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  • Almost shaking I am so angry
  • yunki
    Free Member

    re-name these articles of clothing as ‘Paedo-bags’ and force all convicted child abusers to wear them at all times.. maybe physically grafting them onto the nonces skin..

    children could be taught from a young age to avoid them.. and later in life to assault them..

    easy peasy

    Full Member

    Well, seeing as that’s what he wrote, I’m not really am I?

    Well, ok, you’re not twisting his words, you’re applying faulty logic in order to take offence at an implied viewpoint which wasn’t actually implied.

    I realise that I’m probably being a little sensitive here

    Perhaps. But in your shoes I’d probably be a little sensitive too.

    All I was meaning was, there are probably any number of reasons to pick on Hora, but I’m not sure that this is one of them.


    Free Member

    barnsleymitch – Member

    … However, it’s all pointless, as we dont have the death penalty in this country. There really is no point just keeping saying it, it’s never going to happen.

    That I have to disagree as rules are created by human so it will be up to us to change it again. Politicians as they are will need to win votes and guess what … I will vote for the ones that have the guts to bring it back. As for EU … nahhh … embargo? Send troops to invade UK? They should just mind their own business.

    … And just to dissapoint folk even further, he wont be ‘welcomed to prison’, he’ll be segregated for his own protection. Yes, somebody will probably get to him at some stage, but I very much doubt that there’ll be a welcoming comittee. What’s the answer then?

    The answer is in us. We let it happens we need to sort it out again. We can let it be and wish that it does not happen to us or we can drum up some courage by saying … sort that I am going to say hang the scumbags for his/her heinous crimes and waterboard them for pleasure while at it. Tell the politicians to bring back death penalty for heinous crimes.

    There really isnt one – we could certainly start by increasing funding for long stay specialised units, but I cant see that happening any time soon. Shit isnt it?

    Yes, there is but just that we prefer to hide behind our whiter than white image and by being on high horse. Oh look we are civilised. Oh look we respect human rights etc. Put it this way there is no loss in having fewer scumbags like them.

    Speak to your MP … just voice your opinion … no need to be pushy … let the momentum grow …

    Free Member

    Lord Woolman said it was impossible to say whether the crime would have a long term psychological impact on the victim.

    My guess is it might but im no expert

    Free Member

    cougar your wrong

    hora – it’s possible he doesn’t know he’s doing wrong. He might get a clue though on day one of prison.

    hora – Member
    He’d have to have learning difficulties for that way of thinking.

    I ignored it because it was Hora and low trolling even for him somemost times he should just STFU
    I am unclear as to whether he mean people with a LD cant tell right form wrong or he means you would have to have LD’s to not realise this was wrong…its possible he is saying you maus have LD to do this but even hora stream of unthinking conscious is not usual that dull witted but he may have meant that
    Whichever way you take it he is talking bollox

    had it been anyone other than hora I would have replied but he is not worth the effort tbh, excpe t for this aside

    Free Member

    Cougar – Why would he have to have ‘a learning difficulty’ to commit an act like that? I have worked with paedophiles for years, in a variety of secure settings, and here’s the thing, they come from all walks of life, some of them have been intelligent, some havent, some of them have been inadequate, some have been raving psychopaths. It’s an ignorant misconception to label them as having ‘learning difficulties’. I have admitted to being sensitive, but I certainly dont go around looking to take offence at an implied viewpoint. My sons life (and therefore mine) is already difficult enough at times, thank you.

    Free Member

    Lord Woolman said it was impossible to say whether the crime would have a long term psychological impact on the victim.

    I suspect he will have complete memory loss when he retired …

    Full Member

    Why would he have to have ‘a learning difficulty’ to commit an act like that?

    He’s had difficulty in learning that it’s wrong to abuse children?

    Ach, I don’t know. I see where you’re coming from, in that “LD” has a pretty specific meaning. I was interpreting it as a PC catch-all term for any sort of mental dysfunction. Which, of course, it isn’t.

