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  • Another war in Gaza
  • nim
    Full Member

    Grum – I don’t think Samj mentioned anti-semitism?

    As for the quote, per my post above:

    The Telegraph Aug 21 2012
    “President Ahmadinejad, despite recent comments that the
    Zionist regime was a cancerous tumour which would soon be
    “wiped out””

    Full Member

    Imagine you are in their house when they are swinging the axe at you?
    does your example still work?

    Doffs cap to J-Y.

    Free Member

    And to loum.

    Free Member

    Imagine you are in their house when they are swinging the axe at you?
    does your example still work?

    Yes. though strictly (and this is not an analogy) they are now operating from amongst the houses built by Israelis in Gaza who were withdrawn from them in 2005 in order to try to advance the peace process.

    the issue is how to get a solution again , for I remain optimistic you will answer

    Quite right. I have already offered you a answer in point form quite some way above. And nim has given you an example of where historically peace was actually achieved in this context, which you discarded outright without so much as even trying to address…
    You have offered nothing, other than the ‘inevitablility of it all’

    I suggest you scroll up re-read and try again.

    Free Member

    You have offered nothing, other than the ‘inevitablility of it all’

    Well done you misrepresented my view once more.

    I suggest you scroll up re-read and try again.

    Oh and some patronising.
    Really why can you not just discuss without this ?

    Its a fail at the answering the question though you claimed you have

    you are TJ and I claim my £5

    Ps the question was actually

    could you explain to me how Israels current behaviour leads to peace and does not inevitably lead to conflict [ which is bad whoever perpetrates it].

    but i shall refrain from insults.

    Free Member

    Grum – I don’t think Samj mentioned anti-semitism?
    As for the quote, per my post above:
    The Telegraph Aug 21 2012
    “President Ahmadinejad, despite recent comments that the
    Zionist regime was a cancerous tumour which would soon be
    “wiped out””

    He hasn’t specifically but he’s alluding to some kind of unfair treatment of Israel with nefarious motivations, and it’s an argument often trotted out by Israeli spokesmen.

    Calling for the destruction of the Zionist regime is hardly the same as calling for genocide of all Israelis is it, there’s a crucial difference. And Ahmedinajad has specifically said that’s not what he meant.

    Free Member

    you are TJ and I claim my £5

    Guffaw that is simply priceless 😆

    Free Member

    I’m not sure who is TJ, but perhaps you can use your fiver to get him to explain to you that peace involves the actions of two parties, not one.

    In the mean time, keep giving each other ‘Doff Caps’ and enjoy agreeing with one another in your ‘debate’ 😀

    Free Member

    get him to explain to you that peace involves the actions of two parties, not one.

    Could you explain to me how Israels current actions are going to lead to peace rather than inevitably lead to this?
    You cannot because anyone can see it wont lead to peace even you.
    You would need to answer this for it to be a debate rather than just you doing petty insults.

    PSA moral maze Radio 4 on this very issue- morals and ethics on this conflict

    Free Member

    Could you explain to me how Israels current actions are going to lead to peace rather than inevitably lead to this?

    Well, their current actions seem to involve a ceasefire.

    Lets see who breaks it first 😐

    Free Member

    In the mean time, keep giving each other ‘Doff Caps’ and enjoy agreeing with one another in your ‘debate’

    You seemed quite pleased with your own little doffs from other posters. Sometimes someone articulates what one is about to say. I consider it good manners to credit that poster with a wee thanks. Call it being a good neighbour if you like. Though, I’m guessing Zionists don’t really get that concept.

    Free Member

    In the mean time, keep giving each other ‘Doff Caps’ and enjoy agreeing with one another in your ‘debate’

    Quite a few people have agreed with you, but of course that doesn’t fit with the ‘everyone’s against us’ narrative we hear so often.

    Full Member

    samj – Member
    I’m not sure who is TJ, but perhaps you can use your fiver to get him to explain to you that peace involves the actions of two parties, not one.

    In the mean time, keep giving each other ‘Doff Caps’ and enjoy agreeing with one another in your ‘debate’


    And you keep avoiding awkward questions while claiming the rest of us are misinformed…while supporting a Holocaust (Greek for great burning;rather appropriate for troops that use Phosphorous,or did that not really happen to the UN compound and I am misinformed)

    Full Member

    You’re not suggesting somehow that the holocaust was some sort of zionist confidence trick are you?

