underwear (quite liberating really) 😆

    Full Member

    took a year to go round australia back when i was a lad in '97. Mazda E1600 LWB which was a complete wreck but somehow managed 30k over the year. basically the same as a long toyota hiace. had a lot going for it, long but narrow so internally it had plenty room for a bed to be permanently in place, storage underneath and a large area for bikes or kitchen stuff in front. being narrower than many vans of similar length helps with aerodynamics and parking in cities. DO IT!

    Free Member

    sweet, definately doing it now!

    Free Member

    don't have to have a newish van,here's my 67 4×4 inta that did 6 years trip round OZ

    Two bikes on the back and one inside

    still got the truck and its good for a trip across the country or camping at a race.
    DO IT!

    Free Member

    the fettler that looks very cool, any internal shots?

    Free Member

    do it before you have any ties, I would have loved to do that

    Free Member

    Done that sort of thin on a motorbike – if I was to do it again ( which i will) it will be either by bicycle or on foot.

    a vehicle is both expensive and sometimes a burden – unless its a cheap piece of junk you can ditch if its a pain.

    Go for it tho – just get off your arse and do it

    Free Member

    this is what i travel on at the moment

    Free Member

    fettlers van looks 900% of ace! So does his bike actually, well done.
    Looking back, I wish I'd done this sort of stuff a long time ago.

    Free Member

    I'm 42 and still doing it 😆
    mind you i'm single never married no kids!
    I also have this for a getaway machine

    Free Member

    Fettler- I want your truck! (seriously 😀 )
    yeah i would love to straight out bike it but i'm not sure how far i would get, with a van or something atleast i know i will get there and maybe a not so bikey person could tag along too. Van will defo be nothing special so i can sell/replace it where ever i need to, no ties, young, crazy/not 100% stupid, its going to be rad!
    Just need to finish the degree (massively lame at the minute with dissertation etc), build up some cash- got me a soul destroying check-out job at somerfield, turn 21 (july 24th)so i can drive abroad….sorted!

    top tips from me for what its worth,

    The fancier the van the more stuff to go wrong
    Dont forget the cd player!!!!!!
    Learn the basics on how to fix one before you set off!!! And get some tools and fluids (Brake/clutch fluid oil etc.)
    Get a solar shower, even if its not sunny enough to get it hot you can at least get clean!
    Keep a grill handy so you can bbq
    Take a big ass tarpaulin so if it hoons it down you can still sorta bodge something together for out the back doors if you need to work on the bike and there is not enough room in the van
    Buy cheap tubes, brake pads, tyres, gear cables and couple of dropouts before you go!!! They will always break when your in the most amazing trailhead ever but it happens to be in the arse end of nowhere!
    Get a decent first aid kit and make sure you can use it, it will save you hassle of hurting yourself and having to ask for gauze and a sterile pad in an Italian supermarket!

    Apart from those essentials dont take loadsa stuff as you wont use it and it will just break/get lost and upset you/get under your feet/you will need to buy another as the one you have doesnt work anymore/or you will find a better one in quecha for half the cost!!!

    in terms of places to go I cannot possibly recommend enough getting out your arse out to Slovenia. If the language was not so hard to learn (or me so thick!) I would be out there forever, it is paradise.

    I hope you have a great time!

    Oh yeah if have the time going on a mini trip before you go to show up what you might be missing is also a good idea.

    Free Member

    G'day walla24 and no you can't have my truck :mrgreen:
    some very good advice from NBgoingdown,a little bit of mechanical knowledge/and knowing the intended purpose helps.
    Did the inside my self with the help of a wrote off combi(pop top cooker fridge)also kitted out for oz conditions,long range tanks(petrol 180lts/LPG 330ltt range 2500kms)out side shower solar panel& 200lts of water,comfortable to live in when traveling this wide brown land called Australia

    Full Member

    If you are serious about this and will be converting a van rather than buying a secondhand camper (£££) then you should join the SBMCC. £10 to join but you'll get that back many times over in the form of discounts, I was a member for three years before I finally bought my van, made the money back on day 1 for the insurance 🙂 (You have 10 free posts or something before you have to cough up)

    For a cheap but spacious van I would recommend an LDV Convoy, but although it is mainly Transit mechanicals, I'm not sure how much success you'd have getting repairs done outside of Europe?

    I've got an Iveco Daily (only van with a big enough towing capacity) and I'm about a 3rd of the way through my conversion.

    Free Member


    Full Member

    FIND A MATE and DO IT. You won't regret it. Focus on the experiences and don't worry too much on the kit.

    Full Member

    i'm off*

    *anyone lend me a tenner or two?

    Free Member

    My sister and brother in law did this a few years ago and I'd love to do it. They sold up everything and went for about 3 years, Switzerland to Morocco, across N-Africa to Egypt, shipped the car to Mombasa (avoiding war torn Horn) then down to Cape Town.
    They used a Land Rover with a Peugeot diesel engine for reliability. Whatever vehicle you choose make sure you know all its is failings and how to fix them!
    Do it!

    Full Member

    anyone lend me a tenner or two?

    Mmmm…I'd make a guess at about £60,000….

    Free Member

    nice…yeah will probably get another person or persons to come, its going to be awesome!

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