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  • 2017 XC Racing Thread
  • The-Swedish-Chef
    Free Member

    @Iain did you opt for the all inclusive accommodation package or book everything yourself?

    (not that I’m planning or anything, no no)

    Free Member

    Well done Iain65! Sounds really good!

    Free Member

    Anyone got any thoughts on the Quebec Singletrack race?

    It’s on my radar for next year..

    Quebec Stage Race[/url]

    Full Member

    that looks good.

    Free Member

    Yep, & closer than BC..

    Free Member

    Tyre wise I’m like Adam up there, Vittoria Barzo up front and Mezcal G+ out back, bomb proof and fast enough for me

    Full Member

    I am all lined up for Singletrack6 at the end of July too. I am trying hard to live the dream somewhere in the middle of the pack!!

    Free Member

    Thanks for the comments on the ABR, I did not do a blog but one of the guys did, if you scroll down a bit on this link you’ll find it: http://m8group.co.uk/#page_wellbeing_fitness It’s the bit with the four of us grinning at the camera, the other stages are further down.

    The ABR facebook page was great, with videos of the stages each day and worth a look at: https://www.facebook.com/AndBikeRace/

    If anyone wants to know what to expect, my strava data is open and you can see it easily, this is a link to the stage 4 (it had the most pictures attached!): https://www.strava.com/activities/883859995

    One of the guys, Marc Chamberlain is in the process of writing a full race report, I’ll put a link on here to our website when done.
    Cheers, Iain

    Free Member

    Swedish Chef – we did not opt for the package and organised everything ourselves, we got lucky in that we had great hotels with ample secure, covered space for working on and cleaning bikes, the down side of this was that we had a lot to manage between sorting out kit and eating at odd hours, having a package would allow a lot more ‘feet up’ time which is really important. We also had Carlos Coloma in our hotel who helped me manoeuvring the van after stage 6 so he could get his car out, not often you can say an Olympic XC medalist has to do this!

    We also hired some big vehicles (Renault Trafic and Seat Alhambra) as we had six bikes between us, having to move venues mid event meant we wanted space to transport bikes fully built up, this definitely worked well as it saved a load of trouble with not having to strip and rebuild bikes mid way through.

    Free Member

    shortcut – Member
    I am all lined up for Singletrack6 at the end of July too. I am trying hard to live the dream somewhere in the middle of the pack!!

    No mid-pack if you finish after 6 hours, it goes on for 7, it’s also in May :lol:

    Full Member

    I’m getting very excited by Iains reports :D

    I contacted my friend in Squamish today and she’s confirmed I could come visit them and ride the Whistler trails either side of the BC if I wanted to extend my trip…

    This could be good!

    Free Member

    Thanks for the links Iain! And well done on your ride!
    Sounds so amazing. Ironically, it’s the one month of the year I know I can be free for…….

    Worth a daydream or two :)

    Free Member

    Crosshair – worth doing but don’t go into it unprepared, the stages are hard but do-able I would love to go back and ride them on a bigger travel bike and look at the scenery a bit more if possible……one day!

    Free Member

    Thanks Iain, that’s good info, and even more inspiring.

    Free Member

    Wentwood 50 for me – not exactly a race but what a great event. 50km, 1400m climbing in a tad under 3hrs. Decided to get max benefit and went rigid single speed – ouch. Average HR 86% of max

    Free Member

    And I feel like I’ve been hit by a train.

    Free Member

    I was asked if we had a blog from the Andalucia Bike Race last week, my team mate Marc Chamberlain has now written his race report which is on our team Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/CotswoldCyclesRT/posts/1740602226250909?ref=notif&notif_t=notify_me_page&notif_id=1489311007675119

    Hopefully the link will work, this is the first part of the report with more to come out during the week. For those that don’t know Marc, he was vet’s XC champion in 2014 and 2015 and XCM champion in 2015 & 2016, I also seem to spend a lot of time looking at his back wheel at weekends as I try and hang on.

    Enjoy the story!

    ps full FB page is here https://www.facebook.com/CotswoldCyclesRT/

    Full Member

    Some training advice if I may. I’ve not managed to get as much Training “volume” in for the Scott MTB on 9th Fed as I’d have liked. I’m using Trainerroad, and this and the following weekend I have 2 races – a 90min XC, then Battle on the Beach so a bit longer.

    My train is planned to be all short intensity in between races – but should I defer to some 2×20 sessions of similar to try to get more volume at threshold in my legs before the Scott MTB?

    Free Member

    Two 90 minute XC races is pretty intensive if raced at pretty near max.

    Given that TR plans normally have 90 minute sessions at weekend then I’d continue with the short stuff in the week and not risk over loading the body too much. I’d rather go in under cooked not over cooked.

    That said if you’re properly recovered and feel you’ll mentally get more out from 2*20 then go for it. (IMO one session won’t make the difference from going from average to great performance, but it could well tip you backwards).

    Free Member

    FWIW my training plan for the Builth marathon is to do the ELBNO ride the night before. Now that’s what I call last-minute.

    Free Member

    Kryton, a 90 min XC race raced hard will give you a weeks worth of LT work, stacking more on carries a lot more risk than potential reward this close to an event.

    I know its hard for a time crunched rider, but if you are targetting full marathon length events its really all about getting two solid engine building rides in per week. Long weekend z2 rides and 2-2.5hr ride midweek with 3×20@SS or a 90min tempo block midride.