    Not at all, i was merely pointing out the rather disturbing fact that you/we/I are not allowed by law (Holocaust denial) to question the actual number of jewish deaths directly attributed to the Nazi’s indefensible use of concentration or death camps dependant on your point of view.

    I was taught by my parents to make my own mind up and come to my own conclusions, thus i got into serious trouble at one school i attended for questioning the actual number of deaths directly attributed to the nazi’s persecution of the jewish race – long boring story but all i wanted to know was why aren’t you allowed to question the actual number of deaths?, why is taken for granted and no further investigation or questioning is allowed?.

    Free Member

    I consider it good manners to credit that poster with a wee thanks. Call it being a good neighbour if you like. Though, I’m guessing Zionists don’t really get that concept.

    Chuckles and doffs cap

    Free Member

    Not at all, i was merely pointing out the rather disturbing fact that you/we/I are not allowed by law (Holocaust denial) to question the actual number of jewish deaths directly attributed to the Nazi’s indefensible use of concentration or death camps dependant on your point of view.

    I don’t think holocaust denial is illegal in this country – it is in a few other European countries though.

    Free Member

    Keep it up samj… great to see you winding the usual suspects up….. doffs cap 😉

    Free Member

    Ah, there you are again bloodynora.

    Feel free to make your own sensible point anytime. There’s a first time for everything. Or just be samj’s little lapdog. I dunno, it’s up to you.

    EDIT: At least samj comes and argues his point. Not sure he’s being a WUM – you’d probably know more about that kind of thing yourself though.

    Free Member

    Could you explain to me how Israels current actions are going to lead to peace rather than inevitably lead to this?

    You cannot because anyone can see it wont lead to peace even you.

    Junkyard, I’ve already explained to you that Israel’s current actions (prior to the ceasefire) was a natural reaction to continuous rocket fire. and that peace, like agreement, involves two sides. and that part of that agreement means Hamas formally recognizing Israels right to exist.

    Now,… you, explain to me, how your actions will lead to our agreement, and not more disagreement.

    ‘You cannot can you? – ‘because anyone (‘even you’) can see it wont lead to our agreement without me!’

    Is it clearer for you now?
    Is that still avoiding your awkward question?
    Is the metaphor not realistic enough for you? or is it just too patronizing..

    ..And once the penny drops for deadlydarcy and your other cohorts, and you stop eating your own ‘doff caps’ -hehe, i like this ‘doff caps’, i’ll keep using it! 🙂 -, we’ll all have to suffer the next round of misguided attempts at insightful wit/observations re the nasty nature of the Zionist regime.. which, sadly is about as predictable as the next round of Hamas rockets..

    oh, and get your fiver back from TJ, as I’ve clearly had to do explain anyway..or maybe i am him after all?!

    guffaws & chuckles all round ?!! – doubt it.


    Free Member

    actually, ‘attempts at insightful wit/observations is far too generous’. I think ‘bile’ is the term you used. Much more appropriate – i’ll borrow that one too..;P

    Free Member

    Your last couple of posts are showing your frustrations. It’s like you’re trying to convince yourself now. To be fair, being a Zionist is a tough one. Most people just don’t like you. So I can understand your reactions, ad hominems, patronising tone. (Disproportionality is nothing new to you is it?). But don’t go turning into a WUM now…and just tell us who you really are.

    Anyway, because you continually refuse to accept it, let me once again correct you:

    Junkyard, I’ve already explained to you that Israel’s current actions (prior to the ceasefire) was a natural disproportionate reaction

    It’s like banging one’s head against a brick wall. And let’s face it, you’d know all about walls wouldn’t you?

    Got anymore of those clever analogies until tyger, bloodynora etc come and jerk you off again?

    Full Member

    tyger, bloodynora etc come and jerk you off again?

    I agree with all your posts Darcy and I will be free from approx 8pm tonight.

    Somafunk; As a history teacher; we arrive at the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust by using the following data;
    Jews in a number of countries had to carry id cards; a huge number/most of these people were missing after the war.
    Census records.
    The numbers killed by advancing German “special action” groups,especially in the Baltic countries. The Nazi troops involved in these were tried after the war.
    Witness statements given to evidence gatherers for the N’berg trails.
    The quantity of Zyklon b manufactured.
    Cargo/train capacity to the various camps.
    Nazi records.

