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  • Anti-semitism
  • kimbers
    Full Member

    wow ❓

    Full Member

    male circumcision is not limited to Jewish boys… Certainly in mine and my parents generation it was prevalent, I understand it was considered to be cleaner in some way.

    This. Especially in North America. I can’t think of any male I know born in the 60s and 70s – whether from my own hometown, or from other North American cities – who is not circumcised. It was just the practice of the time.

    Full Member

    My favourite Jewish self-deprecating line was from Howard Jacobson. Struggling a bit in a scuba class he said to the bemused instructor “If God had intended Jews to go scuba diving he’d have given us big noses”.

    Free Member

    @devash-that is the most succinctly worded summary of the issue I have ever read. Good work – permission to steal it…

    Of course. Its actually just a summary of the main argument in that book I recommended. The author, an American Jewish college professor and the son of holocaust survivors, was relentlessly attacked for his views by AIPAC and I believe was kicked out of his university job by other Jewish professors scheming against him.

    He’s a controversial figure and I don’t agree with many of his views but he hit the nail on the head by revealing how certain groups such as AIPAC use the holocaust and anti-Semitism to stifle debate against Israel’s policy towards the Palestinians and the creation of a Palestinian state.

    Free Member

    Jewish professors scheming against him.

    I can’t believe you would post such blatant antisemitism.

    Free Member

    OP its hard to say how the persecution of the Jews started. Jews are about to celebrate Passover which marks when they where liberated from slavery in Egypt by God and lead by Moses through the parting seas. That was about 1000 years BC. Being enslaved as a people is pretty anti-semitic ! Then there are examples focusing on Jerusalem and the destruction of the first and second temples. Jews where presecuted by Christians not least as Jews do not believe Jesus to be the son of God / The Messiah. Of course subsequently there are many examples, on money lending its not against Jewish law to lend/borrow mkney wheras in Christianity / Islam its forbidden/discouraged. Of course people want to borrow money and when they can’t pay it back … you have incodents like the one in York where the Jews where burned.

    O coirse critising Isreal over Palestine is not in itsef anti-semtic. Many Jews are highly critical. However, a very large number of those who champion that cause are very much anti-semtic and many people caught up in that movemnet commit anti-semitic acts or encourage others to do so. As I have posted before the Laboir party and the trade union movement have become very much involved in that.

    One note from above on IS not attacking Jews. The murder of the Jews in the Belgian museum was carried out by a fighter returning from Syria, the first Paris attacks (Al-Q) included an attack on a Jewish supermarket and Coibally first tried to attack a Jewish school (when he panicked and shot the police lady). The more recent attacks which where IS inspired included the Bataclan which is a Jewish owned business and had previoulsy been subject to BDS movement protests.

    Anti-semitism is very prevelent today in Europe and Jews are leaving for Israel is very high numbers. 80% of Jews now live in either the US or Israel and this percentage will only increase IMO

    This recent piece is well worth watching imo


    Free Member

    Being enslaved as a people is pretty anti-semitic !

    If I enslave the chinese will I be being terribly anti semitic?

    a very large number of those who champion that cause are very much anti-semtic

    That is the real bigotry that comes out in this debate. Its just not true.
    To make it party political as well was risible.

    Anti – semitism, and racism in all its forms, is far more the preserve of the far right and the right in general than it is an attribute associated with lefties. I am not saying all right wing folk are like this but its a trait more of the right than the left.

    Jews are leaving for Israel is very high numbers

    are you saying lots of Jews are extremist or do we only say that when 50 Muslims join ISIS?

    Full Member

    As I have posted before the Laboir party and the trade union movement have become very much involved in that.

    The Jambyfact we all knew was coming 😆

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