Home Forums Bike Forum Actual TopTube length of Inbred 18″

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  • Actual TopTube length of Inbred 18″
  • swoosh
    Free Member

    any able to tell me the actual top tube length of an 18″ Inbred? The on One website only give effective length. wondering if an inbred will fit on the rack i have in the shed or not so the distance between the headtube and the seat tube is probably more what i’m after rather than centre to centre. thanks s

    Free Member

    21 and a quarter inches inside between seat tube and head tube but where the top and head tube meet the space between the top and down tube is about the size of a pencil, if your rack dia is large it will make the useable length shorter

    Free Member

    rack post dia is about 1″ so i guess the distance would be under 20″?

    Free Member

    just measured using an inch dia it leaves 191/2 inches usable

    Free Member

    handyman, you are a star. thank you very much.

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