    Now…after the war Europe was in a state of flux. If you were Jewish why would you return to the town where your neighbours had pointed you out? This will have made the total missing extremely hard to collate with 100% accuracy. Yad Vashem has 4 million names of victims compiled for certain.Hilleberg(?)estimates that 3 million Jews* died in camps alone.Factor in the camps fairly late arrival and it is easy to accept the fact most modern studies are now putting the total at 5.2 million to 5.75million, which is close enough to the original total.

    * And a million Blacks, Gays,Jehovahs witnesses,American servicemen,Gypsies, priests and anybody who put a lie to the idea of the Slavs being “untermensch”

    Free Member

    ..And once the penny drops for deadlydarcy and your other cohorts, and you stop eating your own ‘doff caps’ -hehe, i like this ‘doff caps’, i’ll keep using it! -, we’ll all have to suffer the next round of misguided attempts at insightful wit/observations re the nasty nature of the Zionist regime.. which, sadly is about as predictable as the next round of Hamas rockets..

    I notice you’ve given up on even attempting to answer any questions or debate any points (like how you’ve still failed to back up your claim that Iran has threatened to nuke Israel), and are just reverting to ‘it’s not fair, you’re all bastards, waaaaaaa!’. A familiar tactic of Israeli spokesmen when they don’t have an argument.

    Free Member

    I’ve already explained to you that Israel’s current actions (prior to the ceasefire) was a natural reaction to continuous rocket fire. and that peace,

    But i keep asking this and this is what you need to explain – could you at least try preety please with a doff cap on top?

    could you explain to me how Israels current behaviour [ this includes tgh eland grabs, the embargo, the walls , the seiges , the assinations etc]leads to peace and does not inevitably lead to conflict [ which is bad whoever perpetrates it].

    Is it clearer for you now?

    Its still clear that you will not answer the question

    Is that still avoiding your awkward question?

    Obvioulsy yes – why are you asking?

    Is the metaphor not realistic enough for you? or is it just too patronizing

    Yawn I am not interested in childishly trading insults despite your repeated kind efforts to provoke a reaction, Have I been provoked enough yet to bomb your house and kill your pplitical leaders?

    we’ll all have to suffer the next round of misguided attempts at insightful wit/observations re the nasty nature of the Zionist regime.. which, sadly is about as predictable as the next round of Hamas rockets..

    I notice you only ever reference Hamas and palestinians actions. It is inevitable whilst the regime acts like this Yes – I await you explaining why this is not the case but I really have given up hope

    It is clear to anyone reading this that you have not answered the question and nor will you as we all know it will not lead to peace no matte rhow pro Israel or anti we may consider each other to be.

    In fact it is so clear it wont you cannot even attempt a defence so you pretend you have whilst offering insults

    Free Member

    From BBC News website…

    “A number of rockets were fired from Hamas in Gaza in the first few hours of the truce, but Israel did not respond”.

    Who’s the agressor?

    Full Member

    Maybe Hamas can’t tell the time of the Israelis took all their watches.

    Free Member

    “A number of rockets were fired from Hamas in Gaza in the first few hours of the truce, but Israel did not respond”.

    Who’s the agressor?

    Well both are unless of course you want to argue that Israel is not expansionist in the region and does nothing aggressive like say illegally settle land or assinate leaders.

    Would you like to argue this or will you take the sanj approacjh and merley criticise the Palestinians whilst ignoring Israel policies and their contribution to the aggression.

    I note you failed to mention the Israel air atacks – the ones that killed folk minutes before the ceasefire started but you probabbly think that was ok despite the civilians deaths.

    FFS both sides are agrresive at times, both sides attack the other and both sides to stop to get to peace

    To deify your chosen side and suggest they are benign in the region/conflict requires a large diollop of naiviety/stupidity

    Full Member

    while I having no interest in debating the issue, thought this was a fairly non-partisan summary from the bbc’s man in Gaza…

    Tangible progress must be made when discussions now begin to ease Israel’s blockade of Gaza (or restrictions as the Israelis prefer to call them). Fishing rights, the ability to cultivate all their farmland and the movement of goods and people are rights that Gazans expect like any other people.