    Stick with the plan for first marathon and re-evaluate for later goals imo

    Free Member

    65k and undisclosed climbing but given Vet times range from 3hrs to 6hrs it’s likely to be around 1500-1800m?

    Lets say you are aiming for a 3.5hr time which would have you top 10 or thereabouts in Vets.

    You’re likely to have climbing efforts of 5-10minutes followed by recovery and some steady state.

    Your training is probably about right it’ll be a question of how long you can keep on putting in threshold efforts.

    I think the single biggest thing you can do is work on your pacing over 3hrs. Were it me I’d train as per normal, reduce a bit on the 29th, 30th and 31st and put in a hard 3hr ride on the 31st to work out how hard you can go and still make the distance without cooking.

    As you have a history of overtraining prior to events I’d watch what you do the week after. Much Reduced length but intense intervals and some Z2.

    Free Member

    I’m considering doing the Pines race this weekend. I understand that it’s not on the Red Route but on various bits of trail stitched together; how does it compare to the Kitchener? Also I’m (gulp) 50 so am looking at the Grand Vets – I imagine that there will be some very strong riders there. Is it brutal? Weather looks good.

    Free Member

    you could always do fun or open if not fancying the g.vet pace? Though in the series I race in G.Vet seems quite a wide ranging cat.

    Free Member

    Ferrals – I’ve looked down the list of entrants and quite a few of them ‘seem’ to be a similar pace to me on their Strava balls-out laps of the Kitchener. I completely understand that hot laps are not racing :-) Tempted by a baptism of fire.

    Free Member

    Weather looks good.

    You’ve jinxed it now!

    Free Member

    Can anybody advise me on what licence I would need / want to race with (on the exceptionally slim chance that I scored some points)? Looks like Regional A+B only require a BC Provisional licence.

    Free Member

    I’m in for my 1st ever xc race at Sherwood Pines this Sunday, also in the Grand Vet category. I’ve done plenty of cross racing but imagine the suffering will be similar but go on for anther half hour :-)

    Do we get time to have a sighting lap of the course?

    Free Member

    cubicboy – come and join us in Grand Vet’s, you’ll love it! I’ve got no pace anyway just now so plan to be tailing round at the back! It’s worth getting a licence if you continue racing as it makes you eligible for national ranking points, otherwise (I think) that your points will not count apart from in the Midlands series itself. It might be worth checking but I’m not convinced you even need a licence for a Midlands event, anyone know?

    rich c – yes, there is usually time for a practice lap or two before the start, course should open at 9.00, race at 10.30ish.
    See you Sunday, hope it’s dry :-)

    Full Member

    Got a pivot 24/12 entry for sale if anyone is interested. 24hr solo. £60

    Free Member

    might venture down south and race at Sherwood tomorrow – weather looks better than up north”!

    Free Member

    I’m also at Sherwood Pines tomorrow.

    Anyone care to share their race day nutrition plan? I’m racing at 14:30 and find the hardest part of the day is getting breakfast / pre race food all in check. Not sure what to eat and when. Breakfast usually consists of porridge / Weetabix at say 8am but not sure what I should be eating between then and race time?

    Free Member

    For a 2.30 race I’ll have porridge or Shreddies around 8.30, then a couple of ham/salad rolls 11.30 or so. Topped up with a cereal bar or a couple of fig rolls between then and the race if I feel the need.

    Free Member

    Unbelievable. Just getting ready to leave for Sherwood and my remote lockout on my lefty dies. It’s now fully rigid…. I’m a little angry right now.

    Better go and dust off the 24 ton steel on one

    Full Member

    LS + 1 although i discovered these to nibble on: http://www.waitrose.com/shop/DisplayProductFlyout?productId=550127

    Full Member

    Oh dear.

    I woke this morning feeling fine generally but with aches & pains going from my knee up my thighs. The practise lap didnt fill me with confidence but off I went. I was gridded second row and…. bang we were off. At first I was held up by the later-to-be-sixth place man, so I decided to implement a “start slow catch later” stategy. it didnt work, 30th of 48. 60+ started though so despite the apparent ease of the course it was hard packed and attritional with over 20% DNF.

    Even with my limited 4-5 hrs at the moment I wonder if I’m overtraining or ill – the family all have colds and I noted from strava a lot of people above me took 2 days off the bike before the race. Strava estimates showed I raced 30w on average down on the previous race, so somethings up.


    Free Member

    Blimey that was hard racing at Sherwood today, felt like I was ok tactically but I was really lacking in out of the saddle kicks.

    Nothing too surprising after the lack of training and motivation over winter.

    Free Member

    Just back from Sherwood. Not sure where I placed, in the twenties of the sport category I think. Not too bad considering I was on my Plan B bike – steel on one 45650b, Reverb and Hans Damph haha!

    Hoping to get the Scalpel fixed before Pembrey nationals in a few weeks time. I’ve opted for the CX bike for hit the north next weekend

    Free Member

    Good day at Sherwood today, I think I was 4th in GV but cannot see the results yet, got passed by the winner on lap 3 and lost him in traffic, turns out the guys running first and second slid off, he caught them and won the sprint – note to self, should have tried harder to stay with him!

    Pleased with the result as I have only done long miles this year with no XC type intensity, had no idea what to expect today, was thinking I’d be gasping near the back!

    Free Member

    Wentwood 50 results – not a race but managed to be in top 10 overall and on single speed including 6minute detour. Possibly why I’ve been so wrecked this week.

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