Not seen Fury though, but didn’t the anti-tiger tactics effectively amount to charging them in groups of four, hoping that one tank was able to flank and get a side shot?
Yup- well, there’s 4 of them passing through the area, not expecting any real resistance, but they run into an ambush and need to get past it. So they cover it in smoke and charge in, because they’ve not got many other options. Someone makes a point of saying “there’s no armour in the area” earlier on.
(2 of them have the 76mm gun so they wouldn’t really have needed the rear shot, they could poke through the front of a tiger at these ranges. Though that’s a bit finnicky on detail, they used real tanks so it’s a total mixed bag of whatever they could find.)
It all runs into cinematography too, it’d be dead boring watching the tanks sling shells at each other from 2km apart, they obviously want to get lots of movement and closeness on screen.
It’s a pretty interesting film, I enjoyed it- it’s never shooting for veritas though, and the later stages can be taken in different ways- some people thought it went too Commando comic, others thought it went intentionally unreal (not unrealistic but unreal; it takes on a totally nightmarish, fairly stylised feel, there’s a theory that they’re all already dead and in purgatory, another that you’re watching the myth not the reality…) So it’s not really comparable to, say, your Das Boots.