    Equally once the noise of celebration subsides, Hamas political leaders must assume their own responsibilities. They know that, if the militants rearm, if more heavy weapons are smuggled through the tunnels from Egypt and further afield, Israel will not tolerate the situation.

    It is not normal, not acceptable, that rocket fire resumes on southern Israel, and the consequences must be crystal-clear for any militants who grow frustrated with a lack of political progress in coming months or years.

    Free Member

    Junkyard – a ceasefire is a “line in the sand” – Hamas crossed it!!

    Free Member

    Do you consider the internationally recognised borders that Israel illegally crosses, occupies and settlee to be lines in the sand ?
    Should we just ignore that and just not comment?
    To repeat

    unless of course you want to argue that Israel is not expansionist in the region and does nothing aggressive like say illegally settle land or assinate leaders.

    Would you like to argue this or will you take the sanj approacjh and merley criticise the Palestinians whilst ignoring Israel policies and their contribution to the aggression.

    It would seem you have made your choice and it is pointless to debate this with a person who will deify his own side, villify the others, only comment on ones sides transgressions and refuses to answer any of the difficult questions whilst maintaining unwavering support of anythign Israel does

    You could have at least felt some sympathy for the innocents who died minutes before.

    Free Member

    I note you failed to mention the Israel air atacks – the ones that killed folk minutes before the ceasefire started but you probabbly think that was ok despite the civilians deaths.

    You could have at least felt some sympathy for the innocents who died minutes before.

    Something of a presumption there Junky?

    Got any proof that any ‘innocent civilians’ died in the minutes before the ceasefire – seems to me that you’ve just made a leap that any palestinian who died is automatically an innocent civilian, and that you have chosen to accept anything that originates out of pallywood news organisations on face value sort of reveals your own unwavering support of anything Hamas does 😉

    Free Member

    Wow. “Unwavering support” Zulu. What a preposterous accusation, and if anyone other than someone of your type made it, I’d be disgusted.

    By the way, I’d be surprised if a few innocent civilians didn’t snuff it as the IDF is never really that worried about a bit if collateral damage, as they’ve proved over and over again with their method of disproportionate retaliation.

    Normally, I’d just try and ignore you – but have a word with yourself. Are you having a bad day or something?

    Free Member

    He is just geting more provocative to get a reaction and once more DD you were weak enough to bite and reply
    Best to just ignore him and his scribbles as all he wants is a reaction and attention

    No one takes him or his views serioulsy least of all Z-11

    Free Member

    JY and DD – you still in bed together? 🙂

    Free Member

    Thats right Junky – anyone who dares to disagree with you is obviously trolling 🙄

    By the way, I’d be surprised if a few innocent civilians didn’t snuff it as the IDF is never really that worried about a bit if collateral damage, as they’ve proved over and over again with their method of disproportionate retaliation.

    Hmm, 1500 air raids, 160 total killed, ie including those who weren’t innocent – sort of disproves your point doesn’t it.

    Nice quote from Russia Today:

    Gaza’s health ministry has appealed to people to refrain from firing guns into the air after celebratory gunfire killed one Palestinian and injured three others,

    Whereas normally that would have been put down to Israeli Snipers 😐

    Free Member

    someone of your type

    Is that supposed to be a Jewish dig Deadlydarcy?

    Free Member

    Only someone of your type would take a level of civilian casualties and somehow be pleased with it Zulu. Personally, I’m no fan of seeing anybody killed whoever he or she is, innocent or guilty. I guess you’d have be a certain type to be so accepting of it.

    tyger 😆 I wish.

    I’ll resist the all too easy retort as it’ll just start the thread down the road to closure.

    Free Member

    someone of your type

    Is that supposed to be a Jewish dig Deadlydarcy?

    Wow of all your lame attempts at trolling that one is particularly pathetic. 😆

    Free Member

    JY and DD – you still in bed together?

    So you really have nor reply and you and sanj will just do the gentle mocking attacks
    Easier than actually answering the questions put to you evidently.
    Quite pathetic – literally.
    Would you like to explain how the International recognised boundaries that Israel violates and illegally settles are not line in the sand

    B oth so vocieferous and yet you cannot answer the questions put to you- dont let this make you think about your position though

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