    I think I need more coffee. Ignore me.

    Free Member

    barnsleymitch “… It’s an ignorant misconception to label them as having ‘learning difficulties'”.

    Regardless, if they cross the boundary then its good enough to put them out of their existence,.

    Rehabilitating those who commit heinous crimes? Why? I have no interest in their future whatsoever nor am I interested in their human rights or to read about them again.

    Full Member

    He’s had difficulty in learning that it’s wrong to abuse children?

    shut the **** up

    Free Member

    The difficulty is, that in most cases, paedophiles arent able to see that what they do is wrong. In my experience, I’ve known some paedophiles that were able to see that society viewed their acts as ‘wrong’, but were unable to internalise that, and sadly, that’s as far as I’ve ever seen things change. What some of the posters on this thread would like to see happen and what does happen are two entirely different things. The best that we can manage at present is to place these people in secure settings and ensure our risk assessments are thorough and robust enough to keep them there. You can talk all you like about the death penalty, but at present, that’s all you can do – talk about it.

    Free Member

    barnsleymitch – Member

    … You can talk all you like about the death penalty, but at present, that’s all you can do – talk about it.

    Yes, unfortunately that’s the case for us keyboard warriors at the moment, let’s hope the ball starts rolling.

    I wish to see the bringing back of death penalty during my lifetime so let’s see. All you got to do is for one nation to suddenly say enough is enough to change the herd mentality.

    Free Member

    What type of mother leaves her child alone with a man that might do those things to a child.

    I dont let my children out of my sight if i get a bad feeling about something,

    so to go to work,and leave your child with this monster, then let relatives pick the child up and take her to nursery, suggest their may be more to it.

    i imagine 6 years in jail is a long time, but once a pedophile always a pedophile.

    His sexual desires to him, are no different to you or i fancying a tall blonde/brunette, he sees no wrong in what he,s done or he wouldn’t have done it.

    society thought sees thing in the cold light of day and for this crime their should be no forgiveness,

    he should receive all the help he needs to combat his desires, but not the freedom that gives him the wright to act on them.

    so In my eyes 6 years is a joke but six years it is.

    imo the mums to blame no one else, if you don’t no your partner well enough to trust them, would you really leave your flesh and blood in their care?

    She wants a good hiding and a serious lesson in how to protect her children the stupid woman.

    Free Member

    chewkw – Member
    I wish to see the bringing back of death penalty during my lifetime so let’s see. All you got to do is for one nation to suddenly say enough is enough to change the herd mentality.

    The death penalty has never gone away. The majority of the worlds population live in countries where capital punishment still takes place. The good news for you is that you therefore have lots of choice about where you’d rather live.

    Free Member


    imo the mums to blame no one else, if you don’t no your partner well enough to trust them, would you really leave your flesh and blood in their care?

    She wants a good hiding and a serious lesson in how to protect her children the stupid woman.

    Are you for real?

    Full Member

    cynic-al – Member
    ton – easily said – your own son?

    Al, moreso if it was my son.

    Free Member


    Its her partner, and she made the decision to leave the poor child in his care,

    If she hadn’t of left that child with him then none of this would of happened.

    Dont get me wrong he’s still a pedophile, just one that didn’t/wouldn’t of got the chance to cause horrific trauma

    Im sure if she could make that choice again she would choose differently but the damage is done.

    Thank god that the relatives who picked the child up were so upset by her appearance, that they acted on it.

    Free Member

    So you want to inflict violence on the woman whos child was assaulted as you blame her. Nice.

    Full Member

    shut the **** up

    Nice. Did you miss the other half of the post where I admitted I was wrong?

    the mums to blame

    Without knowing detail, that’s impossible to call. For all we know, he was outwardly a perfectly normal, loving father until he snapped one day. Or, he could be a complete nutball and she was negligent in leaving the kid with him. It’s entirely possible she was partly to blame, maybe all she was thinking of was her next fix; equally, it’s entirely possible that she wasn’t.

