I've got an Orange Five at the moment with 140mm Fox 32 RLCs and a Factory RP23 on the rear.
It's fine in the peaks and copes well going UP and down the really rocky stuff, but on bigger drops I suffer as I have shit knees and ankles. We've got two trips to the alps planned this year and I'm debating whether I should / need to go 160. I've not been before, but everyone I ride with has, or is going 160 for the trips. We're entering the passportes on Wednesday which I understand will be fine on 140, it's the rest of the fortnight I'm worried about.
I've been quoted a really good price on some 160 Fox 36 RLCs and a CCDB... Just need to decide whether to go for it 🙁
Anybody got any valuable advice that's been to the alps? Particularly if you've done the passportes too.
And has anybody got any advice on 160mm and a CCDB on a five, as I've heard mixed reviews.