My plan was to go to Glasgow central Mosque, get my 2nd jab, then head into town for a cheese and ham toastie and a coffee in George Square, before heading home.
That would make the 2nd time this year I'd got beyond the confines of my front door so far away as the city center.
But my peace and quiet was shattered by a group of complete F***wits, screaming into a PA system about the dangers of vaccinations, and a bit about kid abuse implying an Islamic angle, and all. Totally ruined it.
Thankfully there were only about a dozen, all nodding and agreeing with themselves, but it was a warm and sunny day, perfect for hanging out in the square and watching the world pass by.
Cannot stand these idiots, but they have the right to stand and shout their nonsense.
Hey ho, picked just the day , warm out as well...
They should go and join their unvaccinated comrades in India.
Thankfully there were only about a dozen, all nodding and agreeing with themselves,
They sometimes break into a rendition of ‘baaaa, BAAAAA!’
With no detectable hint of self-awareness nor whiff of irony.
Some of the local anti-vaxxers have took to wearing masks and social distancing! Apparently all us vaccinated folk are shedding vaccine spike proteins that can infect those who aren't vaccinated, the vaccine spike proteins can alter their DNA and render them infertile.
The imagination that goes into conspiracy theories is genuinely impressive
Perfect targets for a drive-by with a super soaker full of piss.
Racist anti vaxxers ...
What a thoroughly depressing combination..
"Perfect targets for a drive-by with a super soaker full of piss."
From a vaccinated or non vaccinated person?
Superb turn out in London today though, not that the msm will report on it.
Some of the local anti-vaxxers have took to wearing masks and social distancing!
This should probably be encouraged though.
render them infertile.
If only this was actually possible!
There was one last week marching through Newcastle fairly large maybe 40 or 50 but completely ignored by a majority enjoying themselves in the bars, in part thanks to the vaccine.
Why are right wing nut jobs anti mask and anti vax?
What's the connection?
What’s the connection?
I wouldn't like to imply causation but there's definitely a correlation with the hard of thinking.
Some of the local anti-vaxxers have took to wearing masks and social distancing! Apparently all us vaccinated folk are shedding vaccine spike proteins that can infect those who aren’t vaccinated, the vaccine spike proteins can alter their DNA and render them infertile.
Truly wondrous. Might save their lives.
Superb turn out in London today though, not that the msm will report on it.
Superb turnout of bedwetting whiny pussy bitches? Glad I missed it.
Why are right wing nut jobs anti mask and anti vax?
BCuZ marXinist CommUniSt LefTieS MAde thE noN ExistEnt CONVID PLANdeMIC sO THeRE ElIte MasTers cAn TAke aWaY aRe FreEDumbS
NiSlee sed bRUv
Why are right wing nut jobs anti mask and anti vax?
What’s the connection?
Not all of them are right wing.
The three most Anti Vaxx people I know definitely aren’t right wing, two of them would be best thought of as radical left.
Quick google finds MSM reports of Anti Vaxx March in London
In fairness they’re probably just trying to save lives !
Maybe is a US thing
Why are right wing nut jobs anti mask and anti vax?
What’s the connection?
Thick as ****.
Isn’t the leader of it all Jeremy Corbyn’s brother. That’s about as left as you can get without going full circle
and a bit about kid abuse implying an Islamic angle,
So hate speech for the Police to look into then?
Quick google finds MSM reports of Anti Vaxx March in London
Don't worry, we have this every week. Seems to be a connection between anti-vaxx and weak Google Fu
It comforts me that the vast majority of those in hospital with covid are now that have been offered and refused a vaccination.
Isn’t the leader of it all Jeremy Corbyn’s brother. That’s about as left as you can get without going full circle
I'm nothing like my sister. Have you got a point?
The most Anti-Vaxx person I know is bat-shit mental. Politics plays no part in his bat-shit mentalness.
Free Member
Superb turn out in London today though, not that the msm will report on it.
First three hits on google (it carries on with today, last week, the week before etc etc etc).
Wonder if Eamonn Holmes will mention it.
Including this actual picture of someone in a tinfoil hat!
[url= g" target="_blank"> g"/> [/img][/url]
Also, by London standards, that's a pretty small protest. There seems to be one every other day over the summer. 90% of them never get a mention on the news.
Women in the co-op a day or so ago was going full on antivax radical at both me and the poor girl on the tills.
She was going to "save us" from having to wear masks and the virus "doesn't exist anyway".
Literally batshit. She was going to attend said rally in London btw. She told us that whether we wanted to know or not.
When she left, the girl on the till said that she didn't want to say anything to her as she thought she would get punched in the face...
F*** them all, my only concern is the poor sods that might catch it off these dicks because they haven't yet been offered the vaccine or can't have it due to medical conditions.
I’m nothing like my sister. Have you got a point?