    I wonder how she’s feeling right now.

    Free Member

    She chose the boyfreind as a partner she trusted him, he broke her trust in a most violent way,both of them will have to live with that forever.

    Thing like that happen,and get reported more widely now to sell media space, its sad but people like to read about it, or they wouldnt put it in the media, and thus sell advertising space.

    Free Member

    The difficulty is, that in most cases, paedophiles arent able to see that what they do is wrong. In my experience, I’ve known some paedophiles that were able to see that society viewed their acts as ‘wrong’, but were unable to internalise that, and sadly, that’s as far as I’ve ever seen things change.

    sadly, its the same experience here. and the exact same for my new colleague (we were discussing this subject, not the bbc story, at the end of last week).

    on a slightly more reassuring note, there are people who are abused as children and go on to lead a life without inflicting that pain on others, and their strength can change a pattern that damages so many lives.. so before the thread takes another STWesque turn, i’m getting it in there early that not all abused individuals go on to abuse others.

    they come from all walks of life, some of them have been intelligent, some havent, some of them have been inadequate, some have been raving psychopaths. It’s an ignorant misconception to label them as having ‘learning difficulties’.


    Free Member

    Free Member

    The answer is in us. We let it happens we need to sort it out again. We can let it be and wish that it does not happen to us or we can drum up some courage by saying … sort that I am going to say hang the scumbags for his/her heinous crimes and waterboard them for pleasure while at it. Tell the politicians to bring back death penalty for heinous crimes.

    Waterboard them for pleasure??? Yep, what a beacon of morality you are.

    Free Member

    lets hope inmates find out and give him the same treatment, dirty pervert should really be shot, just think how little crime there would be if the punishment was accually enough to make people think.

    Free Member

    druidh – Member
    The death penalty has never gone away. The majority of the worlds population live in countries where capital punishment still takes place. The good news for you is that you therefore have lots of choice about where you’d rather live.

    It has gone away in Europe so what nonsense are you referring? Hello!

    No druidh, you do not ask someone to “Go Home” just because you disagree with what they said. Saying nicely but being economical about your true feeling does not help either. You need to get your PC right.

    Yes, I know the argument of “go if you don’t like it and go live somewhere” sort of argument but then consider this … lucky you (or the good news for you) you can always vote no to capital punishment (if there is a vote that is) so what are you diarrheating? Are you into some sort of self indulgence for saving those with heinous crimes? Or because you want to portray the importance of “not in my name” kind of argument? Or perhaps you enjoy life with your high horse saviour like whiter than white PC god like civilised attitude that you consider the demise of those committing heinous crimes as an attack on your civilised ideological stance? 😆

    p/s: oh ya … not enough maggots being destroyed in this world …

    Full Member

    My goodness fellas. Did you read that properly…..she was/is a baby. What was done to her has marked her or life in a way she can never understand, she didn’t open her eyes for 24 hours?

    People like that will never change in the same way an adult looks at an adult and finds them attractive these people see children. For what ever reason they do, they will never change in the same way if you locked me up for six years I’d still find women attractive.

    As a society we have a duty to protect the most vulnerable, by doing this he and those like him have chosen to remove themselves from this society and therefore should be removed from it for life. I’m shocked that this has degenerated to such a slanging match, with no real thought about what happened. I had the misfortune to do some research into child protection while doing my dissertation speaking to both the police and social workers among others and the lengths and trust that pedophiles will go to to abuse children is unreal as is the effect on those families and professionals who have to pick up the pieces not to mention those abused.

    As a dad myself I can’t imagine anything worse happening to my kids, I don’t see that this child has had any sort of justice, this person sholud never have te previlige of re joining the community a whole life sentence would be more than justified. I really hope this thread gets closed.

    Free Member

    I don’t know about these things, but I do know that I can’t remember too much, if anything from when I was two years old. I don’t know how it would affect someone with this level of trauma.

    People like that will never change in the same way an adult looks at an adult and finds thm attractive these people see children. For what ever reason they do, thy will never change in the same way if you locked me up for six years I’d still find women attractive.

    I, on the other hand, do believe that people can be educated and rehabilitated.

    Free Member

    I’m not a father and I’m sure I’d feel differently if I was. For those that are though: do you feel like you have some greater insight/understanding due to it, or has it just made you a bit irrational? Genuinely not trying to have a dig, but getting that angry over any news story seems weird to me.

    Yeah, probably a bit irrational, I reckon. :O)

    I tend to avoid this sort of news nowadays.

    Free Member

    don simon – Member

    I, on the other hand, do believe that people can be educated and rehabilitated.

    Heinous crimes – No.

    Free Member

    depends DS yorkshire ripper, Hindley , Brady, Hitler , TJ [ could you change him he is obviously not a criminal] etc

    Not everyone can be rehabilitated/educated/changed and even of they were the crimes may be so severe they should still not be released.

    Free Member

    Heinous crimes – No.

    Why not? Again I’m no professional so would appreciate a professional pointing me in the right direction on this.
    I would then say that if a person can not be rehabilitated or taught the error of their ways, they are, in fact, mentally ill and require a different form of treatment. There are to odd one or two, Ian Brady springs to mind, who should be locked up and life should mean life behind bars.

    Free Member

    What about heinous crimes against the English language?

    Full Member

    I’m glad I don’t live in a society that sinks to the level of those it convicts of the worst crimes. If it was my child who was hurt by someone I would probably react very badly, but I do struggle to understand why people have to personalise a situation that has not and hopefully will never impact on them, I just don’t think that’s helpful or healthy.

    Rather than wade in anymore, I think I’ll just repost an experience I had that I mentioned on the Gary Glitter thread, but add that I think that the people out there who do work with sex offenders, murderers and psycopaths deserve more respect than most of those of you calling for retribution and revenge implicity give them.

    They do try to treat sex offenders in Prison, and just because you find something arousing doesn’t mean you have to realise any thoughts you have into physical actions, just because you fancy brunettes or 6 year old boys, doesn’t mean you will abuse them.

    You can be sure that there are plenty more people out there who harbour secret desires than actually carry out these fantasies in reality, scary huh? Well no, not really.

    Had an eye-opening discussion with the head psycologist at HMP Albany some years ago, I was asking about how they use their IT and he told me about the data-logging from the penile plethysmograph, to be honest I wish I’d never asked.

    They would show the prisoners a powerpoint slideshow of kids in various oufits and measure the response, they would also record the amount of time they looked at each picture.

    Basically they would use this to try to show to the prisoner what it was that stimulated them and how to recognise the warning signs and therefore avoid situations that might give them an opportunity to offend again.

    Whether they were successful or not I have not idea, it was 10 years ago so I guess things will have moved on, but anything that helps us understand how people tick must be a good thing imo.

    Free Member

    druidh – Member

    What about heinous crimes against the English language?

    Only if you are anal about it.


    Full Member

    Sickening. Hope the poor little lass gets over it.

    To the OP, sometimes folk just want to vent a bit of frustration/anger & I’m with you on that. Truly shocking.

    Free Member

    Brady, Sutcliffe and other ‘high profile’ offenders will never get released, despite fairly regular media reports to the contrary. In my experience, prison sentences do little to reduce the risk of paedophiles reoffending, and without wanting to come across as a bleeding heart liberal, I do think that our best option at present is to fund more long stay units, with specialist staff, in order to maintain the safety of all concerned. There is no ‘cure’ for paedophilia, chemical castration only reduces the mechanics, all the urges are still going to be there.

    Free Member

    should be dropped in an Acid bath

    Full Member

    There’s been some excellent debate on this thread but with some of the comments we’ve already removed and now the one above advocating violence I’m closing this thread. We can all agree the event was despicable. Let’s leave it there at a point of common agreement instead of turning on each other in a deeply ugly way.

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