Just attempting to playfully make the point that intelligence and craziness have very little in correlation with which point on the political spectrum one may sit…
Superb turn out in London today though, not that the msm will report on it.
Were you there?
Not all of them are right wing.
The three most Anti Vaxx people I know definitely aren’t right wing, two of them would be best thought of as radical left.
Absolutely. My BIL would strangle Boris & the rest with his bare hands, but he's anti vax.
My mrs thinks It's because of the blood clot issue (even though he flies long haul to the US) & he thinks some Tory is making a killing on it. Which they will be cos that's what they do.
There was a rally last weekend in Glasgow, any idea who organised the one today?
The reason for the right-wing/antivax/mask correlation is IMO because it's part of a general anti-science/anti-expert/anti-intellectual type movement which trends right-wing, and because if you take a cursory look at who's funding a lot of this it tends to be American super right wing lobby groups affiliated to fossil fuel industries for whom presumably a general lack of scientific literacy/confidence in science is very handy.
It's not just the right though - there has also been a concerted effort by Russian/Chinese trolls/bots to promote these type of ideas among the 'wellness' and 'alternative medicine' communities, because their inherent narcissism and gullibility lends itself well to conspiracy type thinking.
And you know, other reasons too I'm sure
Bumped in to the London one today sadly. Felt very uncomfortable squeezing past hoards of anti-science ****wits.
Broad mix of people, other than ethnically, which I'd say was 99.99% white. Quite a few 'save the children' chants, which is the Q-anon calling card, and a lot of 'built' young white men with tatts, who wouldn't have looked out of place on an EDL march. Mixing with a load of crustys too. This whole bollocks has definitely bought two opposing sides of the normal political spectrum together.
What these idiots fail to realise is that the world doesn't revolve around them. Masks and vaccines are about making the world safe for those who are more vulnerable than them.
My distaste for them is only matched by the tories.
This whole bollocks has definitely bought two opposing sides of the normal political spectrum together.
What these idiots fail to realise is that the world doesn’t revolve around them.
Yes, their hatred of the need for us all to pull together, has weirdly brought them together. Albeit in a batshit mental and entirely damaging way.
PS opposing the Tories handling of this does not automatically point ‘Left’
The most far right member of our family (thoroughly far right) believes that Johnson’s mob are a bunch of dictatorial, overreacting, controlling lefties. To the point that he actually just left the UK because of it’s ‘draconian’ governance in reaction to Covid. I asked him why he thought that, and he responded that it’s ‘just the ****ing flu’. As an illustration, I’ve been meticulously shielding and caring for Mrs P during the past year as she has an autoimmune disease and also gets pneumonia at the drop of a hat because of a pulmonary weakness. So during last lockdown said family member decides to visit on train from London, sans mask, waltz in and go straight in for a hug.
I’ve never had to work so hard at composure. So yes, these people will put you directly at risk for their politics.
Full Member
Superb turn out in London today though, not that the msm will report on it.Were you there?
I'd imagine that no one in their right mind would admit to being one of those ****s
I'm in my right mind and was there.
Edit: in London that is.
Oh dear.
I’m in my right mind and was there.
Edit: in London that is.
I'm in an affable mood (see me other post).
Go on - are you able to give us a 50 word summary (without links - i.e. your own words) that might explain to the 99.99% of the population who don't agree.
I wouldn't CG.
If you are the person I think you're a lovely lady, but this will be like jumping into a bearpit. Which will be no good for you, and no good for debate either because it'll spiral into another argument where the usual suspects dogpile and shut down debate
I know it's perilously close to victim blaming before there's even a victim, but just be aware what you'll get.
Absolutely spot on ^^^
And yes CG is indeed a lovely person. I speak as someone who has met her.
Or another view, what's the point in going to rallies if you don't have the courage of conviction to air your opinions...
Victim. Interesting word. Lots of connotations in the last 18 months.
The person who has views out of kilter with most of society and is called on it.
The person who is now out of work as their business collapsed.
The person who died because of the thoughtless acts and risk taking of individuals or society at large.
Or the duped.
One person's victim is another's perpetrator.
I disagree strongly with cinnamon girl's views on this subject but bear-baiting her is not something I agree with either.
Secondly, no one's views will change one iota on either side. So... I'm out.
if you don’t have the courage of conviction to air your opinions…
Well CG obviously has, that presumably is why she went on the rally.
The bearpit comment is spot on. This place doesn't tolerate those who don't conform with the general consensus
I’m in my right mind and was there.
Good to know.
I’m in my right mind and was there.
I think the vast majority of the population ('sheeple' if you will) would debate at least part of that statement.
Each to their own, I guess. I hope those who attended today's rally have enough compassion not to visit any vulnerable friends and relatives any time soon. Science is science, regardless of whether you agree or understand it.